/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2866

► Detected: 1,009,660 (+74,464) ► Died: 52,855 (+5,663) ► (Reset: -04:07:35)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,649 different strains have been sequenced —

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

Israel forces everyone to wear masks in public

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Rapidly mutating

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

China covering up "second wave" of infections

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15


20:19: 254 new cases and 7 new deaths in Poland.
20:17: 128 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
20:09: 1,228 new cases and 32 new deaths in Massachusetts.
19:56: 414 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
19:52: 979 new cases and 55 new deaths in Brazil.
19:49: 267 new cases and 27 new deaths in Connecticut.


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Other urls found in this thread:


fake and gay


>Dead: 52,853
lol, still only 52,853.
How many days has it been stuck at 52,853? Four days? Five days?

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Another Chink deliberately spreading the disease.

Thread theme:


Just keep going

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Based Gary, please never stop

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>20% fatality rate

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What happens when they run out of healthcare workers?

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The REAL reason for Coronavirus

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dude if i have to burn a relative i will do everything in my power to make sure the entire chink race will get glassed

Guys my favourite tavern is closed. What do?

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that respirator almost killed me, thank god I finally got my 40mm to 3mm adapter

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Why did boomers just expect infinite financial growth forever?

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Let's pray.

Saint Roch is the Patron Saint of the sick,
as well as Invalids, Falsely accused people, and Bachelors. Roch was /ourguy/.

He was able to heal those infected with the plague by merely making this sign of the cross, and survived having the plague himself.
After he died in his cell, an Angel appeared and said that those who invoked his intercession would be cured of the plague.

O Blessed Saint Roch,
Patron of the sick,
Have pity on those
Who lie upon a bed of suffering.

Your power was so great
When you were in this world,
That by the sign of the Cross,
Many were healed of their diseases.

Now that you are in heaven,
Your power is not less.
Offer, then, to God
Our sighs and tears
And obtain for us that health we seek
Through Christ our Lord.


(Repeat the following 3 times)

Saint Roch, pray for us,
That we may be preserved
From all diseases of body and soul.

Attached: Roch.jpg (251x353, 85.51K)

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So now that total societal collapse is inevitable, was Varg right all along?

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>You excitedly pack up your bag and put on your mask
>"Fucking finally." You mutter under your breath
>You hate this job, but the pay is good and your considered 'special' for once for having /essentialjob/
>One of the major downsides is getting home.
>You heard of the attacks on random people at night
>A flutter of wings and disappeared bros
>"She couldn't seriously be real, right?" You think to yourself.
>"Whatever, time to stop being a bitch." You say out loud to no one like an autistic.
>You do a final check - Backpack? Good.
>Full face Respirator? On.
>Filters? Clean.
>You forgot your pistol at home.
>You chastise yourself for being carelessness. Can't change that fact your /nogunz/ now, just got to get home quick.
>You begin to open the door only for your vision to make out a figure across the way in the shadows.
>A smaller figure, with something coming out of her back that move on their own.
>Is that a fucking bat?
>You stare down this dark figure and you know she or whatever it is, is watching you intently.
>It's clear that whatever it is, it has business with you.
>"Well... I guess I could man up and go my normal way home or head out the back."
>You move around a bit, walking back and forth trying to decide...
What do you do, bros?

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That's with the Chinese numbers, even.

Pay your rent user, don't end up like me

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Gotta love it when the happening finally is

here, user. third impact

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Now is literally the perfect time not to pay you rent

how do you charge your phone?

A new one for you guys. Including the 30k and the 1kk fixed.

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Well their numbers are only a small part of the total now

fucking perfect

remove chinese fake shit and youre closer to the real deal

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I almost thought that boomers were just gonna get away for fucking over this and other countries without any karmic retribution. But it is the kali yuga after all.

Because it felt good

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lol why the fuck would anyone pay rent right now

the artist said he is thinking about making a bonus expansion that includes a penis too because people kept on asking him to

>that zr

maybe, but why did you do it?

based chink

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Sauce on video.

I'm going to masturbate and to sleep. Good night lads, see you tomorrow.

>Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

gost > nato

I'm proud of corona-chan too. She is big girl now

Attached: big_girl.jpg (678x960, 58.35K)

Man up and confront it

Solar powerbanks and sometimes (for now at least..) church outlets outside

Hard to say no to free money even if you know deep down that money doesn't actually exist

>: פרוייקט מלאכה קוסמית

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Why did you do it. Why did you fall for the jungle fever.

enjoy your orgasm bro


based chong

Get out reddit REEEEEEEEEEEE

why you gotta do me like that

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any habbening today?

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Some people are still living in apartments, I think they're insane but whatever

glownigger discord, beware our precious newfags.

I use a power bank radio with a solar/crank/USB to charge

W... writefag? That you?

Go out the back.

Attached: In+december+a+woman+complimented+my+christmas+sweater+and+today+_e2753416d0323b01594ad7a898930d85.jpg (254x305, 13.58K)

Because they are stupid overgrown spoiled children who throw a tantrum whenever they hear the word "no". They honestly believe they'll get whatever they want because they say so.


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Any baby under 8 weeks old is going to be at risk for serious complications with the virus. This is why doctors wait until they're 8 weeks old to start vaccines.

It's literally nothing, not even as bad as the bird flu.
New theme song for Coronavirus:

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Just finish before sleeping. Every time I go far, but decide to end without cooming my body decides to finish without me with some wet dream.

>first countries to be destroyed are the socialist ones
Fucking knew it

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SARS and MERS had around 36% fatality, and this is proving to be no less deadly. Maybe even moreso. The idea that the whole world got duped into thinking SARS is "just the flu" is laughable to me.

It's happening.

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*cronch cronch*
coronavirus huh?
*cronch cronch*
what's that?

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member when there were more threads than deaths? I member...

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Did Yas Forums artist bro that's been doing the expansion updates say when his next edit will be? Dont tell me I have to wait another million infected to enjoy coronachan

I'm proud of her too, a couple months back she was a little faggot flu and now look at our girl

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basado y rojopilado

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oh hey bro. Been busy last few days. Was going to post the other day but it was april fools


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Any1 that shill this is just a flu or a hoax , please get pneumonia

Corona-chan have given her love to 1 million folks (an still growing every second) and societal collapse is coming the next weeks

So yeah, the usual

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>Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI
Baruch Feldheim
lol them fucking joos

Be sure to hold onto that shit, crank radios sound OP as fuck right now

Anyone have a link to the site with all the videos of chinese intentionally spreading the virus?


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>more threads per hour than deaths per minute
nothing burger


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I'm 18 lessons in pimsleur russian now

The actual President is speaking right now

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Member when an Australian user was larping that he has contact with a friend locked in Wuhan?

The point is that most people don't have jobs to pay rent so they shouldn't line their landlord's pocket for not working. You can't get evicted without a court order anyways, and most courts handling those have closed in America so they can't legally evict you

It's fun reading all these boomer landlords panicking about people not paying their rent

>wears a mask
>cancels all events
>lockdown a whole city

>CCP flu came from bats

Bravo Nolan, visionary movie


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must be nice to be a coroner these days.

Jews: fuck your mother
Me: fucks my dad

that dude needs to lose weight

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SARS was 10-20 (China said 6, lol)
MERS is 30
This is 3 or so with treatment, and around 10 or more without

Since Corona is so infectious, its lower mortality doesn't really matter, because so many will get it.

If covid-19 is really bad, how come no one on /cvg/ has gotten it?

Original Gary

Hi Gary :)

a million infected seems rather low after 3 months. even if the real number is 50x greater, that's still only about 0.7% of the world population. isn't this thing supposed to infect 70% of the world? it will take years at this rate.

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Im intrigued to see how long this image will become

Who cares, just more fuckin lies
6.6 unemployment files no one's gotten trumpbux, just fuck off with your delusional cope

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>more posts than ghosts

>It's a car park
How many coffins do you think they can fit

>flooded with diseased bodies that could infect you even after they're dead
Yeah, no thanks senpai.

here's a cheeky one

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the subtitles are fake, a chink friend of mine confirmed. Chinks are a plague and deserve to die, but let's not spread fake news. Fuck the CPC!

Damn, that's wife material right there