/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2865

► Detected: 1,009,660 (+74,464) ► Died: 52,855 (+5,663) ► (Reset: -04:30:47)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,649 different strains have been sequenced —

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

Israel forces everyone to wear masks in public

Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Virus can live in the air for several hours

Virus survives on surfaces up to 17 days, longer than expected

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

Dengue-like fever and rash

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

China treating patients with "traditional Chinese medicine"


20:19: 254 new cases and 7 new deaths in Poland.
20:17: 128 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
20:09: 1,228 new cases and 32 new deaths in Massachusetts.
19:56: 414 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
19:52: 979 new cases and 55 new deaths in Brazil.
19:49: 267 new cases and 27 new deaths in Connecticut.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=apply wax clothe


benis :D

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>5,663 deaths in 1 day

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7k tomorrow, 10 k a day by the week's end.

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we dont even have all the numbers yet

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Dear Italians, do not delude yourselves, China's solidarity is only propaganda to exercise political influence. " Joshua Wong, leader of the Hong Kong protests, speaks
Joshua Wong, the leader of the student protests in Hong Kong, returns to speak exclusively to TPI: he does so with a video message in which he accuses the Beijing government of hypocrisy for solidarity with Italy aimed only at exercising influence policy. And it raises the alarm about the masks that China sends abroad: "The countries that have received them detect that they are of poor quality"

>Joshua Wong, the leader of the student protests in Hong Kong, returns to speak exclusively to TPI: he does so with a video message in which he accuses the Beijing government of hypocrisy for solidarity with Italy aimed only at exercising influence policy. And it raises the alarm about the masks that China sends abroad: "The countries that have received them detect that they are of poor quality"

>The mask industry today is a real money machine. In the first few months of the epidemic alone, in fact, it is estimated that almost 9 thousand new producers have started making masks. Some of them are owners of clothing factories, now converted. This shows that the sending of masks to Italy by Beijing is not to be considered an act of generosity, but a way to ease the economic pressure inside China. Moreover, the manufacturing industry of Chinese exports is still heavily affected by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. And so the owners of the Chinese factories rely on the export of masks to survive.


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I unironically hate Bill

Homeless WA user here
You guys be sure to pay your rent, it's hard out here

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Really shot up because of France’s backlog

Wtf is this shit

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France with 1300 deaths ??

what happened?

The day is not even over yet!

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Living the life, bro. You wanting for STALKER times now?

Attached: Italy after they run out of tomatos.jpg (480x360, 34.2K)

>nothing burger
>nothing burger
>the flu is worse
>the media is lying, it just the flu bro
>the numbers will go down
>we have so few cases, and soon it'll be zero
>100,000 dead Americans, now thank me for doing such a good job goy

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masks wont do shit when the virus enters through your eye

people died

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anyone have that ching chong copy pasta for ccp shills?

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Did you guys get snow earlier? I havent heard much from WA, how are my neighbors doing

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>The same argeniggertinian glowie posting /cvg/ for weeks.

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>Spain records its deadliest day with 950 deaths, exceeding 10,000, asemployment fallsby 834,000 jobs in 15 days.

why are US deaths so much lower than yesterday?

Guys, look, the curve is actually flattening.

>inb4 nothingburger shill

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corona chan makes my dick sneeze

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Are you ready for China to lead the world and build trust

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A great book

Been expecting collapse for years, never expected it to be chink aids. Stay safe fren

fuck china

Fuck off France, that gold medal is ours.

Should we start including countries destroyed in the OP now? Ecuador's gone and Venezuela's on its way out

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They're not done reporting you triple nigger

Stay safe out there user

Can any medfag or southern user tell me why younger ppl are getting affected in the Deep South? Is it diabesity rates?


Dark horse countries for a final top 5

Hoax was about what the libs were trying to say about his travel ban, not about Corona itself. You need to correct your data.

people who died in retirement home weren't counted, now they are and they were added to the total number
the actual number for today is 471

I hope everyone is still comfy here. If not then suffocate in peace.


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No snow this year, lots of rain this winter and a little hail
Last year was that crazy 5ft snow

>5,663 deaths
fuuuuuuuuck we're going to get to 6,000 today then. i never knew it was going to be this much shit niggers

>STALKER times
Thanks for reminding me that I can fuck off to Chernobyl for maximum safety.

>work an """"essential"""" job
>everyones hours cut from 5 days a week to 2
>would literally be making double my wage if i quit and signed up for corona bucks

What do anons?


