Will Yas Forums be getting this book?

Will Yas Forums be getting this book?

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No more Jewish fairy tales.

lol Kek sends his irony
Imagine taking some boomer schizo christcuck seriously

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fuck e " theres no such thing as white people " kikel jones.

Wignats in this thread already. Lol.

Already ordered signed copy this morning

Same. I think Yas Forums should read it. It's becoming a rather illiterate board.

True, in the beginning Yas Forums use to be very heavy into philosophy and literature to justify and prove their case

Anyways I'm exited this is gonna be a comfy read with this quarantine going on

I miss the old Yas Forums, bro. Zoomers are quite illiterate and philosophically incoherent.

Ordered signed copy this morning.


It doubles the price to send it here in Mexico, so i'll wait for the digital copy

Prob not gonna be one

>never been a time
There can't be time without something. That there hasn't been a time without something isn't really proving something can't emerge out of nothing since NOTHING doesn't have time. And chaos and order only exists it if there is time. And is "something" space-time? Empty space-time has matter popping in and out. This proof of god is just the fallacy of composition: Since we have a conscious mind, the greater universe must have a conscious mind. Yeah the Christfag God is also why Jews hang fishing wire over the streets and mutilate baby dicks. Christfags are so confident in their God they can't call out Jews just being fucking retarded due to their religion.

I emailed the publisher and they said they have zero plans for an ebook

id never buy anything from this shameless papal shill

now that you mention
i might check out on piratebay


third fucken result on google:
"Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is ..."

NOW there is no way i am not checking out this book

Jews hate him.

He comes to chan for ideas, and uses this place for research.

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What is it about? These titles sound like they are purposefully trying to sound complex and mystical, which makes me suspicious. Why should I waste my time trying to understand what this pretentious fag means, when I can read a book whose title actually tells me what it's about? Pic related, random example. Had it a faggot title, and I would expect faggot contents from a faggot author. "Ultimate reality" my ass. Authors with actual depth do not need to sound so pretentious all the time. Maybe this guy isn't a fag, but his antics are just so repelling I find it hard to believe.

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You done?

Jews hate him, click here to find out why!

Google Logos. Google Hegel. Google Kant.

I started with the Greeks (and resumed with the romans then continued with the christians) so I don't need to.

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I don't think google is a good way to understand this, especially not Hegel lol

be serious

>Go to a NatSoc board
>find it remarkable that NatSocs are there

No, Satan, I won't.
Because the "Oh, look I'm using a word that means 'word' and is the root of the word 'logic', and related to Jesus!" is so utterly pretentious that it's surprising that they haven't been throat-punched... IOW, it's about as grating as Pelosi's "'word' is my favorite word" disaster of a quote.

>continental philosophy

into the trash

True. Hegel was basically a proto-fascist, though left-wing hegelians are the most dominant today.

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Libido Dominandi, Barren Metal, Meyer Lansky and the Cincinnati Ballet, and Jewish Privilege are all good books, but I'm going to give his latest one a pass. Besides, he censors comments on his blog and YT channel like a Chinese autocrat.

>Yas Forums is a Natsoc board
Found the zoomer.

>Anglo empiricism in 2020

Reminder that Christianity culturally appropriated classical Greek Pagan Logos.

Also, I hate how its been reduced to "durrr what I like is Logos, what I don't like is not Logos."

you trannies are but a vocal minority

Yep, looks good OP.

>Doesn't understand what logos Is

>he censors comments on his blog

Didn't the fact he's a Catholic give the game away? They were the original NWO back in the day.

I am deadly serious. Read primary sources. You are literally not white if you don't already know what that video is about. This is extremely important and the most critical aspect of Western culture. You can have white skin and still be a nigger, which is how I would describe most of Yas Forums.

>Also, I hate how its been reduced to "durrr what I like is Logos, what I don't like is not Logos."
This, too.

Unless it's some study on the actual Greek or something like that, I find people who use 'logos' to be insufferable.

you do not actually know where you are

More zoomer trash. Yas Forums hosts a basket of far right ideologies. Most unironic Natsocs are cringe larpers stuck in 1945

>Hegel was basically a proto-fascist
This is the stupidest thing I've read all day.

Found another Zoomer.

Okay, what is 'Logos' then? I'm waiting.

Can't wait for the Abrahamic reasoning here.

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both bad imho, its not like you have to choose any of the abortive tl dr traditions of thought

Why buy when you can find a free pdf online?

You obviously haven't read Hegel.

Been like that for a long time. Go to /lit/ or just get off 4/pol/ for intelligent conversation. This place is for shitposting mainly.

>Pagan Logos
how about you actually read the greeks

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Someone will eventually upload a pdf somewhere.

These people literally spread Logos on anything depending on the situation, like ketchup.

