Why does America always tout it has a stronger military when it clearly doesn't?

Why does America always tout it has a stronger military when it clearly doesn't?

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Try taking out a jet fighter with a tank or infantry, retard.

Military personnel can be drafted at any time

Tanks include shit from the 1950's and have been superseded in many ways by infantry carriers

Naval Assets include boats of any size

We have a blue water baby and China doesn't. Naval assets is a retarded term

Is this a Joke? The Japanese navy could crush China's, you're implying that there's some sort of parity between US and Japanese naval assets, to say anything of China, a country with one obsolete jump carrier?

Please nigger.

you are so fucking stupid it's not even funny

Are Chinese tanks made of plastic?

>naval assets
>China overinflates its numbers with dirt-cheap dinghys and patrol boats
>doesn't decommission its old tanks even when they're no longer serviceable
>cold-war era Russian designs


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It would be clear if you OPENED YOUR FUCKING EYES CHANG

Everything made in China is shit.
The tanks probably can't even shoot.

Air superiority is all that matters. Communication, satellite guidance, radar, Sam's, and eventually power would be removed before any real war began.

Now remove all the obsolete tanks and planes and ships from the chinese side. I like how they count literal PT boats the same as aircraft carriers.

if the B-2 stealth planes B-52's and Trident missiles fired from submarines can't wipeout the chinks in 24 hours nothing can.

Why do diaspora Pajeets make these retarded threads when they shouldn't

China's military is green. US military is battle hardened. Nothing else to explain.

US owns more tactical and strategic nukes.

>Number of naval assets
>Not displacement tonnage
Shit chart m8. Go shart in the mart.

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Because people think Hollywood movies made by help of the army are real.

Do you think its just the US that wants China dead right now? Everybody will hate China now and we wont be bombing them alone.

China doesnt even have a fully operational aircraft carrier. Their military is referred to as a living museum. Japan would probably BTFO China if we simply let them grow their military.

china has never won a war, not even against themselves

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They definitely will necer win this war. China is about to implode.

Worse. Chinesium.

none of that matters because of nukes

Because 40% of those “soldiers” training is based on studying communist propaganda and being indoctrinated. They rarely even do actual live fire training and the chinks haven’t fought in a real war in 70 years.

There tanks are absolute dog shit which will easily get BTFO by a real tank like that abrams.

There navy is basically just a bunch of shitty fishing vessels retrofitted time be a cruiser. It’s a strictly brown water navy that has no ability to truly project power like americas blue water navy.

There jet fighters are laughable. Not only do they belch out black smoke because their jet engines are god awful but they are equipped with a bunch of shit tier Chinese missiles they wind up being duds half the time. Just ask the argentinians how terrible Chinese missiles are. Nearly all of them failed during their tests last year.

>when it clearly doesn't?
numbers alone don't matter. vid related is a chink on a scooter.

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The Chinese lack carriers. They have hundreds of shitty little boats. Carriers bring war machines around the planet. We have more carriers than any other nation on the planet combined. There is no stopping us. If China were to suddenly create dozens of carriers and deploy them around the world then there would be an issue.

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>comparing a stockpile of cold war soviet tanks to modern abrams
>comparing a navy that can operate globally with a navy that can only operate regionally

The US also has massive stockpiles of 2nd gen tanks and old military aircraft that aren't listed because they're not in active use

2 main metrics - air superiority and fuel supply. America wins this easily.

But also this

Anyway I think Chinese biggest assets is those Hypersonic missiles made for sinking carriers and all the drones they have

It helps that America's numbers aren't made up entirely.

>If China were to suddenly create dozens of carriers and deploy them around the world then there would be an issue.
Last year, they finally built their first domestic aircraft carrier and then had to cancel every other aircraft carrier they had lined up after that because they vastly underestimated the cost. Almost immediately after that, all their propaganda switched from promoting their aircraft carriers to claiming that their submarines could take out aircraft carriers. It was patently hilarious.

They'll blow up their own cities. Remember that rocket the launched into space and it landed on a town and wiped it out, it'll be that on a national scale.

13000 aircraft, fucking lol

How are the chinese ground forces supposed to threaten america with their total air and sea inferiority?


America invests in its military. The average American soldier has better gear than the average Chinese soldier.

The average Japanese median AGE is close to 50. Their nation is cucked beyond imagination, only 10% of Japanese say they would fight for their country.

Socially they lose any war before even it begins.

