Happeniggers BTFO

happeniggers BTFO

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And it only took Corona 4 months to get to this point. Bill Shill can fuck off and die.

>1/10th the lethality in 1/30th of the time.
Fuck boomers desu tho

kill yourself shill rat

It’s true. Are we going to shut down our economy every time China sneezes? Pathetic.

Wish I could die for Israel

Woman burps on food in crowded supermarket amid coronavirus epidemic

we should just bomb them

cant believe people are this retarded. if we would have not wrecked the ecnomy by isolation it would easily have surpass it

Shilling corona is shilling for MSM. Nothing burger

You people don't get it do you. It is in the interest of politicians worldwide to make this more dramatic because there are just 2 scenarios:
1. They make Corona disappear in their country and the government takes a chunk of the credit for quarantining and taking strict measures.
2. Corona keeps spreading and the government will claim that it did all it could to stop it, not their fault.

Now you see, one scenario is neutral and another positive. If they were more passive and the virus spread it would be a catastrophy for them next elections, so they went for the strict measures.

This is what I’ve been saying for ages. Nuke China already who’s going to fuck with us? Jesus Christ we are the super power of the fucking world WE NEED TO ACT LIKE IT.

what is your supporting evidence of this?

you government say with doing nothing 2 million wouldve died in the US alone. enough evidence?

>We wrecked the economy
>Trump wrecked the economy

The reason why the economy tanked is not due to the virus, but due to China lying about the virus and withholding information about it. Unlike H1N1 were we had an understanding of the virus, Corona was unkown due mainly to the fact that the country it started in not sharing details in a gain attempt to make itself look good


This boomer is in on the joke right?

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H1N1: lethality < 0.05%
Corona: > 5%

The fact it's more contagious, longer incubation time but can transmit 3 days prior to symptoms and 1/4 to 1/3 or people never show symptoms but still spread it. Also overwhelms hospitals when everyone gets sick

If i LARP as a coronahoax poster, i will attract 2 posters to take the bait. I will also attract 2 more LARPers pretending to take the bait

do something better with your free time you goo brained niggers. you shame your fathers with this braindead behaviour

pic related is your face getting (you)s

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Ah that selfsame bill Mitchell who sucked off stefan molyneux

>Corona: > 5%
false, it is less than 1%

This. Boomers need to learn basic math,

how long did h1n1 gone on for? i dont remember, honestly.

H1N1 didn't do this to hospitals, those H1N1 deaths are estimates that it could contribute, so bullshit

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With a fucking worldwide shutdown

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kys redditor. You didn't even provide proof for your retarded lie

it does kill fucking chads. corona is the virus of the neet.

Absolutamente basado

The reeeeeeeeeeee from the left when Trump claims he saved 2 million people will be worth 20-50 million jobs any 6 trillion dollars. Watching them debunk their own lies will be a bonus.

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Fuck this boomer bootlicker retard. He wants millions of people to die so kike CEOs don’t lose more shekels


I'm so sick of this nigger not understanding exponential growth. He's just mad that he's the only white cuck left in Miami.

H1N1 took about seven months

Too bad many countries aren't reporting or under reporting.
Of course you know it'll be the third world countries that lead in deaths and make it look worse than other pandemics.

foff botox baldwin

May be, assuming the case number is way higher. 1% is still 20 times larger than 0.05% though.

Your IQ?

>govt spending trillions
>stonks down
>unemployment skyrocketing
>small business closed
>multinational conglomerates open
>isolation enforced by police
>viral transmission is about to be made illegal
>surely the govt will never abuse this power
>its an assault umbrella
>this is fine
where are you people during the regular flu season?

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My favorite so far. T shirt worthy

>525000 deaths estimated by WHO after it ended
And I underline Estimated.

It works for Madagascar.

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Seriously, this boomer is so retarded and/or pandering to retards.
All migatards get the rope. These idiots enabled the kikes to destroy our country.

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Can we get an iq distribution shop of this?

He's gonna feel so stupid when he's chocking on his own lung scars.

Im rooting for trump. I want hundreds of thousands of dead amerifats and old Jews in New york

And all those who were never tested and asymptomatic?

His first mistake is believing Chinas numbers. Their deaths are in the high hundreds of thousands to millions

destroying economy is worth becuase keeping status quo wont help anyone. white countries are for the first time in history not getting more nonwhite due to immigration, first shit to stop this insanity is global pandemic. it will make whites notice huge enemy which is china which was build on backs of american and european companies who chose to move everything there. this is renaissance of europe and white race. you cant change shit if people are happy, overweight and have everything they need for degenrate life. maybe they will start question shit when they sit home, some of them hungry and see shitskins chimping out and what has happened to their homeland.

