White House Chinese Virus Press Briefing #1

It's that time again.
Starts in 15ish minutes @ 5:00PM EST plus lateness.

The White house

Fox News

Fox 10 Phoenix (?)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Wuflu is a joke. We need to go back to work.
There's projects I wanna do and upgrading the house, etc.
This shit is lame.


bump to guess that Birx wears a yellow scarf/sash thing around her neck today

Updated Fox 10 Phoenix stream

You don't care about your neighbors? You think we should all go back to work during a pandemic because you have projects you want to do? So what you're saying is fuck everyone I only care about me. Fuck you, can't wait until people like you get the chop.

She's adorable.

if digitirinos, interment camps for Chinese in America and/or Pelosi dies

Good stream. I like hearing all the journos laughing with each other before the President comes in, then they turn to attack mode

I wish Birx would make me soup and nuggies

Trips of truth

she's a disgusting used up stacy that still has the valley accent, it's cringe.

stop being a child, the old world is dead, let go of it

How long exactly do you think people can go without being able to make any money?

Birx bringing me crisps and choccy before the briefing so I can have a snack with the show

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Why are they always so fucking late?

And what's the new world?
What does that mean?

has contributed more to the world than you ever will

People on stage now.

>no presidential seal

Who's this Dolores Umbridge bitch?

Trump out now.


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Great post, but you don't even know who I am, lol.


>30 years to slow the spread

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are you the my pillow guy?

Daily reminder: I want Dr. Birx to shrink me down and swallow me whole.



Digits confirm how many times she brings up HIV/AIDs as they slowly normalize the horror that's being inflicted on us by the chinks



thx user

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The economy is propped up *BBRRRRRR* and can't be forever. Eventually there will either be an economic reset or complete martial law with mandatory vaccines and chip implants.


Idk am I?

>You'll be happy to know we're bringing in more Mexicans who won't be illegally forced to stay home by our Communist government so they can do jobs Americans can't
>Did I mention the Chinese coming in to take your tech jobs?


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he sounds a bit outta breath

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Who is this spic?


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Based future American.

where are the qoomers
i gotta reply to them saying they're idiots and give them (you)s

We getting Trumpbux tomorrow?

Mnuchin looks like he's standing watching me as I eat, waiting to recommend some wines to pair with my meal.

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Alex Jones says he's going to expose Q on Wednesday if Q doesn't come forward before then, so makes me think whatever is going on (blackout?) will start on Wednesday.

Apparently it is Joe Vita.


Mock king retard and they tend to flock

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>mutts unironically think they live in a capitalist country

Wait... what?


I'll be getting max unemployment ($650) plus $600 extra from daddy trump. I don't need to work until my unemployment runs out in 6 months.

Alex Jones says he's going to expose Q on Wednesday if Q doesn't come forward before then, so makes me think whatever is going on (blackout?) will start on Wednesday.

Main Street Lending Faciliting Inc.

the 10 days of darkness means we dont hear shit and have no hopeful posts or proofs you fucking hapooners

>within 2 weeks direct deposit of trumpbux


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>Alex Jones says

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gonna buy a switch and animal crossing with my trumpbux

Kek, yeah lmao

Alex Jones says he's going to expose Q on Wednesday if Q doesn't come forward before then, so makes me think whatever is going on (blackout?) will start on Wednesday.

Alex Jones is a kike asset lmao

What's the Trumpbux echange rate with Bison Dollars?

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hang on... what?

>if we don't have your direct deposit info on file, we'll have a web portal
So the NEETs get their Coronabux too?

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ahah he dunked on Obama

I hope every single Qtard gets corona and dies a horrible death

I'm at work, has he said anything worth caring about besides the free bux we already know about?

Free obamabux

>tfw working until four in the morning to get those loans out

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>”what about those who don’t have an account?”
Who the fuck doesn’t have a bank account, retard?

mnuchin confirmed government mandated gfs for everyone

Why is pence standing so awkwardly?

there are also deductible small business loans going out (up to 10 million for small businesses who keep their employees)

trump hasn't really talked yet, he's letting Mnuchin and the Munchkin go first

dont forget the lenders goy our economy couldnt work without these valuable middlemen

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black people don't trust banks and operate in cash only

>Who the fuck doesn’t have a bank account

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I love these questions right now. I need to know about my godamn money

>he doesn't have a job
lmao stay mad you illiterate peasant

You leave Pence alone.

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No one cares what Germans think anymore. >Alex jones says he talked to Q
>gets called out
>pushes it for months
>gets his own "insider" for his show because he wants to fit in
>later admits he didn't talk to Q
This should be funny.
I bet he'll say he's Q.

Did that nigger on facebook get shot in the hospital yet?

>What are you waiting for?

lol what a bitch


some of us didnt take the goy card probably the same cunts who wont take the goy chip cunt, though they banned cash here... so we are back to bartering now

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>prepaid debit cards
Better watch your mail doesn't get stolen

lol, get fucked cunt, don't just start speaking without permission.

Even Trumps firmest detractors who are forced to watch these dailies are starting to see the media manipulation.

My boomer uncle remarked a few days ago about how a Bloomberg reporter asked Trump about how IS he going to quarantine NY when trump just the day before said he was only thinking of it. And he is a CNN-drone and he starting to see

You done goofed. Small biz gonna suck this tit dry if they have a good CPA.

What will you guys be spending your trumpbux on?

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It is funny how they keep fishing from the same talking points. They want to ask the same shit every day, hoping to get that wished-for reply to damn them with their prewritten narratives.

Hey Greenland, Trump wants to buy your island

Oh, the application form is only one piece of paper, two sides. Stupid easy to apply.

Imagine if all the anons pooled together and bought something big.

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Please say something about mortgages. I’m a house owner (not a landlord) - 80% of my mortgage goes to interest. For what? What did the bank do, really? They’ve made plenty of blood money off me - let’s get some mortgage breaks, please!

post your TrumpBux card design

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Fox News got a live chat running... Everyone post your favorite codename for the Shanghai Shivers aka Kung Flu aka Corona-ebola-aids

What's this an excerpt of?

>watching the scroll on FoxNews
lol, good bye muslim problem.

This. Fuck that shit, I'll just give them my bank info

so can anyone explain the bullshit coverup from yesterday?
>hur wur gonna invade south America cause of muh drugs

what were they trying to cover yesterday?

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She’s down with PPP

It's called Amortization, look it up, fascinating way to pay for real estate. All ways pay the mortgage off early if you can

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thank god a business mogul is president right now.

>inb4 pussy hats 'hurr durr he declared a casino bankrupt'

all the ayys need to do to save the world is cut our power for a month, or take us into a ethnostate space zoo

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Glow-ops being conducted in Venezuala under the guise of anti-narco operations. They're going to secure oil infrastructure

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Kill yourself you worthless NEET

Dang that's crazy coincidental

one of these

Will do my due diligence - thx user

This defunds/excludes special intrest groups from getting money. Hope they have enough cash on hand. No more lobby in washington. Historic. Power back to the people. MFW.

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