I still can't come up for a valid reason why italy has so many deaths and infected compared to other nations...

I still can't come up for a valid reason why italy has so many deaths and infected compared to other nations...just what the fuck is happening?

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Virus was designed to kill weak R1b apes

The culprit of the Italian epidemic may have been different but that is also an important lesson for the future: Italy was the first country to ban all flights from China (when zero cases had been registered among Italian citizens) and they ended up being the worst-affected country in Europe. It could be a coincidence or it could be that many Italians returning from China had no choice but to travel through a third country and therefore were not identified as coming from an infected region. Most likely the virus was brought to Italy by returning Italians, just like it was brought to the US by returning US citizens. The lesson to be learned is that humans tend to find ways to bypass restrictions, and sometimes this causes more damage that not having the restrictions at all. Citizens returning home from infected areas are obviously as likely to spread the virus as foreign visitors are.

They attributed 80% of deaths to covid19 when it wasn’t the cause of deaths

its Aspirin. In Germany everyone uses Aspirin. As far as I know Italians use Ibuprofen the most, which is confirmed to make the covid a lot worse. I literally cured my own covid with Aspirin. Somebody better look into it

you have more old people than anyone else you fucking retard

Can some medfags weigh in on this?


Chinese want to invest in Italy even more.

Its not. Belgium had two days over 180 deaths already.
Thats 16+ per million, italy hit 15 once.
Spain has hit 19 already.
Italy was just early due to chinese diaspora.
Belgium was second due to italian diaspora.

I am sorry for your country, fren. It might be because
>lots of old people
>old people often still living with their families in multi generation environment
>shitty healthcare
I hope the lockdown helps. Also, I think millions of chinese are infected and ten thousands died. China is giving fake numbers

>2nd oldest population on earth, behind only japan
>3 generation households are the norm. Dirty children spread diseases to their grandparents
>forget social distancing, Italians greet each other by kissing
Keep in mind that the average age of someone dying of the Coronavirus in Italy, and that 99% of them had other health problems. So they didnt necessarily die OF corona, but they died with corona. Life expectancy is very high in Italy. If these people were burgers than they already would have been dead 10-15 years ago of the ‘beet us or of multiple gunshot wounds.

The reason is that China is the main garment producing nation for the Italian fashion industry. Many Chinese ex pats live and work in Italy. There is a major back and forth of fashion industry workers between the two countries.

Aged population
High density living
Multi generational living
Culture that involves lots of touching/kissing
Weaker health system (compared to Northern Europe)

This. Meds BTFO. They are the parasites of the world.

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its punishment from God that you let all those refugees drawn at the sea. the Bible asks: “I know not; am I my brother's keeper?”

you are not your brother's keeper. therefore God is punishing you.

your country will go down in flames.

chinese in italy aren't dying, they respect strict rules and dont go outside to meet and greet like stupid marios do
simple as


Were you confirmed for having the Coronavirus, or did you self diagnose? In my opinion taking aspirin makes a flu last longer by suppressing your immune system’s responses to the virus.

>just what the fuck is happening?
Strain mutation, don't worry everywhere else will reach this to, including china

Imagine NYC, but as an entire country. Everyone packed together, people used to physical contact, people used to gatherings, etc.

This isn't a conspiracy, it's just culture.

lmao that's just sicily being sicily, mafia shennanigans happen over there with or without a flu

Was it worth a fellow chinaman dying for your post? You really need to consider that these days because that's what you are encouraging there chang.

There is a logical cause and effect relationship to everything that happens on earth. God punishes people in afterlife. You’ll find that out first hand,

Well luigi on the bright side your gap between recovered and dead is much bigger than previous weeks and on top of that daily infections have lowered.

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Maybe BCG vaccination policy had some impact:

>Italy devastated
>Italian speaking cantons in Switzerland have four times the cases of German speaking cantons
>NYC, home of almost every Italian in the US, has a huge outbreak
God just doesn't like wops

From what I heard. My relatives in Italy decided to do an actual giant ass Italian party with the whole fucking population instead of staying inside when outbreak started.

Pretty much whole country partied themselves to death because it's "their culture".

