How do you bigots feel when you see pics like this

how do you bigots feel when you see pics like this

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why are they all fat

I feel nothing. At all.

hungry for pizza

Why are they fat? They don't look like they are desperate.

Absolutely indifferent

yeah, I feel that I would care about them a little more if they were slimmer

>free pizza and sprite

That it's a sick kind of person who tries to push through terrible policy by posting an emotionally manipulative picture of a child

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Stop being a,cry baby bitch

good father in the back there. those hombres will make good team working for a company. girl is sad she will run the taco truck. texas sees this all day every day. they only deport ones that aren't ripe

someone post the fat mexican kid pls

I used to press the palms of my hands into my closed eyes to see stars

>she's eatin ground pizza!

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what are the mexicans like in texas

Literally nothing at all
>Small girl crying at a pizza party with pizza and a soda AND a bag of popcorn
What the fuck am I supposed to feel leaf

Angry that kikes are trying to play on my sympathies by using innocent children to manipulate me into my race's genocide.

Annoyed that my tax dollars went to making those spic children so goddamned fat.

Look at those fat pieces of shit in the back. They are having the time of their lives.

Why can't the mexican government do anything to help these kids

>fat spics eating free food paid for by tax payers

I feel like they eat too much

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Pissed. My tax dollars probably paid for that pizza

little fat fucks cant even take care of themselves.but they want to live in my country and use benefits that i pay for. fuck them and anyone that defends them

Clothed, fed (Overweight), and a roof over their heads. Nice try leaf.

Look what they eat and drink.
No way a kid in german schools would get that shit.

I don't understand why this is supposed to be outrageous.

Those red shirt boys are getting super fat on that pizza diet.

they're eating pizza and soda for lunch courtesy of the taxpayer, if it's so godawful they can leave anytime.

Probably more uppity than the ones here in the midwest. Down there they probably feel at home in Mexico 2.

three cases of Diabeetus less clogging up the healthcare system

Makes me want to kick the can if you catch my drift.

Makes me want Little Cesar's, might as well be a commercial, she's wearing with joy. The boys in the background are laughing. What a wholesome commercial.

I hate sprite as well.

Makes me hungry

I feel like i hate Jews

Nothing. The fact that little girl was conceived by two leeching morons isn't my problem. Life is hard...pitty is a luxury.

kill her if you want to hear some real applesauce

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I want pizza too.

well I know full story of this photo and I dont feel bad at all.

they're mexican

Pizza time

honest and hard working but low quality. I work for a stand up concrete company that does large warehouses. can get them to do anything. Often have equipment on site than can do the job but they make the laborers get out in 100* weather and do it by hand or useless hand ditch digging just to give them hours. better write offs that way. workers are good people though. would hate to be in their shoes.

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Who wouldn't cry if you're doomed to live your only life as a shitskin; not only that but also as a female
I know I'd cry aswell

whats wrong? the two in the back look happy

Jelous honestly
I too want pizza and soda now

All beaners and their anchor babies should be deported to Mexico in Operation Wetback II.

It makes me curious how poor people can be fat.

Also makes me wonder who doesn’t like pizza.

I feel like something is about to be wildly misinterpreted or taken out of context somehow.

why are they deporting squats ?

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Hungry, im going to make pizza tonight.

As a reminder, these are kids the pedoelites will feast on. Remember, documented molestation was found in those border captivity centers.

I feel nothing anymore

i got a half chub and shit myself a little bit

Yeah because these are perfect comparisons. You're a fucking retard.

Anger, look at these two fat illegal pieces of shit eating up our tax payer money.

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That's more food than some people get

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I am Jack's complete lack of concern

Not a bigot, I feel a little sympathy but ultimately its still better than them sitting at home in Central America having bullets fly thru their windows every week. ppl get mad at the way the USA is handling it but literally any other country would do the same or worse.

>oh no, she's crying
>quick, let's burn the constitution

I want to kick her in her stupid brown face.

That's an immigration detention facility fren.

Nothing. Those two kids int eh back are appreciative they got soda and pizza. The problem is the girl.


>Central America having bullets fly thru their windows every week.
you watch too many movies

What am I suppose to feel? I don't get this pic.

All she wanted was a burrito

I see two fat beaners eating (probably free) pizza and another smaller beaner crying because she doesn’t know what food is because, well she’s a beaner.