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dumb zoomers here in Texas keep leaving there homes to do stupid shit and end up getting in contact with the disease.

Include UK

Tfw still remember when 100+ deaths a day felt like a high score and any death outside China was week long news

Debunked by snopes.

>country begins to break down

>Normal life is beginning to break down. Cure research is starting to slow

ok thanks

Not very likely

The curve tilted down a bit on the last day, nothingburger confirmed

Leafs...explain yourselves.

can anyone post drawfags twitter account?

Bill Mitchell
Not sure what's happening with France. Their CFR jumped to 10% today. Assuming it is an "Italian Counting Method" issue. No one believes this viruses CFR is 10-11%.

yes everyone in louisana is an obese nigger or just a nigger with diabetes who isn't obese

Thanks fren you too
Based and nervouspilled. Stay safe Nazi fren

Without seeing the data, we won't know for sure if that's actually the case.

Post Coronachan feet plz

Probably has something to do with pic related

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Where's the 1m artwork?

Oh yes, China will help them alright, help them die

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So, looks like fish cleaner meme cure wasn't such a meme after all.

How do you think we are going to progress from here?

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So it's real then?

don't forget to just wait 2 weeks
in 2 weeks time SA, India, Mexico and SEA really start to get going

People are killing themselves in Spain after being locked inside for weeks. Those screams are genuinely haunting.


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>Tfw still remember when 100+ deaths a day felt like a high score and any death outside China was week long news
it was stuck at 2 international deaths for 2 weeks, and both were chinks, lol


>China is coming
>China sends out a bunch of defective equipment

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So if an indigenous person had a confirmed case we can put 5g as a cause to rest.....
Obviously something else is going on

In January I though this would blow like SARS when it was 500 cases and 20 deaths. I honestly never though corona chan would do this much damage

You missed the biggest ticking time-bomb,the country with the highest population density
Bangladesh They have not reported anything yet and they have a non-existent healthcare system.
Every time we have the monsoon hurricanes, a few thousand die in India and then we get new 1 month later of almost half a million dying in Bangladesh

Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Not Texas, user.

That is a good idea. Will allow tracking what the fallen did wrong so we can adjust and avoid their fate. Of course, so far the fallen are socialists, so no surprised they died with that co-morbidity.

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Florida too. It's the weather means we get a lot of people going out for spring break, all over the Former Confederate States.

the final top 5 will be US states ayylmao

Hope what happened in Ecuador happens in Nigeria and Somalia.

america can suck its own dick

There Is No Cure For Love

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the absolute state of normies

Make DIY face masks waterproof by rubbing or applying melted wax on it.

The real purpose of the face mask is to minimize hand to face contact.

Be brave and wise coomrads, we can do this.

youtube.com/results?search_query=apply wax clothe

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>killing yourself because you can't go outside
but why

I got complements for your webm the other day user

Italy has a heap in the same situation. They aren't counting people that die in elderly care and at their homes.

To be fair
half the time their way to express themselves is retarded
the other half people take things out of context

it's best to assure your people everything is fine because panic can do more damage than a deadly virus, especially if you live in a country of retards

instead of saying "it would be a success" they should've said, "in the least worst scenario..." or something along those words. Also WHO lied a lot about their information and it's possible that everyone else's response was based around that info

i don't know if Trump writes his own speeches or someone else does but that guy needs to be fired for retardation and the media is the media, they will go for the headlines that get the most clicks

no politician is ever going to tell their people "we are fucked", that is a sure way to get your people to do stupid shit that gets them harmed

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This. Snopes is less reliable than Wikipedia.

Ontario is run by furfags

That was less than a month ago

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You will be a massive faggot if you don't. I expect random updates with you holding some aks while running from police
>tfw no radioactive wasteland to pal around in with some bros

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>one size fits most

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Nothing new, really.

only 471 deaths in France, stop lying please.
They only add 884 deaths because we know that number today. These 884 represents Ehpad death since the beginning, but they are already in the stats, no need to add them. (Ehpad = house where you put old people to die)

That's Italy.

Fake fake fake

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>Propping up everything with free money

>what happened in Ecuador

>)))deep state((( and )))globohomo(((, including WHO, lies to Trump and the world reg. the virus
>they lie to a ludicrously extreme degree
>Trump tries to be overcautious, imposes a travel ban on China in late January 2020
>Trump's measures not anywhere near sufficient
>)))EU((( complete clown show
>pandemic happens
>it's completely horrifying
>it gets worse and worse
>China to blame
>everyone hates China
>WW3 breaks out between USA and China
>)))hand-rubbing intensifies(((

On a scale of 1-10, how realistic is this conspiracy theory?

