What the FUCK Just Happened on CNN?

Watch this interview. This is Fredo telling his brother, the governor, that he has been captured and his being surveilled and interrogated. Chris is telling him that he knows Andrew sold him out by providing photographic evidence to the authorities. He talks about how the two of them used to go "fishing" but Andrew never gets "dirty".

Haircut = Getting rid of the police
Fishing = Raping and murdering children
Fever = The heat. The police.
Virus = Criminal charges
Substance = Evidence

It's all right there, in plain sight. Did anyone else watch this??

Attached: CuomoInterview.png (1217x648, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:


nice link retard


Attached: 071.jpg (250x250, 65.89K)

This nigga tryin to embed video player like we in myspace

I never tried to embed video here before lol just watch the fucking video


>allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture
I’m not enabling any of that shit. It’s all blacklisted in my browser.

You just type the link, and Yas Forums embeds it automatically:



why is fredo so fucking giggly too?

Because he isn’t sick.

Absolute fucking retard

Here you go frens:

Why would you post such a fucked up link? Just the http to----> WhU portion is all you need to post.

Attached: feels bad, man.png (860x645, 216.23K)

Fucking chizo retard.

Fake and gay. All I heard was them talking about Joe being a rapist and how Andrew was going to be the nominee when Rapin Joe steps down.

Okay, does this imply, that we see Andrew Cuomo running as the democratic candidate?
I mean what other option is there?
Biden and Clinton should be out if Q is real. And Sanders is a fucking joke

>if you change all the words they said then the words are different
holy shit no way

Youre insane.

Fucking retard qfags are a cancer on this board we need to cull all you fucking retards

Attached: 1584984793722.jpg (408x446, 177.92K)

>no one mentions Q
>you: “Fucking Q fags”
We’re you the mod who purged the D.U.M.B. Thread?

Attached: 0374EB7A-54F3-4BFA-A5EC-9E3BAFDD4275.jpg (1125x1962, 467.75K)

Cool link.

Clearly the retarded shit OP believes is the same exact shit retard qfags believe and further proof of that hes some retard qfag stumbling upon the board is the fact he doesnt even know how to post a video. Also based mod cleaning out the trash

Kill yourself shill

Attached: FA412663-7603-4B0F-88BA-308C435B72D0.jpg (1024x832, 132.29K)

Never make threads here glownigger.

How predictable. Retard delusional qfag calls me a shill. Tell me when is sessions...i mean barr...fuck i mean durham...wait durham only charged one person for threatening schiff?...fuck well when is whoever you retards think is gonna solve all the worlds problems now gonna arrest all the elite?

Attached: 1585858274433.jpg (5312x2988, 3.42M)

It’s afraid, don’t acknowledge the Qproofs and just resort to ad hominem:)

Attached: 81BFE2FB-CE60-4C50-B72E-9ED2F86C0EE3.jpg (1024x711, 153.73K)

You glow.

Also thanks for proving my point that you were a retarded qfag kek

Still not acknowledging proofs;) better stick to ad hominem we don’t want people seeing the evidence!

Attached: DFB4D50C-34AA-4931-88E1-EA491E646DEA.png (1079x927, 1.01M)

kys SIMP

Attached: 1585363695984.jpg (680x680, 125.33K)

None of you retards understand the concept of confirmation bias thats what this entire larp is. Wow something minor he said is tangentially related to something that happened wow q confirmed. Meanwhile none of his major predictions have came true and its been 3 years now. He better hurry because trump isnt guaranteed to be reelected and novembers soon!

This thread is obvious slide thread what op doesnt know videos autoembed. Basically all this q user shit is a controlled opposition

How can you figure that out without posting?

It’s all a coincidence

Attached: C1727506-6535-40D8-9D0F-2181A872D554.jpg (779x626, 120.68K)

>rent free

Attached: 1585405448127.jpg (811x898, 143.68K)

He's a narcissist who gets attentions from millions of eyeballs every day. Isolation is driving him nuts.

