
do this test and post results

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Will you still love me after this?

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take your data-mining and shove it up your fucking arse

Social democracy is based

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smart latino thinks so

Often neither of 2 options reflect my belief. Can't be bothered with this shit.

This. Statements are too broad and the options are too narrow.

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op me and u see eye to eye

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my nigga

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imagine not getting facism i'd hate to be gay too

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pol was pretty based today

i wanna know why there are so many faggots here with social democracy and libertarian socialism here?

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Nazbol gang?

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Almost as bad as a fascist.

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What even is distributionism

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an identical thread was made just a few days ago but here are my results from then anyway

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kikes or redditors idk but theres a lot wtf

almost communism

I didnt even know what Autocracy was

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Hello similar fag

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>le centrist

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Fascism involves corporate bootlicking
Theocratic socialism FTW

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what it is, it ain't

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What the fuck is "Libertarian Socialism"?

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means you're a hippie

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>believing in climate change
dangerous blue pill that one

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>Thinking that The Scientific Method works on a belief system.

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Mental retardation.

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Maybe I should run for office

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which site is this?

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This shit test is garbage, loaded vague questions and a black/white perspective.

Like me, but worse.

fucking degenerate

I know it's the people who light up who started this thread

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Do i count as based?

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Authoritarianism is for low T boy-men with daddy issues.

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o fug

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This test is pretty gay

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I have never seen my political belief really described anywhere, maybe I'm just retarded. The closest thing I found is Federal Minarchism with a shit ton of protectionism and military strength at the national level. Am I just Paleo-Liberal or some Night-watchmen libertarian b/s?

I like powerful city states with minimal government intervention except when It comes to international relations which need to be handled by the federal government including the border and illegals.

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They're all useless questions without further context. It's like asking what color food you like best without having any idea what the food actually is.

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Seems like localism is up your alley. But we don’t have to name every niche political belief like its a gender.