How do you deal with the fact that every woman in the world is a manipulative cunt?
Don't take them seriously
that's what the good lord created rape for user
Cao cao
Manipulate them harder.
Deal with it! Loser cuck.
>inb4 the thread gets /bant/ed
I just pick my battles when it comes to arguments. They will find literally anything to bitch about. You could have an air tight argument with no holes, and be 100000% right, but you still can’t win because the “way” you say it becomes the problem.
After the honeymoon period with a new girl, break it off and go to the next.
Forgive them. They can't help themselves.
Imagine being so dumb you get manipulated by women
But then you'll just get arrested and lose many opportunities in life, because you'll be a social outcast
And you won't even get a kid out of it, because the woman will just get an abortion
Isn't the question
"How do you deal with the fact that every PERSON in the world is a manipulative cunt?" ?
Its an existential philosophical question. You are put here in the world and you have to deal with people like that your whole life and you probably have some manipulative tendencies your self that you are not aware of. Its a deep question
Marry your wife when she is 14 and ignore every other woman.
If you ignore a woman, behave like she doesn't exist, you have full control over her.
Good answer, I like it
>You could have an air tight argument with no holes, and be 100000% right, but you still can’t win because the “way” you say it becomes the problem.
Holy fuck can I relate to this. Although for me they don't necessarily say that the "way" I'm saying it is wrong, it's just that they think my ideas are wrong, even though they're 100% right. It's because women are just wired differently so they seek different strategies in everything. Women will always choose safer routes. And also for women there's no shame in getting help, like medical help or whatever. Whereas men are judged on their ability to overcome situations by themselves.
I need to just not listen to women ever again because their way of thinking is completely different.
Men are honest and they'll say what they mean and mean what they say
Women aren't, they're duplicitous cunts
men are easy to manipulate. who's at fault?
They're not. But finding a good one is a lottery. Spent a long time finding my waifu. Got 4 kids now. Very happy. Take a white pill and get to work on yourself. You want a good woman gotta be a good man.
Marry kill rape fuck
I dont think all women are manipulative cunts but for the many ive encountered that are I take the hurt they dish out and put it and them behind me in order to carry on with my life.
I rape them and discard in a shallow grave.
he unironically looks like satan
You are in for a wake up call some time.
Not all men are honest. Id say on average men are more honest than women but there are many men too cowardly to be considered honest.
They have moist and warm vaginas.
incel incel fat and mad
dissapointment to his dad
thats like saying, women are easy to rape, who's at fault? You're illogical and wrong
If you can't tame a woman you deserve to be manipulated desu
Wether you like it or not it's a control or be controlled world
Women don't exist anymore.
All we have is high mileage, high maintenance money thirsty rubbish which is only good for one thing only.
Might as well buy a used Audi off a paki.
Yeah you're right to be honest, this is a very good post, the white pill is the solution
Yeah maybe I'm just pissed off because of a couple of women in particular
You're right not all women are bad eggs and some men can be manipulative too
lmao imagine having such a simpleton view of the world
>Larping as a violent thug
No you don't faggot, you fap and cry yourself to sleep. So ronery
just ignore them, they are big children
I'm fat poor manlet with acne. I'm constantly getting laid. I'm more manipulative.
Keep searching for that unicorn that hasn't been tainted by the Jews yet, she's Christian and waiting for us in a church somewhere.
Just dont let your dick take over your brain and you'll realize they are just kids.
i wish i could get back the 11 years of my life i wasted trying to find a decent woman to wife up. my bar was set really fucking low
>no mental illness
>no wild history she might relapse into
>i'm fit so she needs to be
>passionate about something meaningful in life
thats literally all i asked for. couldn't find it. 11 years of time and energy wasted on broken women.
By not acknowledging their existence.
Wow. That's amazing.
A man's lie be like, I was at Tony's house!
A woman's lie be like, is yo baby!
>all women are manipulative
And what the fuck are you all doing right now? God damn you people make me sick.
I just avoid other women for the most part, life is easier that way. It isn't all of them, but I don't need to worry about looking for unicorns. I really feel bad for most straight guys, it seems depressing to want a unicorn so badly and then there's not nearly enough for them to get them.
inordinate amounts of patience
got to have hope man. ive just matched on tinder with blonde angel who has family from hungary, germany and south africa. and shes into conspiracy theories. wish me luck.
What has my post got to do with that?
>Replies to every post
>Doesn't even read them
Okay, Roastie.
im slapping my cock around, how bout you? if i sicken you look away
Invest in sexbots and artificial wombs. It's time to get rid of bioholes
lol what a bunch of fucking incels. stop being so disgusting, dirty and repulsive then you might find a loyal female.
I'm having a lunch break while working remotely. You're sick? KYS might be the cure!
Produce or gtfo
I have sex, like all of you should. As we all know, the second you have sex, you no longer hate, criticize, or even begin to think negatively of women.
There's no way anyone who has stuck their dick inside a vagina for even five seconds would ever have any negative feelings about women. Nope. Not at all.
The second you have sex, you turn into a staunch feminist.
Most of those are just them acknowledging facts and is 100% on point. I'm bi, been with a woman, he may as well be describing my ex. Dumb bitch would complain about my word choices and how I said something if there was nothing else to say, would bring up things that happened forever ago that weren't even related etc and so on. That's not all women, but a good deal of them are narcissistic cunts and all narcissistic cunts behave that way. Like I said in my previous post, I legit feel bad for straight guys.
No women like me and i dont understand why they pick the guys they do like
Same as you pal.
Shitposting my concerns of the world.
Do these perfectly Ethnically diverse best friends groups exist for real in the US?
It's not a fact that every woman is a cunt. Simple as.
Easy stop spending so much time hating everyone set up a 5 year plan get a degree in stem or learn a trade save money don't go out buy rentals retire by 37 and get a 20 virgin wife it's easy
By fucking them in the ass
The first step is not to be a fag and call them out on bullshit. Be definitive in your decisions but when she comes with ultimatums be indifferent. Don't show anger, they think it's love. Act like her walking out is no big deal even if it burns your soul.
Imagine Being So Low IQ that you get outsmarted by a woman.
Literally falling Natural Selection
Tits or GTFO.
With a manly slap in their cunt face
What would you do?
Move it! You know the rules
I found one here.
not really. most people have 2 or two friends of a different race and then the rest are the same.
Damn. You found the four ugliest bitches on image search.
Stupid people blame others for their predicament. If you've been manipulated, it's your own damn fault. Smarten up stupid
I believe all wamen. Be better incel and maybe a woman will grace you with her sweet poonani
What was that study with the women not being able to draw where the water would be in a tipped bottle?
JLP is so good he almost turned me into a christcuck
Ooo la la l si señor
He should leave her, she's an embarrassment at the very best and a cheater at the very worst.
Maybe where you're from, Harry
14 is too young as she is not sexually mature, but in an ideal world this is when society should indicate that women should be at least developing wife like qualities for a future partner.
I’m 23 and can’t even have a convo with an 18 year old, they’re retarded.
But I would talk to an 18 yo (no sex) if I found a virgin or 1 partner girl who who otherwise perfect in every way.
Unironically the more partners the more trash a girl is. Every dick corrupt them
I stay away from them. I never have deep or meaningful conversations with them. most of them are narcissistic and untrustworthy. It's a shame really, that they have to make me feel disgusted so often.