How close is this country to electing a far right leader?
How close is this country to electing a far right leader?
fucking nowhere, even their closest thing to conservative, "Christian Democrats" are spooked by parties like Alternativ fur Deutschland. The only "far-right" voices they have are in the East and are steadily being drowned out by Berlin and her refugees.
Ask in my server
1 weimar
far away
Christian democrats are probably going 10 degrees to the right in the next election which is enough for all of the middle of the road AFD voters to run back to the CDU. Crisis brings them to conservative leadership
So the West is lost?
nowhere, they will keep voting for socialists because that's what badly programmed robots do
>Crisis brings them to conservative leadership
and then it's business as usual, Much Like everywhere else in the West.
also, Checked
Based Dr. Ludwig
We'll see what the next crisis brings
could happen only if there is some major external factor, e.g. hyperinflation due to corona QE
>So the West is lost?
Someone's late to the party. the West was lost 100 years ago
Never been close
Why were we born post 20th century? I feel depressed about the loss of tradition.
la creatura
The recent shitstorm around the politican that was suposed to be the next merkel has shown that the left will destroy germany before letting the right have a say.
Very far. Firstly our media is completely pozzed. Secondly Afd has the majority in every state in the east but it doesn't help. "Conservatives" will do a coalition with literal communists in order to prevent the AfD from getting any power.
We were all born to suffer. now the question is how do you deal with the suffering?
Actually, the right is willingly mutilating itself now. The AfD just decided to exclude major parts of itself. It is highly likely that it becomes a second CDU-light
Used to live in Germany, couldn't handle the self-hate of those idiots.
Create more refugee waves please. We love it when you do that fren.
What would you consider far right? Mass deportations of 'brown people', many of whom are German citizens, will never happen under a democratic system.
Good music
>revoking citizenship never happened
Not in a liberal democracy at least.
What does that even mean?
As long there are American troops on your soil?
Maybe once the EU crashes. Even then, Germans are either too brainwashed or too scared to do anything that doesn't follow the mainstream.
I have no idea, I'm not a clairvoyant. But I think 'ethnic/racial politics' won't become a reality here or anywhere else in Europe anytime so. What could realistically be done is reduce the number of newly arriving refugees. Salvini had them down to almost zero for a short period I believe.
Electing? Light years away, impossible. Having one rise to leadership by a coup/revolution? Much more likely although still unlikely. Germany is the most cucked Euro country.
not as close I would like it to be
>How close is a cuck to growing a pair?
not going to happen
Almost impossible, almost.
no offense, but how old are you and whats your level of education and ethnic background?
One more refugee wave and we'll have a new Reichskanzler.
This. Excellent job! We needed the instability it was too peaceful in here.
Corona is every accelerationists wet dream. If the world economy crashes and people go hungry, this can turn around very quickly. We may not recognize our own country in 5 years.
Great argument, bro.
Please force us to take in more turks, daddy
>germans once again showing what beta cucks they were even 50 years ago
What's even the point of you faggots living since you seem to be at the core of destroying europe every step of the way?
Europe would genuinely be better with you nuked.
t. subservient literally who nation
>burgers are so intellectually inferior that belive that Shitler was "far right"
IDK imma guess that the germs are just trying to survive. But it's quite difficult in the center of everything :D right now they try to behave like a good country but will get hate from every direction no matter what they do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ would hate to be a kraut desu.. they had their chance and will never get another.
My ex was from Germany and I thought it was epic she voted for the "Christian Democrats" until I found out that this was basically just what everyone voted for because it had Merkel.
She actually turned out to be pretty conservative which was nice.
She's been texting me wanting to "see how things work out" don't know what to do
Not close at all. The "muh immigration" panic is gone already and Yas Forums / americas retarded "lefty" false flag anti cultural outrages wont take ground in germany since we every "news" coming from america is taken as seriously as bad fiction at this point. Not even making this up
Yeah /spambots/ , america first, right?
t b h = to be honest turned into desu. I got nothing against them. Only feels.
Sarcasm isn't your forte, eh?
Germany is still a very good place to live considering we lost the two biggest wars in European history consecutively. The Americans essentially betabuxxed us back to economic health with their fiat money, while they are dying of diabeetus and other ailments because they have no health insurances.
Yeah go out there and tell them
>but muih health insurance too expensive if state Youre doing a good service for your people here is a new car
Some German politicians feared that shortly before the immigrants would go back to their country they would commit industrial espionage and thus help to advance their economy with German accomplishments.
If only.
Yeah so I've red and understood. The world economy is seriously weird stuff. Germany got totally destroyed not too long ago and the US gained from WW2. But now it is like you posted and I just can't wrap my head around how retarded the americans have to be :D would obviously rather live in Germany than in the USA. Unless I had some serious money then I would go to USA and develop that nation. German people don't need help.
how is it sarcasm if it's true faggot?
you did do that didn't you.
you were beta faggots even back then.
again Europe should remove literally every singe one of you since all you seem to do is destroy it.
OP is based
Germany literally allows Antifa to kick in peoples doors and beat their ass then not get charged. The idea that some right leaning person would ever gain power is laughable.
Well, in return we basically became part of the American 'empire'. It's basically like in Rome where, for instance, ethnic Egyptians or Syrians occasionally benefitted more from Roman administration than Italian peasants.
Sorry to ask but who are you and what do you do?
How do i meet a german virgin qt3.14 so i can marry her?
>Sorry to ask but who are you
i'm your dad, i fucked your mom next to your her cuck husband
>what do you do
make you ask retarded questions apparently
Hopefully, very. Germans are very logical people and most of them can see the constant influx of immigrants up-ending their traditions and sense of community, the dismantling of their industries due to outsourcing, the short leash the EU has on their ability to defend themselves....etc. They know its unsustainable, maybe they are waiting for the just the right charismatic leader to get them all on their feet and moving in a unified direction towards a better Germany for generations to come. A healthy degree of nationalism is a good thing and its truly a goddamn shame theres still stigma associated with being proud to be German
exponential population growth means that about half of the people who ever lived, live in clown times
Yes, I see of course. It's just a weird fucking world we live in. Nationalism is forbidden but kind of allowed and encouraged. American empire has no roots and don't know where to go so they just fuck things over here and there :D None of the western nations are original anymore as they used to the future is just one big pile of question marks.
Waiting for US to fuck over something, or the Russians, or the Chinese. And none of them should be there calling any shots cause they do not know the fuck they're doing.
National Socialist party when?
CDU is actually cancer
Okay dad. It's time for you to stop posting. Go to sleep dad.
Fuck off
what a faggot reply