They are utterly seething over this drug, I've never seen anything like this
Hydroxychloroquine SALT
>Provide proof for the remedy
>"unproven remedies"
>we have to believe in science!
>no you can't try that one for science!
whatever im already bored of this
>taking pills when you can kick it out with mild and long sauna session
is it really the fault of all these people for being so unintelligent they can be easily led and deceived?
so many constitutional scholars turned doctors on twiter.
Didn't the CDC already recommend this be used for "emergency cases" of the wuflu? TDS is real.
Why do they fear Hydroxy so much?
I think they're fundamentally hostile to any treatment, unless it's some kind of vaccine that gets rolled out next year at the inauguration of a new president
>science is based on experimentation and observation
>if you get sick will you try this experimental treatment with no harmful side effects?
I would enjoy beating that person in the side of the head.
because trump brought it up as a treatment.
they hate trump so they hate everything he likes.
he could turn them against themselves in 2 tweets tops.
Because we are in a huge psyop. The hospitals are not overwhelmed, covid19 is not particularly dangerous, and there is a treatment for it
is pond cleaner good for you
Is pretty much the reason.
It's off patent.
wow, people in this country really are becoming unbelievably stupid
She may believe in science but she has absolutely no understanding of game theory. Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin may or may not help but there are zero side effects to speak of. Take the shit, dumbass. If it doesn't work you're no worse off.
>wow, people in this country really are becoming unbelievably stupid
It's been that way forever. But we used to bar the stupidest ones (women and minorities) from voting and we ignored them when they kvetched.
stupid people were always there now they can show you how stupid they are on twitter.
It's been hypothesized that humans literally are becoming dumber. With so much information at our fingertips, and life being so incredibly easy, generally speaking, critical thinking skills have plummeted. Not sure if there's any legitimate way of testing the hypothesis though.
"Suspend someone I don't like for sourcing an actual doctor who actually cured nearly 700 people because I believe in science"
perhaps because it's effectively bath salt and it's side effects have not been studied properly?
>She may believe in science
She wouldn't know science if science was a BBC fucking her.
>we've used it for years to treat other conditions
>"it's side effects have not been studied properly"
There's no reason to remember things if Google/Siri will tell you.
There's no reason to know how to do things, because Google/Siri will tell you.
There's no reason to form your own opinion, because panels of "authorities" will dictate you your opinion about everything by the minute, facilitated by Google/Siri.
There's no reason to know your community, because social networking allows you to dive into a fake one.
it's toxic to niggers
>and it's side effects have not been studied properly?
It's been used since the 50s, it's bizarre that media is trying to pretend it's some new unheard of test drug.
We need a remedy for Trump Derangement Syndrome
We need a treatment for TDS.
fuck off to twitter, newfag
It's unheard of for Covid treatment not for malaria.
Can anyon point to a case study where this has been proven to work?
Wait what? Got some research to back that up? Why would it do that? Its used erryday everywhere for malaria
>Not sure if there's any legitimate way of testing the hypothesis though.
Pretty sure Twitter is one big study on increasing human stupidity.
Dude, are people like you insane? wtf is wrong with you. Search for Dr Zelenko - he's only one of many who give patients this stuff.
Michigan requests hydroxychloroquine from national stockpile to treat COVID-19
Because they already mocked Trump for suggesting it as a retard. They'd rather double down on a life saving drug than let him be right.
Also no patent so the media tells them to hate it. Their biggest sponsors are typically pharmaceutical companies. If the cure to the biggest "pandemic" since Spanish flu is a cheap and easy to make drug than all those pharmaceutical companies lose money on vaccines, expensive cures, etc
Well never let a good cricis go to waste and dont forget about billy boys plan plus the drugs is unpatented so no shekels to be made
This. I wanna see a source on that. If so go coronachan! Wipe everyone but whites and Japs out.
And had terrible side effects that were better than dying
ITT retards who believe a magic elixer to save the day is being hidden by a conspiracy against trump
>It's unheard of for Covid treatment not for malaria.
Which has nothing to do with toxicity or side effects.
>Can anyon point to a case study where this has been proven to work?
Fuck off with "muh case studies!" Case studies are a tool of science, not SCIENCE! itself. And you can't even have a case study without first noticing that something might help and needs to be studied further.
You're at risk of death, X might help, the side effects of X are minimal/manageable, you fucking try X. You don't die because MUH STUDY ISN'T COMPLETE YET or because REEEEE ORANGE MAN IS BAD!!!
This isint true in Indonesia in the good old days this stuff was also taken by the indonisians and in South Africa by the blacks.
>buy my vaccine goy!
I‘m not saying it isn’t a hope, but we should probably not completely be certain about it. It has significant side effects and there needs to be more data, before we should put too much weight into the positiv tales about it. Saying it’s completely useless is also over the top.
>muh strawman!
No one said anything about HCQ being "hidden". It's out in the open and being tried. We're just speculating on the motivations of asshats reeee'ing against it on twatter.
No one claimed it was a magic elixir, tardo. But it is very interesting how bitterly leftists oppose even ATTEMPTING to see if it works. What exactly are you afraid of, besides Trump getting credit for doing something good? Would you prefer more American deaths to even testing out HCQ? Answer these questions honestly.