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I count on Brazil to provide good competition. Winter in a couple months.

Fuck the illuminati, pay me to be silent or I will keep exposing the truth

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Because you can no longer run away from your problems with constant socialization and causal sex. Also, some people really lose their shit whenever normalcy is disrupted

So guys how should be the ranking? Total deaths? Total cases? Because like this the countries with more population will win easy.

If we divide it for 1M people san marino and other shit will win.


We don't have the population density, travel between regions is pretty damn slow and everyone is a preper with a country house.

I dont expect us to hit numbers all that high although any old people that get it are gonna get wiped out.

Fuck yeah! When you win so hard you have to give yourself praise now

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Long live Taiwan!

How is this even a question. If it's that low paying a job then it's not one you should be worried about keeping.

Florida is flirting with death

They're overwhelmed and doctors are running.

Glad people still like it

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Moar. Virus is fake

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Hypothetically, if I (as a fit, nonsmoking 27 y/o) were to have this, would I die?

Obviously people can still go outside because that guy is walking his guy. Sounds like people were trying to talk someone down from suicide and they jumped.

stay save mercia user shits gonna get real in the next coming weeks

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Isn't snopes literally just a midwest boomer couple?
Why do retards treat them as the supreme authority in anything?

Idk why this bullshit is on my post.

It's new and improved SARS

It'll send a good amount of all age groups to ICU. Younger people just have a better chance of surviving it.

Diabetes and obesity will kill young people with it, though.

Based on history you're the only country that isn't full of shit when it comes to this so you win by default

One more

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Or about to usher in a golden age of affordable housing.


Opinion discarded

Look at the bright side. You can pretend it peaked tomorrow when it doesn't hit 6,000

You have a good chance of survival but never 100%

>already ramping up to 6k deaths per day
Oh shit

10% chance you will die.

>Debunked by snopes.
Lol wut?
Stop lying shill
>Mostly True
>What's True
>The statements on this list are all correctly attributed to President Trump.

>What's False
>However, this is not an exhaustive list of every comment Trump made about the coronavirus, nor does it represent all the actions his administration took during the COVID-19 pandemic

>China to blame
>everyone hates China
This will happen, China's already trying to divert blame by saying it started in Italy or it came from America. The biggest factor will be whether the insectmen start raising a fuss against their chink overlords too. If they don't then any sort of international condemnation won't do anything really

wtf knows you've got 30 year olds who by all outward appearances workout dying and 100 year olds living

546 in the british caliphate.
easy bradford, easy.

Old cvg gets archived, shill bots flood this one
Thanks jannies, go suck some chink dick

They were a couple. The weirdo ugly husband cheated on his first cat lady wife. He was found to be defrauding the company in the divorce proceedings.

8.5, wars are quite (((profitable))).

Those apartment buildings look Spanish to me.

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>missed one million party

> tfw back to browsing Yas Forums on the regular
> Haven't done this since the 2016 US elections
Happenings are such a fun time with you guys

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I think people also misunderstand how the US works. We're MUCH more like 50 little countries bound by a strong treaty than we are a monolithic entity. For example, Texas only joined the union on the condition that we can secede whenever the hell we want. If I recall correctly, we technically choose to "renew our statehood" every year. Still, every once in a while Texas threatens to secede because "fuck you you can't tell me what to do! I'll make my own country! With blackjack! And hookers!"

If the federal government ever dared to impose a national quarantine, or to federally quarantine a state, there'd be a fucking shitstorm. Look at what happened just because Trump *mentioned* CONSIDERING a quarantine of New York. Gov. Cuomo said it would be "A declaration of war."

That's why the best the feds have been able to do so far is issue "temporary guidelines." This administration is doing about as much as it can without sparking riots and little guerilla rebellions. Yeah we fucked up the testing early on, and we were slow on issuing said guidelines, but there's not really anything more we can do until the average citizen is begging for martial law. The USA more or less operates only with the consent of everyone living here. America surviving Corona-chan doesn't depend on the government's actions or inactions. The government cannot save us because we won't let it.

We have to save ourselves.

God help us all.

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I'm not a big fan of those fact checkers either, but seeing how left wing faggots come to these threads to shit on Trump for doing the same things we do in Europe just pisses me off.
Bolsonaro deserves to be shit on for his "approach", but Trump's pretty much doing what we in Germany are doing.