>wow someone with brain cancer died
Fucking retard

Everybody forgot pizzagate already ?

Bunch of fucking schizos.

You got 2 replies. Shill is mad


>Haircut = Getting rid of the police
>Fishing = Raping and murdering children
>Fever = The heat. The police.
>Virus = Criminal charges
>Substance = Evidence



Attached: 1525811834614.png (944x4013, 662.44K)

hey guise...watcha watchin?

Attached: efg.jpg (400x400, 23.81K)

You know real anons are reading the image and understanding the mathematical improbability of predicting someone’s death down to the exact minute?

Attached: DD91C7C4-2B9B-4816-9A90-1E1C0428D38C.jpg (1200x952, 234.68K)

Needs more filters

Attached: peepee.jpg (500x350, 15.37K)


this is a boomer thread

You fucked up the trolololol. You fucking retard.

>Fishing = Raping and murdering children

Deal with your own problems, Kraut

based retard

no, fishing means going with a fishing pole and drinking beers, it's what white people do instead of jacking cars, tyrone

Neat! Trusted public figures, like the script says.

Hope I wasn't the last to figure out...

Attached: corona_TRUTH.png (1366x2458, 535.3K)

>mother’s sauce recipe
I think they are talking in code about adrenochrome. Cuomo(gov) just called out Cuomo(cnn) for being around the “kitchen” more than him

Attached: F26D52AE-631F-45F0-BC88-53D80939FBFC.jpg (1125x1263, 135.36K)

Big if true

take your meds, schizo

lurk 2 years before posting newfag

Don't worry though, I found another secret message too
>It's all right there, in plain sight. Did anyone else watch this??
It's all right there = Replacing words changes meanings
in plain sight = I'm off my meds and seeing things
Did anyone else watch this?? = Any other retards??



I don't care for Fredo's opinions, but the banter between these two is pretty funny.

Threads like this make me glad Covid-19 is running so rampant in the States. This whole board is caught up in its on larping so hard it can't tell the internet from real life.

>iframe width="560" height="315" src="youtube.com/embed/L6aD9ykGWhU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

Attached: 63474.jpg (719x795, 65.99K)

Hopefully they catch it. Theyre so stupid they shouldnt be alive. Literal subnigger iq

Let me guess. You do crossword puzzles because you heard the masters of cryptography did them for light entertainment. Trouble is you’re shit at them.

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Oh my god shut the fuck up you moron. Why the fuck would some hippie in grateful dead be so important they decide to kill him off when hes 70 and q predicts it. You people are dumber than shit

So what's the deal here, is someone holding a gun on his head while he's talking? because he seems extremely nervous and his eyes keep darting to the side
That's clearly some kind of codeword talk, and they're OBVIOUSLY reacting to specific words

Yes, because your post was so much better in quality, mutt.

WTF...did anybody watch this? he's like slightly hallucinating from the fever it seems
>the cuomo wand

i mean there's SOMETHING going on.

That's not a normal convo

When he was saying he's gonna hit him when he gets right... didn't seem like a joke...

Agreed. The amount of huffing ones own farts in this board is retardily high. If they would put the same energy into actually being smart instead of larping maybe this wouldn't be such a neo nazi, white power, white trash board.

This leaf may be kept out of the incinerator.

mama israel

Attached: IMG-20200326-WA0000.jpg (768x1024, 113.48K)

Or clearly he's still dealing with the sickness. Covid-19 gives a fever that can drive you insane. It's like being on a very bad acid trip


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The end of your sentence doesn't match up. The qtards arent white supremacists half of them love Jews and want to bomb iran. Look at the retard who tried to post the video hes some dumb fucking boomer who came here from Facebook or twitter

I love this so much.


also he's probably scared of dying which is a possible outcome of events now

Kys glownigger


you know how I know you're not from around here?