World governments given an equal opportunity test

>World governments given an equal opportunity test.
>Trump fails
>says best case scenario is 200k dead

So it seems he is completely incompetent after all?

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kill yourself shill rat

The US is gigantic and comprised of many "states", each the size of a country both in geography and population. Separating each state would make that graph make more sense.

yeah because none of those other countries have States? you're a fucking retard dude

this just shows how fake the chinese chart is

We have actually working tests :^)

Back to your hive bugman chang

oh most def user. just like the 2016 polls all gave hillary a landslide victory of Trump. thank gawd hillary is our pres... oh wait thats right. President Trump for another 4.6 years shill.

sage in the options field and into the trash this thread goes.

Corona isn't killing anyone in China anymore, bullets are.
If they suspect you have it, they just show up and bang!
Can't report death by corona when a bullet killed you.

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oh most def user. just like the 2018 polls all gave Democrats a landslide victory of Trump. oh wait thats right. Democrats won in a bigger landslide than the polls

bump in all fields

Hello Chinaman

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>US starts testing more
>Wow there's more cases
>Huh what do you mean the fatality rate is so low?
Fucking every time

I just wanted to show everyone how a white country handles the virus.

While Trump was saying virus was a non-issue and being a lazy nigger, Australia brought in strict social distancing laws and we already have it under control with less than 300+ new infections per day. Meanwhile, in the land of Amerimutts, 1000+ are dying per day

Attached: Australia Corona.png (818x520, 19.98K)

The whole POINT of America is that liberty is better than safety, dumbass.
That the government didn't weld people into their apartments like China or demand a Go For A Walk Loisence like the UK is the whole point of the place. If some people have to die so I can go to Denny's whenever I fucking want, well, that's the price of freedom.

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>>World governments given an equal opportunity test.
>>Trump fails
>>says best case scenario is 200k dead
>So it seems he is completely incompetent after all?
Per capita please (:
Oh... You're to afraid. Shoo shoo Jew!

yeah and what's your total population retard?

My Aussie friend confirmed there's no testing kits at his clinic.

After you, zionist nigger.
>We LARP as a nation when it would make us look good but we’re individual states when things go south.

what's your population? Too afraid to show per capita?
Yiiiiikes. That's a jewish trick if I've ever seen one!

Best case scenario is less than 1 billion dead

the population of New York state alone is half that of Spain

And maybe, just maybe, we are reporting something a little closer to the truth.

Mad aussie cunt because his country is so huge and only like 1% of it is habitable

these bumpkin euros don't understand that 10 million people die in China every year.
Their numbers are physically impossible. Dumb country eurotards.

>equal opportunity



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Most of our tests literally don’t work. I wouldn’t be surprised if our brilliant H1-B development team took a shit in the testing kits at this point.
>My favorite jew beat this other jew.

>europoors btfo

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hold me back brah. ima coof on this faggot brah. hold me back brah...


that doesn't factor into growth rates of the virus you stupid amerimutt

virus infections doubles every 3 days regardless of your population size, unless you stop being a nigger and bring in social distancing. Unfortunately you're a nigger so youre doomed

almost everyone lives on the coast, we dont have pop density similar to america because of it.

first day on the job newfag shill? you here forever.

>third most populous country honestly reports numbers
>death rate still lower than everywhere else

>infections double every 3 days
>somehow total population comes into the maths of that

hmmm amerimutts sure are retarded

Attached: Screenshot_20200402-124913_Brave.jpg (1080x2220, 458.27K)

>muh projection that everything will just stop
>actually believes Chinese propaganda
fucking guardian never fails to make me kek this virus is going to keep climbing everywhere. China probably has at least 1 million dead already.

And this right here is the narrative my friends

This is what it's all about. Blame Trump!

Chuck and skeletor will point to this and say "you see, he's a fool". Every other nation controlled it, but not the big bad orange man. They are already planning on pointing out that more minorities are contracting the virus due to favored precautions for rich whites.

It will all be over when Trump is NOT re-elected in 2020.

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Notice noone responds? Its shills and trolls


Per capita hurts the europoors brain.
>but y-your number is bigger thus you are worse!!!

these bumpkin euros don't understand that 10 million people die in China every year.
Their numbers are physically impossible. Dumb country eurotards.

you just eviscerated that chinky Aussie.

>It will all be over when Trump is NOT re-elected in 2020.
Trump will win. PA's special elections that took place during the outbreak showed how: democrats will stay at home because they're afraid to go outside.

and they'll actually believe China's numbers too.
Guess they have a history of believing murderous authoritarians. Fucking euros.

Judging from your post in surprised they let aboniggers use the internet

op doesnt realize 400 million is not equal to 40 million.

Interesting how China is about the same size, has a higher population, had less time to prepare and has less cases than the US

>Have like 7 times the population of Spain and like 5-6 times that of Italy
Incredible OP, really productive numbers


>China has less cases than the US

Aaaahahahahaha look at this faggot

Pretty every State in the USA by themselves has the corona virus worse than Australia you dumb niggers

>trusting China's reporting

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>he actually believes chinas numbers
Good goy

Other country's "states" have nowhere near the autonomy of U.S. states.
The U.S. is the last and only actual Republic. All other countries that claim to be a Republic are larping faggots.

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Most places in the US are just watching this on the news and it's a non issue and it won't be an issue. Go drink some gasoline abonigger

>equal opportunity
so that is what the ccp calls biological warfare.
Hopefully Tulsi will nuke them back to the 15th century in 2024

I wouldn't be surprised if China had sleeper cells releasing it given there behaviour and all the virus smuggling that's been going on. See Harvard jew professor and Chink in Canada. Think of all that did get through.

trump didnt watched any sars documentary..sad

but even sadder is being op and living in shithole iran

Not really. It's just something you tell yourselves to cope with being a developing country on par with Iran and China. In Australia, our States have their own police and make their own laws much the same, handle the virus themselves

>doesn't adjust for population
>trusts china's #'s

It's gotta be rough to be that stupid.

Nope. Bloomberg reported that chinks are liars yesterday. You're using an old script.

On top of Aus being yugeee

I didn't compare those numbers to Australia you retarded asshole

China had the decision to be seen as a hero by containing and be the only one effected or commit warcrimes and as the chinkstralian says it give everybody "equal opportunity"

>Comparing a country with 3x the population of other countries means America is failing

This board is censoring posts about Orthodox Jews spreading disease.

Shut up retard youre making us look bad. Who gives a fuck about some kike reporters for some kike media company its common fucking sense

because it would prove you wrong?

They unironically have to be dealt with.

Just adjust for total population size per country. And China is lying.

I would rationalise it as each state being their own country. Its what the EU tried to do to us make us a Federal states of europe. Until bongs said nah mate I'm good go fuck yourself hans.

>by your math, your numbers are right, but if we use my stupid logic instead, then I am right and you are the big dumb! Gotcha!

> In Australia, our States have their own police and make their own laws much the same, handle the virus themselves
This literally happens in the US, are you fucking retarded?

But you have 4 (5?) States and only 3 have any meaningful population

Retard. Your country just shutdown everything for no fucking reason. Oh number of daily cases as are down right now, but wait a couple of months, and you'll find that every couple of months your going to have to shut your whole country down as number of cases spikes again. The inevitability of this virus is that everyone, the entire population of the world, will get it. Your dumb ass country is just prolonging the economic damage by shutting everything down.