Dosing is a thing height/weight don't be a nigger
And somehow Trump isnt part of that elite group ruling the world... because reasons. They're fucking retard.
Anyone have the post from reddit confirming he's doing vaccine certificate chips? Where he literally admits it on his reddit account?
I fully expect pharmacies to be out of this stuff once the scalpers come. Once the point if you can’t even get it without paying ludicrous amounts
>Would you prefer more American deaths to even testing out HCQ? Answer these questions honestly.
she's doing a typical response as a person
that was basically born yesterday
no clue, has not been around the block,
except to get rides on cock
doesn't realize the rest of the world
doesn't share her BS mighty mouse
Science fundamentalism
doesn't realize france sold
the drug over the counter since 1970
til jan of 2020 when a kikel
ordered it put behind the counter
she believes in science
the kind of science that gets people killed
Epic Fail
these are people that swallow whatever
spunk that comes out of whatever cock
put in front of them while blindfolded
Because trump
Tonic water has quinine in it, would drinking 10 Gin and Tonics help?
Kek, this thread always makes me laugh. Quality trumpkino.
It‘s also toxic to white and yellow people. It’s just a higher does they can take and because it isn’t that effective a higher does is better. I would say there is an effect, but celebrating it as the cure is a little bit early.
>but Dr. House, we can't use hydroxychloroquine on this patient because it hasn't been studied yet for this disease
I assume treatment has to be administered by doctors. Who has been buying up the drug lately?
This stuff is used for over 50 years the drug only became a problem when coronachan came around, makes you think doesint it?
We're just finally seeing the limits of the finite state machines that make up most people.
Does anyone have that article where the person died taking aquarium cleaner? Where the wife is a huge dem supporter and highly mentally unstable and possibly under investigation for killing her husband.
The FDA approved hydroxychloroquine too. May be the first good thing the FDA has ever done.
Why won’t you answer the questions?
there was an episode of md on that.
i wouldn't recommend it.
an actor on his bad soap was exhibiting symptoms so he kidnapped him.
It has been studied, but more needs to be done.
This this this
We went down hill when we needlessly adopted the philosophy that all opinions are worth listening to.
Depending on your country and allowed quinine content. Ive been drinking it extensively but i make my own tonic.
This. The commies in the deep state, Big Tech, and elsewhere are throwing everything they can to try to create a global depression. I've never seen anything like this. Trump must have them scared. Very scared.
>It's unheard of for Covid treatment
Everything is unheard of for Covid treatment, what's your point?
No. It’s the media’s fault
Meanwhile, in reality, the fucking drug is past it’s patent and can be made by anyone. Why do you think kikes are seething and pushing this shit so hard? They can’t get a strangle hold on it
Modern tonic water is cucked so it barely has any
Then people in 3rd world countries would be suoer smart.
No. Iq going down is due to demographic change.
>It has significant side effects
It does, but they only occur when the treatment is prescribed for too long, dr. Raoult has talked about this before. Thing is, the average person that gets cured by this treatment will do so in about a week, which means that long exposure to the medication is not required. Now, couple this with the fact that the meds are not patented and they can be mass produced right away at a shitty price (estimated costs per 1 million patients / 350.000 dollars), and you have the entire Big Pharma lobby shilling against it from the very start. Check how much the remdesivir treatment costs per patient and you'll soon realize why they have been so adamant at telling everyone that a drug that has been used in the past 50 years is dangerous because it "hasn't been tested". Yet they push drugs that cost a ton of money and are made to treat HIV. Funny.
They would rather die than him be right, again
>i'm just going to ignore that France is using "TRUMPS MAGIC ELIXER".
These faggots would rather have millions die than Trump get a W. This is what we are up against. Good thing they are just noisy trannies who fag around on twitter all day.
Die. Just fucking die.
i took azythromiycin once back in like 2004 . that shit gave me hives. rash and fcuked me up bad.
It‘s only used for lupus to my knowledge and the dose isn’t that high. It‘s known to be highly effective against malaria and seems to be effective against a variety of viruses. Not one is currently treated with it and they mostly don’t treat malaria with it anymore, because of the side effects. The side effects are talked about in public since the pandemic, but it was a longstanding concern in the medical community. Also part of the reason it isn’t really used against the other stuff it showed effects in cell culture.
Wtf is this retard saying? People already on medication would be taking this specific one?
seethe chinks
I read 600-800 mg initial load followed by something like 400 mg twice a day, this will lead to significant side effects in a relevant percentage of those taking it.
Easiest way to blow up their world?
Have Trump tout that maybe we should reduce the amount of fluoride in the tap water and encourage people to brush more instead?
Watch they will poison their own water with excessive fluoride, thus solving the problem of their anger and hatred and making them less intelligent and more docile.
Then Trump needs to say that we need
to go back to the old vaccine schedule and not use as many experimental vaccines in the schedule anymore.
Do more rigorous testing of said shots.
Then watch them increase the experimental shots they give their kids to extreme amounts so they brain damage their own kids.
Checked, and I think you meant (((Funny))).