Don't know about aspirin, but ibuprofen really is proven to.make covid worse. Just let your body fight through it, don't take fucking meds instantly when you aren't even sure.

I've heard the following:
1. Northern area has older demographic
2. People live in multigenerational homes ( grandparents, parents, grandkids). kids and parents just get a bit of the flu, granparents get hammered
3. high prevalence of smoking

It is possible your country was already experiencing some other epidemic that only exacerbated the effects of the coronavirus epidemic. I remember some user suggesting tuberculosis, who knows.

because of chink tourists and slow government reaction?

Yea that was a good thread

Cuz you faggots kiss each other upon greeting

china and russia using your country like a judeo marxist playground

do better italy with those soviet 2nd world faggots subverting you

>lot's of chinks work in Lombardy bc they are payed less and by retaining the made in Italy seal they can charge more for the merchandise (plus there is no import tax - big thing in europe)

> these chinks go home for the lunar new year and get coofed on by other dirty chinks.

>they return to Italy and since the virus in transmissible during the incubation period they are coofing on everybody. Chinks are also nasty as fuck and even if they realize that they are sick they don't give a fuck.

>comes carnival, plenty of ppl who were alredy contaminated by chinks either directly or indirectly get together to party and coof on eachother.

>they go home and coof on their elders


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Because of the 5G rollout.

Some odd things about this virus and the italian peoples

>mostly effecting the north of italy, which has some of the highest standard of living in Europe and best medical equipment
>south of italy has almost no cases


>in USA
>affect the italian american community very heavily and also jews
>90% of italian americans have southern italian roots

>Dr fauici and the coumo brothers think its real
>bolsonaro 50% italian descent paternally thinks its fake

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Its literally because they import chinks from Wuhan in north italy as part of an agreement between the two countries

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Italy was the first country to use the NEW, IMPROVED flu vaccine that supposedly protected against all 4 prevalent strains. Side effects include viral interference, or : being more susceptible to other respiratory illness.

This is all about Bill Gates. Image source doctorsinitaly.com/b/flu-shot/

Attached: new flu shot in italy.jpg (534x572, 67.15K)

>kiss each other upon greeting
That is only done to and by women
Not so often between men

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Thoughtful post. Thanks burger.

that's not true, only girls do that, or boys to girls, and most of they time we fake it, barely closing up with the cheeks. and certainly not with strangers

We let every Belgian who was on vacation in Italy just come back with zero checks, tests, or quarantines.

We have great leaders.

China is obviously lying and are probably worse off. 'Merica has much more widely dispersed population centers and so will naturally have a flatter curve. Try not to sweat it.

Here in the south of Portugal there was this retarded school teacher that went for a mini vacation with her family to Italy around the 25th of February, she then infected a colleague (60 yr old male teacher iirc) and that guy was the first fatality of the region. She now has to carry the burden of killing an esteemed colleague for the rest of her life and I hope she thinks about that everyday for the rest of her life.

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She probably doesn't even think it war her fault.

different strain?

I dont know about Italy, but my country leaders are beyond retarded.
Anyways thanks to that wewill destroy the EU.

Italians are lucky as they will be the first ones to restart their economy. Faggot land where I live is completely locked down and the graph is moving sideways (10 deaths per day, 200 new cases per day)

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I am not convinced of anything when it comes to this HYPED up virus story. For one thing I live in Houston, major big city and I drive by the hospitals and they are ghost towns. You will have to show me some picks of rows and rows of body bags, rows and rows of people lying in stretchers in stadiums , apocalyptic shit before I will believe this is some huge pandemic. I haven't seen that anywhere, including in Italy.

Every one else is under reporting?

Why blame the EU though? It's not like being in the EU has caused these problems. If anything being in the EU will save you as northern countries send you needed cash because they love you. And these countries will have the manners and respect not to rub your face in it unlike China.

Don’t forget about the Chinese tourists in Italy. They may not show symptoms or use the Italian medical system.

Old population of smokers

Massive under reporting. You probably have million more cases that are being undetected.

Occam's laser

case closed. litteraly nothingburger and a lot of old dudes in one place. which was the dramma.

Lombardy has a huge population of Chinese immigrants. There are direct flights to Wuhan.