>chink metal building chink tanks stolen from other countries plans
These rice niggers can't even make brakes for cars that work or escalators that don't kill people. Their tanks are just rolling coffins.

>when it clearly doesn't?
Not sure if trolling or just retarded...

An average American soldier is either a nigger or a non-blanco spic. Chinks have greater IQ and hence likely to win in a fight.

you;re like that dumbass sock puppet on jewtube.
numbers are meaningless and doesnt take into consideration training, tech advantage, infrastructure, troop placement, officer expierence. ballisitics, Recon, black ops
ETc etc.
so fucking what china has 8 thousand world war 2 tanks dressed up in 1970's armour with crew that know how to drive them down a single street?
Oh wow 2 and a have million soliders ina culture based around looking out for yourself and not hepling people?
Wow how many officers do you think manage that when literally their entire education system is based around cheating.
Cant wait to see how their oil stocks are moved around china when literally all their roads are around 5 cities and the rest of the country is a giant pile of crap.

The average IQ of US military personel is like 105-110 and its more White than the country

because we don't lie and pretend cardboard tanks that haven't worked in decades are "military equipment".

We’ve been fighting for decades straight now while China’s last war was in Vietnam and it ended after only a couple weeks. I’ve seen a video of Chinese soldiers whimpering after a firefight in South Sudan (peacekeeping mission), while US soldiers yell curses at the Taliban. Modern Chinese are too coddled by state propaganda and internet firewall to know the realities of warfare while Americans have been exposed to it in our media since Vietnam.

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anyways this also happened to Von Braun in his original V2 facility, and the video seems fairly old. 50% of their tech is shit. 40% of it is somewhat capable. and a 10% is top notch.
We can see this in their relation and evolution with russian/soviet military tech.
They went from:
>Just buying
>Making licensed clones
>Copying and improving
>Stop using it and develop their own shit
Right now their tech is not that much of a threat but by the end of the decade they will be on level with USA.

We bomb the Middle East with jets that take off from Missouri. China does not have that global capabilities. And the US isn't surrounded by Chinese bases.


We have more aircraft carriers than I believe the closest 3 countries combined! How does China plan on getting tanks across the Pacific?

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Most combat troops in the US military are white and often middle class. Minorities from poorer backgrounds usually prefer support roles to help learn a trade.

>Chinks have greater IQ

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Like 80% of military officers in all American branches are white.

So now Europeans are extolling America's militarization in light of China becoming the new superpower? What hypocrisy in consideration of Europe's supposed hatred of America! Almost like we're the only Western country that hasn't lost its spine!

Drive and drive on top of the ones that sink. They have enough.


China has a ton of conventional missiles... In a war of attrition that is what is needed

Most of the Peoples Liberation Army are conscripted kids who couldnt make it into University of Shanghai or Beijing.
So their not as moralized as US troops, they are also physically weaker on average due to genetics and pollution. And few stay in long term like how the US does.

Also we have better access to the sky. Not only do we have more aircraft, but we also have a large array of air craft carriers and submarines that double the range of our superior aircraft.

But even then at the end of things, neither China nor America want war with each other because it would be unpopular, uneconomical, and impossible to secure a land invasion. Thats why cyberwarfare, propoganda, biowarfare, industrial espionage, and debt diplomacy are how are countries go at it. By our countrys, I mean just China. The US really is not the one provoking the other here for once.

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How many Air Force bases does China have in your country roach?

China fucked up. The world cannot abide such wanton disregard for planetary wellbeing.
Being will be glassed. It’s inevitable

Everything they do, EVERYTHING, is grade school tier. Imagine giving a Medieval knight a cruise missile and sending him to fight - that's the Chinese.

Fuck America but fuck chinks even more

>thinking in terms of quantity and not quality

God you fucking commies are dumb

>The United States has over 13k military aircraft
lol. Meanwhile Brazil is farting itself and stretching budget to buy 23 jets that will be delivered over a fucking decade.
How come the US hasn't taken over the world yet?
Why did they allow China to become so big in the first place?

US also have 150,000,000+ militia members

You’re a faggot chink.
Gtfo of the west, Zhang

Anyone who knows the score respects America's position as the world's economic, research, and military powerhouse. Friendly ribbing is to be expected when you're the biggest game in town.

Paco and Jamal would still push your shit in without even trying.

