FBI Seizes 20 Million Masks from Brooklyn Business Man Boruch Feldheim

> And then one day, for no reason at all, the German people voted for Adolf Hitler


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Same shit different century. Sorry about dresden.

Why did the feds steal this man's 40 million masks?

He seemed like such a nice guy though

oy vey muh 20 million

Fuck Jews.

>Israel has no greater friend in the world than me

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because no man needs 80 million masks.

>G-goyim, I was j-just holding on to them for you, and was planning on donating all of them to various medical facilities, honest!

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>Feds steal 20 Million Masks from some dude

The whole point of the republic was freedom from government.

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did they pay him? at what he paid?

I wish that the Holocaust actually happened....

I wonder if he scammed the distributors? Seems likely.

Seeing the feds seize shit like this still scares me a primal level. Imagine the feds randomly accusing people of hoarding, and raiding their shit. This is where it starts.

Jew being a jew, what's new?

legally they have to pay him at least his cost basis on holding the masks.

White people are so greedy, baka

Imagine the fucking stench.

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I keep 5 of these in a thermocan for lunch at work, we have a buffet there and it's mostly healthy food like broccoli/steak tier meat, and fish and chips on Wednesdays. People already made fun of me for eating like 15-20 pickled garlic a day, saying shit like it's good for keeping shit like std's away and such, but honestly I don't see why people wouldn't eat 20 of them since they are pretty good and I don't imagine its fattening, not more than butter anyway. I used to just eat my thermocan sausages in the dining room but I felt like I had to stop because people looked at me like I was an idiot and after a week or so I found myself eating lunch alone

I think even normies are waking up to it now

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Have they? That's the important question.

>muh freedom
>muh private property
murican shits confirming again they don't believe in basic human freedoms
Imagine if they took his guns!
You'd still make excuses for it.

Citizen, report hoarders - you will receive 10% paid in TP.

lets hope we never read another story where the feds stole 100 million masks from a jewish man again.

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Whatever, mohammad. That goddam jew was in the wrong and you know it.

Who else would instinctively take advantage of the plight of others?

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Yes they did, it's in the article.
But not the 7000% markup he demanded

He's a filthy kike so I don't care what happens to him. Same with niggers. Now move along.

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It was 700%, but okay. I bet they'll probably sell it at a giant markup themselves.

All I know is he needs restitution for the 150m masks they stole from him

its unbelievable how you morons here confirm you dont believe in anything that constitution talks about

what happened to private property? He legally purchased those masks.

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The constitution is gay and you belong in a fucking oven.

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30 million Zyklon B proof gas masks? You mean 40 million?

>He legally purchased those masks.

Actually he more than likely didn't

No business would sell in bulk (especially to that extent) to a private citizen

More than likely it's a stolen or lost shipment he bought

And private property is irellevant, no one saying he couldnt own them or sell them, he's guilty of price gouging

> What is the Wartime Defense Production Act
It was legal, fuck off Boruch

>Who else would instinctively take advantage of the plight of others?

Chinks, obviously.

The headline from yesterday said at least some of these masks were stolen.

The govt acted constitutionally because they provided "just compensation."

I can’t believe the feds stole 500 million masks. It’s another Shoah.

Heh, I see the tradition of price gouging is still a part of Jewish customs.

A shame they aren't allowed to be as brazen about it anymore.

that's a small pee-pee

The Communist Party of China bought 2.02 billion masks (that is 2,020,000,000 masks) for about a month between January 24 and February 29 from all over the world.


>Between January 24 and February 29, the National Customs in China inspected and released 2.46 billion pieces of epidemic prevention and control materials, including 2.02 billion masks and 25.38 million items of protective clothing. The official report also states the value of these supplies was worth 8.2 billion yuan (approximately $2 billion).

>One of the groups in Australia which sprang into action was the Poly Group, a Chinese government-run global conglomerate which started off as a front company for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army but has since moved into businesses including arms dealing and property development

>The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald have obtained copies of internal company messages that reveal an organised campaign by Poly in Australia to purchase as many surgical masks, goggles and gowns as possible through January and February.

>The Poly Group is overseen by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission which monitors China’s biggest state-run companies and the company announced on its official website it had responded to the call for help with medical supplies “in accordance with the decisions made by the Central Committee and the SASAC Party Committee.”

>“In this battle, Poly Group will take the responsibility as the central government owned enterprise to devote every effort to help our country win the epidemic prevention and control battle. Poly Group protects the country, benefits the people and overcomes difficulties together with our country!”

How is anyone surprised by this? The president held a press conference with the attorney general and told all of America that this was going to happen.