Which ones?

>implying chinese agents aren't actively spreading the pathogen in western countries.

The flu is a human virus. COVID-19 is zoonotic, it's exotic and foreign. It'll seduce your sister and fuck your wife.

fuck off

and he is just saying "just keep slaving goy, dont change shit everything is perfect , economy is working out and dont notice your replacement pls just work bro". this corona stuff brings us closer to ethnostate that any migatard every could

Lies, COVID19 had been out since early November. This shits so fucking stupid and i hate everyone who is going along with the charade. I mean chabbad.

Then why don't you fuck off? It has only been an epidemic since mid-January

Latest projections from Oxford:
>Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.
>In those without pre-existing health conditions, and over 70, the data is reassuring that the IFR will likely not exceed 1%.
>Mortality in children seems to be near zero (unlike flu) which is also reassuring and will act to drive down the IFR significantly.

What a fucking retarded happening. I know everyone was all geared up hoping for a proper happening, lots of dead normalfags, ZOG crashing and burning. But instead we get this. A flu tier "plague" that is only dangerous to 80+ year olds with severe comorbidities like heart disease and ZOG getting ten times the power to shit on your freedumbs than usual.

Worst fucking happening ever. The most boring, dumb, hysterical, retarded happening possible. 0/10.

I realize many of you happeningfags have a lot of ego invested in this shit and have convinced all your friends and family to hoard toiletpaper an all that shit. But now is the time to not double down on a double dose of retard and admit to yourself you got played by CIA niggers on this one.

Come the fuck on.

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Only because the lying, bought by the Chinese WHO wouldn't fucking do their job and be honest about the severity Chang! So you fuck off faggot. I know you don't mind the virgin hermit life tiny dick yellow nigger.

>And all those who were never tested and asymptomatic?
how do you know they have it if they were not tested?

Why can’t all these boomers just get the rope?

Eat shit you CCP rat

The ones we'll never know about until anti-body tests are used.
You think everyone was tested and the mortality rate for the 1918 flu or Swine flu was determined in three or four months?

The fact that people unironically like bill mitchell here makes me want to delete this board forever

Well, regardless, we still have the economic fallout.

1 post. Eat a cat Zhao.

I hate Bill Mitchell and think he's a turbofaggot.

What would the death toll be if we didn't do anything, Bill?

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That's not really a good thing.

>go out and suffer for the big green line, you probably won't die

Fuck off, CIA nigger. No one wants your surveillance society to combat the literally it's just a flu, bro.

I'm just saying that the hapooners still have that going for them.

That 575,000 is an ESTIMATE. There were only about 18,000 confirmed H1N1 deaths.

Why do people just lie on the internet?
Everything is just one click away from being btfo.

>Bill Nothingburger quotes world wide H1N1 deaths
>H1N1 killed only 4000 Americans in all of 2009
>Coronachan has killed 5800 Americans in 1 month

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H1N1 Pandemic had 1,632,258 cases. 1.6 MILLION not billion. And took a year and a half to get to that point. What a fucking spastic.

i get that but we have to work with the information we have

That's pretty sad. A manufactured ruination of the west over some sniffles.

>Live in your house watching state propaganda media and paralyzed by fear awaiting government stimulus checks and MRE's or else we'll arrest you, you probably won't die

Are you arguing that China was lying and downplaying the virus thereby fucking us over, while simultaneously implying that it is overblown nothingburger?

Supposedly you're very dumb and ignorant if you say this, but it IS just a fucking flu.

China's stroke of genius was to play this up as incredibly dangerous. They sacrificed two month's productivity in a small province for a new depression in the West.

Westernfags played along because the idea of countless Chinese dying horribly appealed to them and their sense of superiority. Then Corona-chan's deadly hype couldn't be stopped.

Now a mild flu-like disease turns into a real disaster that might lead to mass unemployment, civil unrest and even war.

Not a biological attack, but a memetic one. A memetic weapon of mass destruction.

Very well played, Mr Xi. Enjoy world domination, you have earned it.

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>guys its just the flu
>guys its not as bad as h1n1
>goys go back to work for your master


Covid-19 is a conspiracy. Somebody knew about it almost 4 years ago!!!

Only 200 deaths under 50. Nice happening, gullible niggers

>Oh no boomers are dying