The outbreak was large before it was detected

also stop constantly kissing each other you faking faggets!

Because there are around 200.000 Chinese people who have a residency in the Wuhan area and Lombardy. Most of them have an Italian passport. And Spain can thank Italy for corona as the Champions League match between Atalanta Bergamo and Valencia helped corona spread faster in Spain.

They sold alot of their textile factories to china and imported hundred thousand gooks to work at them. They also inflated their numbers so the elites gain more power and ruin our economy

They are saying this in Japan too. Doctors, anyway.

Damn, a lot of people falling down stairs last weeks in Italy

It got there first, direct flights from Wuhan to Northern Italian factories cities. Italy is simply the canary in the coal mine.

It's because they ignored gathering orders and because other nations are bullshitting about how many are dying

Old population and many smokers plus imported chinks to make your made in italy shit


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"In Italy, there are several reasons why the Confirmed Fatality Rate is higher. The age structure of the Italian population (2nd oldest in the world); highest rates of antibiotic resistance deaths in Europe (Italy tops the EU for antibiotic-resistance deaths, with nearly 1/3rd of the deaths in the EU). Smoking also seems to be a factor associated with poor survival – in Italy, 24% smoke, 28% men. In the UK, for instance, 15% are current smokers.


>you are not your brother's keeper.

That’s rich coming from you. After all, they are all cattle who live only to serve as your slaves. Isn’t that right, moshe?

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W-what if the whole stayathome meme is just a way for them to remove/add more 5G towers without anyone noticing

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Based and Ray Peat pilled

They report differently, most countries report "Died of", but Italy is reporting "Died with", so anyone with a comorbidity is automatically counted as dead of Covid even if that wasn't the direct cause of death.

On the matter of confirmed cases it's simply an artifact of widespread testing, the more you test the more cases you confirm, remember that the majority of cases are mild or asymptomatic and thus you get a ton of reported but what you really should be looking at is severe cases, Italy reported over 110,000 cases by yesterday but only about 5,000 of them are classified as severe, the rest are mostly ambulatory.

>antibiotic resistance deaths
Why would this have any effect on Corona deaths???

>what is Japan
You stupid nigger

Wopping cough

a malicious cover-up of widespread medical malpractice involving the irresponsible use of intubation protocols that likely spread acute pneumonia between patients when they reused them, citing themselves they were "running out of ventilators"

I've said this in other threads, no one else has had to do this, but for some bizarre reason Italy becomes this outlier where everyone in their dog suddenly needs to be forcefully sedated and intubated, then they die suffocating on their own fluids? That's not covid-19, that's acute pneumonia likely spread around from patient to patient by means of bacterial infections reusing the ventilators. Why? Who the fuck knows why. There are more questions than answers.

I read something a week ago that attributed the vast majority of initial deaths to taking ibuprofen

nd oldest population on earth, behind only japan
Japan is completely unaffected by covid-19 and they are not recognizing any kind of pandemic in their country, despite earliest cases recorded in December, they are not exercising any quarantines, social distancing or work stoppage. People are not sick in Japan.


>Boomer dies from food
>Somehow the bitches fault though she survived as did anyone else who was healthy.

Corona kills fat people, old people, and people with pre existing conditions. I'd bet it has a less than 1% kill rate on healthy adults so long as NSAIDs, vitamin C and anti malaria drugs are available.

the most jewish of jew posts ive seen in some time
i pray that you are skinned alive before you burn in hell

>nows my chance to be an internet badass on an anonymous forum!
Go play minecraft

Wops sold their leather factories to China 10-20 years ago. Chinese imported 100k chink drones to make leather in Italy via a direct air link to Wuhan. Globalism bitches.

I understand you are being sarcastic, but that’s exactly what’s going on. 8am-5pm, get out there and make me some shekels, goy. The virus will get you at night though, right? China (Wuhan province specifically, served as the guinea pig for the nation), Italy, and Spain have already retrofitted their towers. The USA is in the process as we speak. It’s a pretty wild coincidence that the symptoms of radiation poisoning are a mirror image of the official narrative for the Kung Fu Flu, huh?

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its almost as if a bunch of left wing medical bureaucrats would actually lie for political purposes