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>Yas Forums 2016: kys retarded commie
>Yas Forums 2018: Yang is so fucking based I can't wait for my UBI
>Yas Forums 2020: Trump gibs are based DEATH TO LANDLORDS no hoarding allowed if it hurts my feelings
>Yas Forums 2022: I miss Stalin bros

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Barry Feldheim, 43, is facing charges of making false statements to the feds on Sunday outside his Borough Park property where he allegedly stored massive amounts of N95 respirator masks, federal officials said. Records indicate that the masks were purchased in bulk orders for his medical supply business dating back to October 2018 thru December 2018.

Feldheim is also accused of price-gouging. On March 18, he’s suspected of selling a New Jersey doctor about 10,000 of the masks for $2150, a markup of roughly 5.5 percent, authorities said. Previously the same doctors office had purchased the same amount of masks for $2000 in 2009.

The accused fraudster also directed another doctor to an Irvington, NJ, medical supply shop to pick up another order. There, the doctor reported to investigators that Feldheim was allegedly hoarding enough medical supplies “to outfit an entire home.”

The materials included hand sanitizers, Clorox wipes, chemical cleaning agents and surgical supplies.

By last Monday, Feldheim was operating from his Brooklyn office, offering to sell surgical gowns to hospitals at 1-5% markup, the feds said.

Two days later, the suspected hoarder received a gigantic shipment at his home of about eight pallets of face masks.

FBI agents then staked out his house, first noticing empty boxes of N95 masks outside.

On Sunday, they said they witnessed “multiple instances” of people approaching Feldheim’s supply store and walking away with what appeared to be medical supplies.

The agents confronted Feldheim outside his place of business, keeping a safe social distance over coronavirus fears.

He told the agents that he worked for a company that bought and sold PPE and that he never took physical custody of the materials.

He’s a Jew. They don’t deserve rights

Wrong. They deserve so many rights they'll be begging for a left

> Here goys

> No link

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>Juden do Juden shit

They should have just put him to death on the spot. Violence and force is the only language these insects understand

All of you seething nomask losers can go choke on your own lungs.
The jew was smarter than you and bought the masks before the shortages. The government had the same information he had and shitloads more, but it did jack shit to prepare.
By defending the government stealing legally bought private property, you are openly taking a huge shit on the constitution you seemed to love so much before this.
Take a look at how much your hospitals are marking up the prices when they sell you medication if you're so keen about kvetching about "muh price gouging", you dishonest, hypocritical, infected cunts.

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Riots in Israel

>And then one day, for no reason at all, the German people voted for Adolf Hitler
This is the brainlet meme of all brainlet memes for so many reasons.

Uhhh what is wrong with buying and reselling. That isnt illegal... fuck kikes tho

look, i want to believe your theory but I have to get back to forming a coalition to crusade into the middle east and reclaim Constantinople and then destroy israel and turn africa into a wasteland and mine the whole continent to find the gold to payback our debts and create enough space ships to colonize our solar system and use titan to gather enough fuel to power a million year mechareich and mine whole planets to create enough raw material to create a dyson sphere to harvest the sun's energy to have enough power to mine the rest of the planets after creating a space station bigger than saturn to house humanity while we use leftovers in atomic restructuring device to create elements dense enough to plunge into an event horizon and harvest the energy of our super massive black hole in our galactic center consuming every particle within and creating a ship big enough to house our new artificial home wrapped entirely in elements denser than any in our universe with a million em drives to travel faster than light and cut through the event horizon of the universe and conquer the heavens of god

its called free exchange you leech

They fell off a truck, honest.


He’s just an all-American capitalist trying to make an honest buck.

If Jews are so smart why are they so predictable?
I came across this last night

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Ill see your jew, and raise you a child sex offender:
Alaska man accused of profiting from COVID-19 by reselling masks at 'unconscionably high prices' ktva.com/story/41963965/alaska-man-accused-of-profiting-from-covid19-by-reselling-masks-at-unconscionably-high-prices


I heard he stole them

I really hope he didn’t have these masks BEFORE the virus panic.

your own screenshot disproves your point you quarter-brain communist ape

wtf I hate the founding fathers now

Holy shit this is getting Psyop'd fucking HARD
Jesus Christ this is insane. Original article has been scrubbed entirely, the only place it exists is a bot which scraped the original article on Reddit. This 'Baruch' character is fucking made up entirely. Look at the facebook profile you idiots!



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they will pay dearly by paying them back 6 billion masks


This shit is common during crisis. Being drafted, being taxed at 90% ect

The heretic cries out In pain as he defiles the emperor

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Someone should give back his 60 million masks.
I mean wtf they were his 80 million masks!