Bill Gates is terrified of hydroxychloroquine - Part 2

"Long before the drug hydroxychloroquine was approved as an emergency treatment for covid-19, people started hoarding it, making it hard to find for lupus patients who need it to survive. We should stick with the process that works: a vaccine"


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Seethe more Bill. Fucking loser.


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Who wants a vaccine for a virus that develops 40 different strands in one month? (as per Iceland study)

Better get your chip, goyim, or they will release an even worse virus

Cause is not for that

Anyone got an archive?

Wasn't there some Bill Gates vaccine in Africa that made people infertile? I think he wants to vaccinate people to cause infertility to keep with the plans of Georgia Guidestones

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based Raoult

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just get 40 different vaccines every year, stupid goy

Isn't Adrenochrome supposed to keep you looking young? Is Gates a smoker? Why is his skin so shitty at 64 years old? It shouldn't get this wrinkly until like 80.

These eyes strike fear on the eternal jew. These are the eyes of the CELT.

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Nothing to see here, goyim. Just doing masonic stuff.

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The adrenochrome pathways got shutdown, that's why so many rich people that looked incredibly young have gotten really old and wrinkly since Trump took power.

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Q is a psyop, though.
It makes for an entertaining reading.


Solution to all world problems. Nuke Israel and China


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kek this is literally what the medical establishment expects you to do
>don't forget the 20,000 vaccines your newborn needs RIGHT NOW

>based gallic celt with the superpotion
let's call him Dr. Asterix

That picture was taken in October 2019 tho. And Bill Gates has shit wrinkly skin for years now. I wonder if Bill even uses it. Maybe he never got hooked on it for this reason alone.

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what, that meme illness? Who cares about that?

Finally, we need a data-based approach to developing treatments and a vaccine. Scientists are working full speed on both; in the meantime, leaders can help by not stoking rumors or panic buying. Long before the drug hydroxychloroquine was approved as an emergency treatment for covid-19, people started hoarding it, making it hard to find for lupus patients who need it to survive.

We should stick with the process that works: Run rapid trials involving various candidates and inform the public when the results are in. Once we have a safe and effective treatment, we’ll need to ensure that the first doses go to the people who need them most.

To bring the disease to an end, we’ll need a safe and effective vaccine. If we do everything right, we could have one in less than 18 months — about the fastest a vaccine has ever been developed. But creating a vaccine is only half the battle. To protect Americans and people around the world, we’ll need to manufacture billions of doses. (Without a vaccine, developing countries are at even greater risk than wealthy ones, because it’s even harder for them to do physical distancing and shutdowns.)

This is what he really said. Why are you misquoting?

come fucking on. i have it in my drawer.
it's easy to produce, and cheap. it doesn't work well for most autoimmune patients.
it did nothing for my arthritis, but i kept it anyway

Bill gates should be dragged onto the street and quartered for approving of windows 8. His vaccination bullshit is irrelevant because viruses are not real it's just hypochondria

Are you retards aware the vaccine is being currently developed by Israel and it's an oral vaccine? that means no needle involved. Retards.

He's going to (((test))) hydro and say it is useless, so he can push his vaccine bullshit even more. Brainlet.

The only vacccine the Earth needs is Americans, Russians and Chinese killing Israelis together.

THat's bullshit, what happened was that billy is a retard and he said in a ted talk "innovating to zero" that we should invest more in healthcare in vaccines to drop population numbers 20%, some paople say he meant people in poor countries would have less children because less children would die from diseases preventable by vacciones, though billy is stupid nad naver corrected his statement or anything so people went insane.

These retards actually want to take a Malaria meme treatment that makes you deaf and blind.... For Corona.
Can't believe these people are falling for the psyop. Some dude already followed Trump's "wisdom" and overdosed on the toxic drug.

>developed by Israel

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>goes deaf
Enjoy your """cure""' AHAHA

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Wow. You reject the idea of increasingly complex states of life and the notion of parasites. You can accept that covid-19 is a real pathogen and that the hysteria around it is disproportionate and a psyop without abandoning shit that you can empirically test. Take a course and sign on for a work practicum in a hospital lab. Shit's real.

>We should stick with the process that works: a vaccine
2003 SARS - still no safe and effective vaccine. Mammal testing induced cytokine storm and fatal pneumonia.

