
wasn't he supposed to stream last sunday? the wu flu clan get to him?

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yeah I was wondering about that too.

He was claiming he has a failed hdd or something

Broken hdd, said he ordered replacement and will stream when it arrives.

his pc is buggered hell be back up and running soon

What is he doing. Half of his streams are him reading his paypig's messages. Get that HDD priority shipped you greedy jew!

yeah it has been awhile since I have been able to sit through one.

Goddamn fuck your ecelebs gtfo with that shit

his early virus streams were good, his format isn't really covering the scope of everything anymore


I wish he stop talking about the Commie Cough, I want him to go back to lampooning autist and retards. Danny the Panda and Geek Love were too tier streams. I rather have a nice distraction from this horrible virus instead of being reminded how fucked we are.

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Time for you to secede your life.


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Mr Metokur is responsible for creating the wuflu pandemic. and I think he is a laughing accelerationist.

>*reads a news article/post*
>*lights cigarette*
>I'm a boomer guys.... (trying to be ironic)
>*continues reading news article/post*
imagine watching this

that's what i thought too user, wtf
chy-na must have come for him
thanks for the update weatherman

I don't imagine, i do.

It seems like he has enough personality to pull it off but I've only listened to him a few times.

His good shit is making fun of that autist faggot David Shitrat, Furry degenerates, and weird ass documentaries about cucks or house fuckers.

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He didn’t send Susan enough franzia

Funny how he backed away from politics after Destiny publicly emasculated him. Now he mostly talks about anime.

Cook the rice, pay the price

He is a lazy nigger.

he won't stream the more faggots keep saying STREAM WHEN DADDY
out of pure spite
and guess what every single tweet of his has under it?

He has intentionally avoided politics since GamerGate.

nigga started talking about anime years after that "debate" you massive retard

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>wasn't he supposed to stream last sunday? the wu flu clan get to him?
He made a short stream (you can find it on archive channels).

Wow he's popular and makes good money from making shitposts in video form, must be so hard.

Yeah what the fuck, that nigger hasn't done a real stream in month. Fuck you Jim reeeeee!!

I bet you fanboys pay him to read your superchats. Pay pig simps.

Nigga were have you been he’s talked about politics since the then, I better when he makes fun of retards. But he has talked about:
>Sargon UKIP run
>Nick vs Turning Point Us
>Hillary Clinton and Epstein
>The Founders Deep dove
>Democratic Socialist
>China and censorship

Take your meme flag and fuck yourself

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>i prefer streams about literal who’s no one cares about
shut the fuck up you pathetic turbonigger

Boring content. His solo streams are insufferable.

Didn't he make some anti-Peterson video, quickly realize that he has absolutely zero understanding of jungian psychoanalysis, or metaphysics, and then never mentioned it again?

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his hard drive broke. I told him to put it in the dishwasher for a good deep clean and then he dried it off in the toaster. his dad beat his ass when he got home but he's okay. he should be streaming by next week.

Hey Ross when are they going to snip off your pedo balls?
Making fun of autist is the best thing ever. If it was up to me I put Chris Chan, David Shitrat, Ross, Kero in a cage and taser them occasionally.

It was more about the Peterson fan base. I don’t have anything against Peterson and he has good advice, but he’s a shitty Dad.

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It was an embarrassing video nevertheless. Anyone advising self sufficiency, and individualist philosophical deliberation on the nature of responsibility, and jungian psychoanalysis, and does so competently at the PhD level is deserving of the respect they've earned.

Especially in comparison to internet clowns.

Buy an ad, kike.

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destiny has never done that to anyone, that guy is a fucking retard, even jontron who looked like a fucking fool still didnt get emasculated by him, all he does is talk @ people like some blue checkmark faggot. Destiny is a total faggot and a stripper name

And a fat load of good it did for himself. I hope he's doing better now though.

Yeah no I think he is just lazy. He never keeps a schedule.

He literally will not stream when he can't get superchats.

Gotta build up that demand for the pay piggies. Wait for them to get their trump-bux as well
Can’t blame the man desu, I’d be doing the same

That’s retarded, everyone is up to criticism, hell I have nothing against Peterson and at the time I thought Jim was being harsh, but over time Jim was proven right with how Peterson fans act.
Lol, I like how Destiny was like I was carpet cleaner for a casino once so I understand people of Color and their plight. Fuck Niggers and Fuck Spics.

Did destiny getting buttraped make you too mad?

juden peterstein is the ultimate merchant

His pc bricked and Jade escaped his Bio Lab Level 4.

Dude, he destroyed destiny. And I’m not even a right winger.

>incel tmz
Who cares?

He's still a thing?

Hey vaush, when are you making your video against ryan faulk? What’s that? Never? You are objectively wrong and a complete degenerate obese waste of space? Got it champ.

I get if he has good material why blow it on a stream that can't bring in any money. However it does show that he's well and truly moved away from his earlier style and motivation. Soon he'll be doing ahaego face irl streams, make up tutorials with shitrat.

Anyway he still is responsible for getting just about everyone to get ready for the pandemic. I didn't find it that concerning until he pointed out the people hooks in the chinese hospitals.

I only started listening to him again when corona-chan was born.

not to mention there's fresh furry material to talk about

Pretty sure the demonization held him back.

Yeah but his streams are boring as fuck. His videos were great.

Appeal to authority. Some of these over socialized “academic” clowns are so far down their own river of lies that an actual retard going off implicit knowledge is more correct that them. See: the entire field of boasian anthro and sociology.

What new stuff is there, I listen to Deadwing but it’s not the same. What’s going on?

streams are background noise do you seriously sit and listen to faggots like joe rogan just sit and bullshit?

I don't watch streams at all since they're all boring.

I miss comfy metokur streams going down the rabbit hole with autists.

what about amphetamine dependency?

same but I will put one on as background noise while i play games or post here. I dont think anyone has a stream worth paying 100% attention to