>this coming from a germcuck

yeah like our stuff is better...

reminder that the whole american army lost to ricefarmers with old aks

lol wtf 25mph collision and an instant fireball

yes that's why vietnam and afghanistan have been won without a doubt
because of air superiority and the sole importance of it over everything else
man is it good to see someone smart on here and not shitfuckretarded people

cacucks are the worst, always cock gobbling the USA

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>opinion on literally anything
Into the trash it goes

>ywn ride in a coalition with japs for one last ride against china
We could roll in, unzip our packs and out come two japanese soldiers apiece.
Like a nesting doll made out of hate and machismo.

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>What is conventional warfare?

>Why did they allow China to become so big in the first place?
naivety and comped politicians/military brass

>US also have 150,000,000+ militia members
and what are you going to do with your mutt army? send them flying to china or what stupid nigger. no one ever would or could attack your stupid continent.

Oil and Aircraft seem to win wars now. Not expendable personnel and machines.


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>We could roll in, unzip our packs and out come two japanese soldiers apiece.
>Like a nesting doll made out of hate and machismo
Not gonna lie, this got me erect.

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The average american CITIZEN has better gear than the average chinese soldier.

I'm not Chink shill, but aircraft carriers and armed craft broadly are going to be obsolete real soon once orbital weapons platforms start coming online.

Carrier groups aren't going to be shit once the option of chucking pieces of the moon at them becomes a viable option.

Still seething over all those American Chads on base stealing all your bitches, I see.

The NVA and Vietcong where given technology backed by the soviets. They had comparable weapons to what the soviets would use, which although inferior to most US technology it should not be underestimated. We absolutely slaughtered the NVA if you look at the death chart.

The real reason we lost the war was because we where unable to win the hearts and minds of the people of South Vietnam. And that has more to do with the unpopular government that we helped support their in the 50s and 60s than any other aspect of the war.

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So did the Chinese during the Sino-Vietnamese war (1979). The difference is that we took 1 million Vietnamese out over almost 10 years while the chinks ran away after 3 weeks

People underestimate what a profound impact "combat experience" can have, not just on an individual soldier but on command and army structure as a whole.

War never goes as planned, and the US army has been tried and tested, they are very aware of how theory plays out in practice, their failures during the Iraq war etc will be their victories in the next.

Also, the Chinese army is completely poisoned with corruption of party loyalism in its leadership and communist ideals in its structure, an overconfidence in skill from the individual men, this greatly hampers actual combat effectiveness, trust me.
China hasnt had a war since... well i think the 70s when they had a failed border clash with Vietnam, and ever since then nothing. Most experts even question if they would be capable of taking Taiwan (which is 90% what the PLA spends their training on).

Oh and they have 0 fucking aircraft carriers which means instant GG.

Virtually none of their ships can operate out of visible range of the coast. Most of their planes are either expensive toys meant to keep pace with the west or are aging relics of the Cold War. Same with their tanks. The fact they have more soldiers just means China is a target-rich environment for the vastly-superior USAF. And the US produces it's own oil, whereas China relies on Mid East imports. China is also surrounded by Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines in addition to the US possessions in the region. We also have air bases throughout central Asia. Our missile defense systems in the Pacific can and will intercept virtually any ICBMs they launch, and if they did launch nukes it would be the end of China for a thousand years. There is no scenario where China wins a war against the United States. At best they can hope for successful area denial in the South China Sea by keeping a conflict confined to swarm tactics with their short-range naval assets. Their only hope here is that the US won;t deploy mass air power and expand the conflict to shore-based targets. In an all-out war, the United States mops the floor with China and it's not even close.

a fucking ramp...

>bombed the shit out of them
>only a small fraction of the causalities were actually American
>killed twice as many VCs
>literally dropped fucking American-sized toilets on them with impunity

>pulled out for political reasons
Not very knowledgeable on the Vietnam War, eh Klaus?

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That's such a faggy shit argument. The army could have won if they were allowed to take the gloves off and abandon nation building. Literally ask any veteran whose been to either

Toplel desu senpai.

The Marines could have won that war alone if the gloves were off.

Gee what has that X-37 been doing up in space all these years? Just testing of course, not putting easter eggs all over chink and russian space assets.

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on top of that, they have no idea how to efficiently run a large military ship. People like to tout they could just build more, but if they have no idea how to run day to day operations through practical knowledge (the kind you can't just steal and takes time to learn) it may as well just be a massive barge.

The Japanese learned this the hard way once they lost a shitload of their experienced AC crews in WW2.