Everyone here wish they were americans. Except maybe for germans

Everyone here wish they were americans. Except maybe for germans

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why is she so perfect god damnit

You're right. I also want to live in the land of the free. I want my hobby to be guns. I want to be able to buy 50 acres for a few dollars.
>tl;dr USA is the future of the white race

Yea Germans wish they never existed at this point

Thats a man

literally noone with a functioning brain wants to be an american.

I want to be american in 80's america

Imagine if she had natty D cups bro. jfc

I'm pressing the big X to doubt on that.

Why are there so many barefooted shots of her, does she hate shoes or something?

because of pilates and yoga and plastic surgery, she is otherwise quite dull and empty

America is kinda cool and gun right and more free speech but... nah mate
Sometimes i wish i was born swiss millioneire or shitskiin sheikh, but amirican...

They know we lust their feet

I don't fuck America

I mean her feet are okay I guess but Ive just never really seen a celebrity i guess thats been barefoot so much

That's generally true from what I've seen. But Germans wish they could have a house like Americans do. Real Estate in Germany generally is trash.

No way jose

Wow nice do we have any info? Suicide?

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i want to earn american salary, but i dont actually want to live in america

She's perfectly photogenic, absolutely stunningly beautiful, yet somehow manages to be devoid of sex appeal of any kind. I would not be surprised if she's had sex less than a dozen times total and just doesn't like it, she thinks it's icky. She's stuck at about 12 years old, she wants to make out endlessly and that's why she dates overgrown jr high boys.

One of the strangest people in pop culture today.

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We dont pay people in vodka

Cmon you live in France

I prefer to be a latin American than to be a fucking burgeroid.

thats ok, dollars will do just fine

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this, fuck americunts, they're fake europeans

>Everybody here wish they were americans
Oh how blinded you are

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Seriously who want to be american?

Well, good luck gettin a job for the next 6 months here or uh well anywhere i guess.


Hell yeah. Gimme green card and im there

trump wants you out

This. 50-90s were peak USA. Now it's slipping quickly into 3rd world status.

thats not how i see
since everyone is remote anyway, suits will surely wonder if they can do some cost in midst of crisis cutting by firing expensive american SEs, and outsourcing to much cheaper east europe or poos

I unironically wanted to be a Texan

life sucks

at least I'm white but was born in a shitty country

dilate boomer

stop supporting trump
he hates brazilians

Everyday I wake up and remember the fact that I'm a useless leaf. The butt of every joke. Most of my people think I should either be in jail at best, and be killed killed at worst for my political views. We have no chance at redeeming ourselves. We are a people destined for failure. Everyday I wake up and remember that I am a leaf, and I wish I could be amything else.

Ha ha, not in a million years

Life in the UK is depressing as hell. Just watch your tv shows: Skins, shameless, inbetweeners, fleabag

Everyone is depressive

why reply to a retard?


DESU, what will happen after Trump's 2nd mandate?
I dunno if the USA will survive the commie-green-deal-neo-democratic-party
Eventually schummer and pelosi will retire or die, and what comes next added to demographics spells disaster for america.

im stuck in this shithole and u tell me to calm down?!

I love americans.
I'm just not one

Literally every aspect of my life would be way better, had I been born in the US.

Europe has bowed down to their muslim masters. Sorry Hans and Tommy, Abdul runs your shit.

Litterally a 7/10

Hollywood freaks are just usually so ugly that shes pretty by comparrison

yeah germans are cucks

She looks so happy :3

no itd be fake british. nobody in america is like europeans, only british.

Lol only poor niggers from 3rd world want to be americans.

>Everyone here wish they were americans

Jokes on you, I wish I was dead

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karate chopped TO DEATH

Top kek

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Typical american, thinking Europe needs their advice.
You faggots won't stop having that huge ego, won't you?

Abduls are just annoying, they don't run anything. The US on the other hand has sucked jewish dick for over a century now, creating a rootless corporatist cultureless muttland.
You have fucking drive-in churches and the most neurotic wannabe christian medieval LARPers.

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in brazil we call that pe de pobre(poor people feet)
pic related is what is considered pe de rico(rich people feet)

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