Dr. Miraculix

Adrenochrome is probably fake but it's been known for centuries that jews steal blood from small children.

Didn't say it's not true. I said that Q is a psyop, which is very different.

>"stick with the vaccine"
>there is no vaccine
>original SARS from 2002 still has no vaccine
ok so just wait around and die, great advice

I legit have a ph.d. and dont need anymore jewish education classes. I am highly published unlike your leaf broke ass.

Lysine works in am analogous way for cold sores. Read up. All virus treatments involve either blocking up the doors to the cells or fucking with the body so that it uses the raw materials the virus needs and ends up competing with. Malaria meme + zinc does the latter. Azithromycin does the former. Lysine does the latter with herpes.

It's a witchcraft approach but it will work and it's explainable why. It was in vitro SARS-1 research that was not well read that led to this. It wasn't intended that some older, genius level researchers would have a cure in hand when the opportunity this virus represents was put in play.

Now we get to watch clinical trials slow it down so the few months of shutdown can play out anyway and rearrange the board. Sucks to be us, but you really should get your grandparents access to the whole 3 drug protocol if their symptoms get them hospitalized.

You know its made out of literal weeds and is as cheap and plentiful to produce as can be right? Thats the whole reason people want it desperatly to work.

Good read. Mortality reduced 3-4 times

billg is at war with academia, especially academic mathematicians
billg has injected fear and intimidation into mathematics
billg made his $billions by attacking his primary source of competition: academic mathematics
he did this in 1976---the bicentennial---and the result has been a profound erosion of American competitiveness in mathematics
billg only knows one strategy: use political manipulation to stifle competition
he doesn't care if he sets progress in mathematics back by decades

And his gmo mosquitos that carry zika which causes infertility.

how is it the medias fault that some retarded zionists thought fish cleaner was the same as the prescription?

Nah, he is a fag

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I'm shocked that if your phd is in life sciences. You'd have to be self-loathing to spend 8 years in a field you don't believe in.

LUPUS is that shit puerto ricans get from eating off aluminum

1. Hydroxychloroquine is pretty fucking cheap to produce. Even if there is a shortage *right this second*, it should be trivial to produce a fuckton in a short time. Most of the Lupus patients should live.

2. Vaccines are not treatments. Vaccines are what you give TO HEALTHY PEOPLE. This isn't a fucking dichotomy. It's not HCQ or vaccines, it's HCQ AND vaccines.

>ITT: retards
The reason why hydroxychloroquine is being shilled against by the media and alike is because it's a generic drug that is absurdly cheap and already mass produced. Gilead has their own similar drug that does the same shit but they hold a patent and thus a monopoly on that drug. Reminder that there are 2x as many Health Industry Lobbyists than members of Congress. They also put pressure on the media too. It's simple pharma greed, not some alex jones trash of "dude they're going to make us all infertile and shit man!" since that makes no sense since the elites want us alive and to live as long as possible so they can make as much money as possible. Can't make much money with less consumers right?

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What about this vaccine?

Organic chemistry. Viruses are fake and gay use soap and water and you'll be fine. Viruses don't kill secondary infections do

>really should get your grandparents access to the whole 3 drug protocol if their symptoms get them hospitalized.
You know that was just result in me explaining to the doctor the mechanism behind why the drug works, basically the zinc it facilities, and him laughing at me for being an idiot and going about whatever protocol he has been programed with.
I have fucking know it all doctors

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Adrenochrome is a real chemical, but it can be trivially produced in a lab setting without needing to cause any harm to humans. It also does not appear to have any known effects on humans.

billg is a sociopath
he is willing to set academic mathematics back by decades in order to make money
by claiming that sharing mathematical results is "stealing software", he tricked the government into treating teachers like criminals

Yes, I'll have that

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You rang, and I shall deliver.

billg needs to be destroyed
the government needs to start making his life difficult
I want the government to use a zersetzung program to destroy billg's life and the lives of his wife and kids

billg needs to be destroyed
the government needs to start making his life difficult
I want the government to use a zersetzung program to destroy billg's life and the lives of his wife and kids
we need blood to avenge the lives of academic mathematicians

don't I know you, bill?

got a picture from you, amirite?

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billg is an enemy of the American people
he destroyed American competitiveness in mathematics

This globalist pedophile needs to fucking hang.

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billg ruined academic mathematics for a generation of researchers

stfu autist