Good isn't it

Yeah I’m going to need 50cc of that 1,000,000 get gif stat

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we are not tho.



Kek, I've been inside my room for a few years now.

I-its not funny anymore guys


It was boring like all mass spam breads

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a couple of the earliest deaths in miami were from that gay party, guys who looked like they workout professionally, probably had AIDS


ha based and kek

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How many days until 2 million?

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She yells in Italian

How does he keep up the tempo bros

just take the damn compliment

>the other half people take things out of context
Nothing's out of context. He was downplaying the pandemic until he declared the national emergency. He was literally saying it'll disappear like a miracle. Or that it was the flu.
>but muh mass hysteria
You don't down right say that the pandemic is less dangerous than the flu and to not believe the media covering it. He sat on his fat lazy ass hoping this would go away instead of taking the 2.5-3 months he had to help prepare for this pandemic to hit US shores.

Gov in Czechia rolling out Intelligent quarantine - they track your phone and other shit for locarion, payment data and other info. Mark of the beast lads...

>Is it diabesity
that plus stubbornness + Florida spring break/mardi gras

I ready for China to be doused in disease killing nuclear hellfire

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Someone said that they started counting deaths outside of hospitals


>While Trump truly did say that “some of them go to work,” which may have downplayed the seriousness of the situation, he didn’t recommend at this time that people should keep going to work despite the pandemic.

My dude desu. I think i might just bit the bullet give back my financed car and buy an old van and live in it.
I’m tired of dependence and genuinely just want freedom for some time

Unironically go to one of the houses there when it gets bad. A car full of supplies should be enough.

Not for you. The hope is that it wipes out the third world so the rest of us can move on and get to space.

dunno lol

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About 2 weeks

He's going on tv saying
>did you know how much the flu kills? we don't shut down the country over that
>i don't believe we really need tens of thousands of ventilators
>did you know how much the flu kills? we don't shut down the country over that
>we're supplying hospitals with 10-20x the amount of masks they require outside of a pandemic, this can't be right
>did you know how much the flu kills? we don't shut down the country over that
>did you know how much the flu kills? we don't shut down the country over that

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yea now its just hilarious

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Without any kind of treatment or self-medication you mean?

Really? Haven't heard about this yet


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Emperor! He's schooling us.


Coronavirus = 3rd impact

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They are speaking with in a southern dialect.
Well basically they are spanish even if with an italian citizenship

Watching Chernobyl right now. What's the radiation like around the edge of the exclusion zone?

saved & keked

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at this pace maybe 14 days

Good. Let them handle all the Bullshit. We can go out and Colonize Mars.

>Debunked by snopes.

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These articles aged like fine wine

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how much do they weigh now

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What happened to all the footage of people dropping dead and bleeding from their eyes and mouth now that the virus has reached and spread across the free world?

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>5k less than a day
I-I thought it was going down...

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it would be extremely painful

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I thought it was SARS but they didn't contain it and expected what we have now. It was out of luck that SARS was contained, nothing more.

SARS had a higher R0 than influenza.

How are you guys doing so far?
I’ve been focusing a lot on my diet and managed to make it much more healthy. I used to eat really little.

I drive up to the supermarket in the evening before closing hours when it’s empty and grab some fresh juice, meat, frozen greens etc. and use them the following day

Been thinking of buying a door thing to do pull ups

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To be fair he didn't know that the tests were fucked up in the beginning.

fuck off with that retarded conspiracy shit. If you dont know why hospitals are empty you are thick as fuck.

Based as fuck

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Yet he's forcing GM to build ventilators.
Yet he's endorsing social distancing.
Yet he's publishing estimates.
Yet he's signed the UBI bill.
Yet he's banned entry from China and Europe.

Do we all need to do paleo/ketogenic to avoid dying?
Now I am afraid to eat a fucking cookie and spike my blood sugar?

Wait for the punchline



I honestly just feel bad, you must be getting pretty rocked by this in your personal life. The datasets may be widening, but how long do you think we can keep this up? How long will people be able to stay holed up in their homes, flattening the curve? Nearly 4 billion people are on lockdown. How long before rioting and looting? The virus is a massive catalyst user, it’s not the be all end all.

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It seems to be random for healthy young people. Some people have no symptoms or mild symptoms, and then others get fucked. No one really knows why. It's kind of scary.