Where did it all go wrong?
Woman burps on products in a supermarket amid corona virus pandemic…
Faggot makes post about woman burping on food
Hello Ashley. Chugging coke again are we?
Americans are fucking disgusting
This was in Canada
This is common behavior around the world. Not exactly on groceries, but burping in general
>Woman burps on products in a supermarket "amid "corona virus pandemic
Why is everyone using this word?
As a teacher I can tell you all the girls do this now
Because amongst would suggest the food is a alive?
what would your preferred word be?
I belch probably 75 times a day. After meals I let out HUGE ones that you can hear anywhere in the house.
Sounds like you have acid reflux my guy.
stop eating so much cum
Kinda hot tbf
When Adam took the apple from Eve.
because it rhymes with Squid
and once you see what they did
you know we need to rid
*teleports behind them*
nothing personnel kid
You would love my country
The absolute state of kaceytron
Yeah many people do
This video is old and made way before the virus
He's a tranny. i remember alex jones made a video about him farting and burping
>Where did it all go wrong?
When EQ concept was introduced.
Wouldn't the context imply that the virus is alive, which it is?
Those are american prices and american products dumb yankee
disgusting mutt
dios mio... the legend of le americana de atrociado is real
What a disgusting skag. Hope she gets the coroner ,...and fucking dies.
It's better than retards who say "whilst"
Fake and gay. This video is fucking old. This bitch was even on Tosh.0. OP is a faggot, as always.
> not wiping and spraying all your food items when you get home
You deserve to die
OP is a faggot. This tranny looser was on tosh a while back. Only funny part was tosh never looked at the freak.
This isnt during the virus. I remember this fat paint girls video, this happened like 2 years ago. I forget why she did it though
That's a dude, right?
He is not a she.
Its an easy way to juxtapose two things. You can imply theres a connection even when there isnt
Halfway. Still has non functional hanger. He was on tosh and said so.
>Woman seeks way to make large scale even about herself, trading dignity for 15 seconds of attention.
>Woman burps on products in a supermarket amid corona virus pandemic
She is just american
Who is the best burping girl? Drop links
This tbqh
This was in Canada.
She's Mexican.
Med student here
That amount of burping is not natural nor healthy.
That woman must have Stage 3 gastritis. Her stomach walls must be covered in ulcers, her intestines in lacerations and her own stomach is trying to eat itself. She will develop stomach cancer in about 5 years, then most probably die in 3 years after that.
Also, that video is from 2015, not corona related, please don't spread fakenews
because it's the proper word to use, you illiterate nigger.
Built for BAC.
thank god we defeated hitler right my fellow leftierinos?
based and belchpilled
Bro, it's a north American feminist. All of what you said is common knowledge here.
>those glasses, hair and fat face
doesn't she have some cringe faggot protest to attend?
asians are just butthurt and cant take racism lightly
this video is old as fuck
the average man belches 50 times a day. with a household of 7 people that 350 belches a day, 2450 times a week. people say te=yhey dot need filters but when you cosndier the cubic square space each bealch uses, it fills about 3 average american homes a week, or about 1 football field in a month
>If I repeat it enough it'll become true
So she's American
Why are cunts so disgusting...they can't live and let live if their life depended upon it.
Same thing dickhead
She can burp on my sausage anytime..
this was months ago
dios mio la creatura americana
Blood sausage?
Always the same basic bitch look. Pounds of foundation on to hide the acne scar chemical burns, septum piercing, dark lip stick, and the perfectly straight hair.
Just remember these types of NPC women are most likely to get us killed and are hard left swinging.
old video, faggot
I hope someone beats her until she shits herself.
This the same bitch from the paymoneywubby video?
Where can I find a grocery store with that much food on the shelves?
Oh god I bet that zesty salsa got way more zesty!
More like subwoman, fucking insectoid scum, nuke them already