Meanwhile on bizarro Yas Forums

Meanwhile on bizarro Yas Forums

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Are niggers seriously this retarded?

Which one of you made this account kek? Own up.

The lifeless eyes on that doll sure is something.

somebody inform the (((media))) they figured it out.

Wow! That baby does not look black at all!


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Lol it's got the skin of a whitoid but the blank stare of a niglet

Drake's son is a quadroon, like that Britany Venti monster. Absolutely pigshit disgusting.

Drakes dad danny trejo?

Fags on suicide watch


Oi vei

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He probably tripped and fell and on it with his mouth open

Fuck that's one ugly baby. Kid will commit suicide by 19 considering his mother is a (former) pornstar.

Every black person on Twitter is really just someone from Yas Forums

The black man is physically speaking the most superior man on the planet. In general they are faster stronger, healthier and better built in average terms than men of other races.

The reason for this is that the black men is from and evolutionary point of view more advanced than men of other races.(muh intelligence, muh beauty - nature doesn't give a fuck about either of those). Nature is a brute forcer. Nature figures out the fittest by competitive carnage by pitting species against each other for food and ensuring that only the strongest survive.

Africa is the cauldron of this evolutionary process. It is a continent filled with killers big(hippos, lions, crocs etc) to small(umpteen viruses). Any races that runs this gauntlet and survives will be superior.

The reason the white race and every other race got run out of Africa because they all failed miserably and went on to try easy modes in other continents. We are all weak. Only the black man is KING.

Top kek

you've got ugly soul. Repent

King of India

hot, whens the webm?


Black man is KING of the world. Only supermassive COPE can protect you from this truth

they just end up looking like ugly arabs now

This would make so much sense if this was real


Oh, No, Not our faggoterinos.


>Muhammad Ali - Racial Integration

hey poo, the dutch, the germans, the french, even inbred brits and more conquered africans with ease
they were only defeated by emotions and politics

Neck your self nigger

But why the son is so "white"? Her mother isn't southern french or something?

He was born in 1988.

Like I said, as far as nature is concerned, intelligence is nearly irrelevant. Humans and the dominance they achieve through their intelligence are fleeting. The fact is most of the citizens of these so called modern world haven't really been tested by nature.

Modern medicine, the comforts of modern life and lack of any struggle to acquire food ensure that dysgenic members of human race continue to pass on their genes from generation to generation

>you've got ugly soul
Nah, he's just a typical leaf poster.

its real, that xxxtentacion nig posted it when there was a feud between the two of them. then the kid was shot dead a few months later

YOu are retarded. AFrican americans are more athletic because of slavery. Blacks on the plantation who worked hard and were strong were allowed to breed. BLacks who were intelligent and free thinking were not. If the black man was a king why is Africa, his homeland, such a stinking digusting shithole? Listen Pajeet, the shit in the street you see in India, isnt an accomplishment there or in Africa.

He still has a nigger nose.

when the album drops


The picture was doctored to make that nigger baby seem light-skin - look at that dad before and after.


>What is lighting
Kys boomer

>completely wipe out
>negro nose
>negro lips
>negro hair but blonde
This is basically a nigger just with maxed brighness settings.

Based. 1350!

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i guess if you're indian pretty much any race will look like some ungodly specimen

Based and heterosexual.

Thats why were at the top of food chain eh?


There is rarely anything more repugnant than a mulatto.

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it's NOT Drake you fucking idiots

woah there too much contrast schlomo. let me readjust that for you
yeap, still looks like a mulatto faggot to me

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See this thread for some illuminating context:

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How many record producers had their way with it...its sad if it didnt have that hair


We must secure a future for black people and black children

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Hideous mutts

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Still looks negroid to me

Nature “cares” about fitness, not strength. Which can include intelligence and beauty, among other things. Take a biology class.

But thick as fuck and require white men to build civilised countries for them to survive.

If this logic prevailed we'd be ruled by literal(even more literal) apes.

>The black man is physically speaking the most superior man on the planet. In general they are faster stronger, healthier and better built in average terms than men of other races.
White men are taller, stronger, and have better stamina, so no. Blacks can jump higher and sprint faster. Also whites have far better and more evolved looks.