Is this guy an anti vatican II SSPX Catholic or just another cuck?

Logos is the will of the universe coming to know itself, bong.

No need for an 'official' digital copy...

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From where? Would love a signed copy

What do you read?

just that google isnt a source itself
but a list of links, just as any other
nothing more
the same "good" and "bad" can be found in it as in any other repository

greek paganism tried to appropriate the actual logos

He isn't openly anti-V2 but it's obvious he's a tradcath at heart.

I browse /lit/ and /his/ a lot now, so, yeah.

Set my alarm for the release last night and ordered a signed copy, as well. Still want a copy of Libido Dominandi next to The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

>He isn't openly anti-V2

Then hes a cuck. Case closed.

It's in the page, you can order the standard or the signed one

He's anti V2

>Then hes a cuck. Case closed.

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>E Michael Jones

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Link me your goods, homie

He's openly anti V2. Read his books

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I'll get it if it gets released on kindle. No way i'm paying for books written by this retard.

Wouldn't mind reading it though just to see what sort of christcuck copes it contains.

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Just b-ok (((dot))) cc

Is he wrong, though? You pagan cuck?

Based and Neoplatonist pilled

Seethe more you jew loving papists! :^)


He puts out a lot of interesting info, but his attempt to shoehorn everything into his Catholic framework detracts a lot from his credibility.

"Haha, if I call him a cuck it will take the heat off me for being a cuck! QED"


no, its for Christ you can thank

not constantines LIKE TOTALLY NO sugarcoated neo-paganism

then also:
>praying to other than God
i love the cognitive ninjutsu they use to try to justify that

This. Christianity took the depth that was pagan Logos and turned it into some guy that walked around in Judea 2000 years ago.
>"durrr what I like is Logos, what I don't like is not Logos."
This is true too. Basically how trads use it these days. Although I've noticed some decrease it this usage over the last few months. Probably because EMJ lost some of his appeal.

>He's openly anti V2. Read his books

Does he recognize the vatican and the pope as apart of the true RCC?

(2nd part)

the Logos has been since before there were stars

since even "before" this spacetime

Hegel is not even remotely compatible with fascism. You are just seeing what you want to see. Read pic related.

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Heckin checked.
There is a God in Man and in nature, he who sits in the dark, the bringer of light.

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>the Logos has been since before there were stars
>since even "before" this spacetime
Yes. And it's not Jesus.

Based Heraclitus is cringing at you right now.

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Thing is, Logos in the Classical Greek context is really nuanced and fascinating. Even the Biblical discussions (that have been going on for 2k years) are at least thought provoking.

Some guys on a basket weaving thread find a cranky hack that no one knows, therefore /ourguy/, and reduce it to literally 'what I like vs what I don't like'.

It's dumb as fuck.

yeah let me just go ahead and supersede and trump and moot every last human-written thing you can refer to

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By all means check it out, he makes some good points. But EMJ is the definition of controlled opposition against the anti Semitic right wing Christians. He argues that race doesn’t matter and that actshchually its the Jews who believe in racism and that their opposition to race mixing among their own race is actually sinful. Couldn’t get more d&c if he tried.

He’s pretty well known on here because he argues that Logos (knowledge of Christ) built European civilization and that he’s “seeing the Logos rising” in Africa right now, therefore Africa is going to reach Christian European levels of civilization if they just become Christian enough.

Whether you believe Christianity was good for Europe or not, it should be obvious to anyone that the factors affecting Christian Europe’s success were (Christianity)*(Europeans). Is Christianity*Africans the same thing? No, no matter the value of Christianity, you cannot defend that without claiming Europeans = Africans.

Hegel quite literally is a proto-fascist.

>Yes. And it's not Jesus.

the list of other possible candidates is pretty close to zero (hint: it is zero)
only you can choose life or death for you

>Based Heraclitus is cringing at you right now.

thats a little mortal atomic speck
how can one who knows Christ care what a non-repentant human judges?

Logos is God.

not so fast, kiddo

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This stuff is so baffling. History tells us of so many pagan civilizations, and yet conservatives seem incapable of accepting that. I've even heard that Rome "was always degenerate" (as in the late empire), up until Christianity fixed it. This is so anachronistic, it hurts. Anything good that came from events such as the Renaissance or the Industrial Revolution are also frequently attributed to Christianity. It's just so tiresome.

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Honestly I'll read it just because it has a kino name.

checked, satan
more like E. Michael BASED

Take what is useful, discard the rest. Do what Chomsky said.

>Logos is the will of the universe coming to know itself, bong.

Said some Greek before the Jews invented Christianity in order to destroy the Roman Empire from within.

Fast forward:
"Logos is only relevant to my semitic Abrahamic version of a Deity that came from Judea".

Pic related.

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