Pig Anus/Eyelids Tastes Great!

Why do these spark in the microwave? And what about that covid thing huh?

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I’m poor I I don’t even eat this. All beef franks for me.

Sup /ck/

Vegans are such pussies. Yes, we all know hot dogs are made of trimming. Just like sausages have been for thousands of years.

Yeah, cow asshole is for the elite

If it makes you feel any better OP, your eyebrows are covered in millions of tiny, crawling critters.

yes and no

would my anus spark in the microwave?

Microwave? Just boil some water you fucking faggot

>Pig Anus/Eyelids Tastes Great!
tfw they actually do

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Moisture contained in the sausage. I mean I’m not excusing it but yeah put liquid in the microwave and see what happens

Boiling? They're already cooked! Just put two or three in your mouth and satisfy all urges.

Boiling hotdog is degenerate. Pan fry in butter troglodyte.

>if you dont eat garbage youre a pussy

retard cope

>Why do these spark in the microwave?
Do people really microwave hotdogs?

Sounds like your microwave has some horsepower.

turkey, chicken and pork .. the fuck they are just throwing all the trimmings in ?

>Ew, I don't like the texture.

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I keep 5 of these in a thermocan for lunch at work, we have a buffet there and it's mostly healthy food like broccoli/steak tier meat, and fish and chips on Wednesdays. People already made fun of me for eating like 15-20 pickled garlic a day, saying shit like it's good for keeping shit like std's away and such, but honestly I don't see why people wouldn't eat 20 of them since they are pretty good and I don't imagine its fattening, not more than butter anyway. I used to just eat my thermocan sausages in the dining room but I felt like I had to stop because people looked at me like I was an idiot and after a week or so I found myself eating lunch alone

yeah hot dogs are always made with heavily processed trash parts of the animals, its capitalization on a waste product

a hot dog is basically an asshole sausage

>Why do these spark in the microwave? And what about that covid thing huh?
Jerry Seinfeld?

nigger a hot dogs texture is not bad, keep coping, keep eating garbage like a bottomfeeder

Nowadays I just eat them in the workshop after lunch, the other guys are pretty supportive of this and think I'm based as fuck. and tell me it's pretty impressive how much I can eat since I already murdered 3 dishes of the healthy shit during lunch

take the piercing out first and it won't

>boiled hot dogs

what are you, 5?

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>heat pan
>put butter in pan
>cook hot dogs in pan until they get a nice char (not burned, there is a difference)
You're welcome.

They don’t spark you fucking idiot. Yes they made of pure shit just like you and your whore mother.
The wuflu is gonna kill you because your stupid AND dumb.
That is all
KYS nigger

Checked and agreed. was truly only asking about the sparking

>not steaming your hotdogs

If they can make the normally unused parts not go to waste and taste good then what's the problem

>He didn't buy Costco sized packages of Hebrew Nationals.

Lol all hotdogs are just that. If you were white you would eat your own home made sausages. Hotdogs are the poormans sausage like american cheese is the poor mans cheddar.

Calamari can be made from pig's anuses.

The greatest laugh I had in my life was a good 30 years ago when I microwaved one of these fuckers on high until it exploded into hundreds of pieces

Since I'm not a faggot I am not inclined to cook my hot dogs like one.
Steamed. Give me a break. You are less gay when you're blowing your wife's boyfriend.

>Why do these spark in the microwave?

The aluminim's in there so you can transmit frequencies.

You are supposed to boil them with onions. The recipe is very easy if you want a good result. One sausage, one of my coffee cups of water and one onion and then add salt and pepper also. Sausage cooked otherwise is also okay but its not quite as good. Also its very good to serve it with potato fries and garlic mayo and sometimes steak and porkchops aswell if your parents are coming over. They are gonna be really impressed because you cooked so much food by yourself

are you overweight

i love meat but these... yuck
i only eat them where there is nothing else and i cook it until they are pitch black

are you fucking kidding me?

sauteing a hotdog is the gayest thing ever
have you ever had a hot dog at an mlb game?

Cooking in butter makes anything taste better. Clearly you no taste for fine cuisine.

>have you ever had a hot dog at an mlb game?
Yes. They are shit and overpriced.

how very american of you

I don't think so, maybe a little, I try to work out but it's very hard when I have to fight the others for the ball. I tried to start lifting weights but we mostly have balls of various sizes. My doctor told me it would be good If I exercised more but its very hard when I can't have keys for the gym and they rarely let me in by myself

And the addition of the char is splendid.

>fine cuisine
>sauteed hot dogs

nigger, get a classic steamed hotdog with mustard and kraut, youre clearly deprived and ignorant

>hurr durr me no likey food that taste good

the classic iconographic american hotdog is boiled or steamed, this nigger is not american

exercising doesnt help people slim down, its all diet
calories in

god damn I'd kill for a hotdog right now

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A steam/boiled dog is pleb tier. Imagine choosing to eat water logged meat.

>hurrr we shouldn't eat the entire animal after murdering it

Are weiners made of weiners Yas Forums?

The hating on hotdogs is so 1970s

>exercising doesnt help people slim down, its all diet
Stop repeating this bullshit you fucking retard, obviously exercise helps people slim down

well some parts of animals are traditionally considered 'for dogs' here

I really don't like working out when the others are watching me, It makes me really umcomftbla. I try to do jumping jack in my room but almost every time the adult wirh keys tells me I have to stop mostly I can do like 5 and they won't know. Often they find out even before I start. Sometimes I weekends I get complaints just for getting out of bed. They are like "stop jumping jack" but they don't know its because my bed is vihk above the floor lol

Oscar mayer hotdogs are by far the shittest hotdog on the fucking planet. When I was a poor fag I saw these on sale for BOGO, bought them, ate one and almost fucking barfed. Threw them in the trash and ate rice for the week. I wouldn't even feed a stray dog that shit.

as i said the effect is minimal and negligible compared to proper diet and whats more when people 'only' exercise instead of keeping diet they go for reward mentality after fucking everything up

Nope, just animal penis. It says so on the label.

They spark due to the added iron content.

I don't eat 100-300 hotdog a day so I don't see why workout is not good. Its almost always 5 unless it's Friday, on Friday its 6

Guess you never had Bar S

What's wrong with pig anus?

Wrong. They're "wieners," so they are made of Austrian penises.

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workout is good you should workout be a good boy too

Well no it doesn’t.
It’s all about calories in vs calories out.
You can exercise 12 hours a day, but if you eat 25k calories a day you won’t do shit but get fat.
Fucking leafs can’t get anything right.


Are hotdogs good for you?

patrician taste user.

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well 6+satan you are clearly institutionalized somewhere for reasons i can take a gander at after interacting with you so i figured being condescending is fitting response.
anyway workout is good for your body

I always cook mine with a little water in a saute pan. Once the water dries, the oil from the hot dog coats the dog in a nice layer of mailard reaction and you can get some crisp to the casing.

What is your problem?

Why do you all eat that shit in your countries ?

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Hotdogs are pretty good