Try countering these facts christ fags.
Prayer is proven fake
Other urls found in this thread:
>All evidence shows it doesn't work
Evidence shows meditation is very beneficial and prayer is basically the same thing.
Don't waste time arguing with cultists.
Yas Forums can't defend any of it
Don't waste your time
>measure an immesurable data point, show probabilistic coincidence greater than average indicating phenomena
What is noosphere project what is "the dot".
The Emperor Protects
Getting prayed for literally worsens your chances of recovering there was a study on this.
Evidence tells you you should stop doing it.
>Yas Forums can't defend any of it
>Don't waste your time
I know.
I sometimes like to engage with schizos and 50IQ retards for the fun or it.
>Getting prayed for literally worsens your chances of recovering
So prayer does effect others? Meditation only benefits the one doing the exercise, you invalid.
Prayer some very few rare times is real, but it's a request to the jewmonic egregore to do a chore for you, so nope.
Maybe it isn't in other situations.
Evidence for that.
>Don't waste time arguing with cultists.
I disagree with this. This enables the christ retards, they need to be punched down at every opportunity and reminded how stupid and retarded they are.
If you don't keep on doing this you get the
>Yas Forums is a christian board
crap taken seriously.
And after all we all used to be stupid christians before people showed us facts.
some lucky euros were raised as atheists
damn, i'm really hoping for a Yas Forumstard to bite i'm bored. Is there a way to make them reply?
Left cant meme
>Is there a way to make them reply?
Yes, post anything literally anything on any subject and the schizos will start a 50 post discussion with himself pasting schizo crap.
This is how these schizos operate.
Don't believe me?
Hand out long enough in threads like these and see for yourself.
>some lucky euros were raised as atheists
I was raised catholick if you don't know this video form the golden age of youtube atheism waked me up.
Now all of it is hidden by YT because atheism is not (((advertiser friendly)))
>Satan rewards you
>Left cant meme
Its a flowchart you sub human retard.
MEMEs don't decide what is real thinking and facts do MEMEs are just propaganda AKA lies made to advertise something.
>Try countering these facts christ fags.
Thinking is the use of frequencies. Praying is directional.
You pray to what you unironically see of worship in your thoughts. You pray, channelizing your prayer on frequencies which carry out over wavelengths on resonance to where/what you're praying towards.
Deal with it commoner. Prayer is real, but many different things answer prayers. It's what you think towards, of, and highly to, that affects prayer. Cope.
Thanks, people replaying based to atheists posts make re christ retards reall really angry.
>imaginary entity A doesn't exists
>but imaginary entity A does
>telepathically talking to a rabbi to ask your faults away for being born a goy doesn’t actually work
Cool schizo shit retard.
>Thinking is the use of frequencies. Praying is directional
Quite literally nonsense.
Go fuck yourself queer. To rebuke the very nature of perpetual reality means you're braindead. Good luck coping with your garbage life, schizo. Take your antidepressants, even kys. I'll pray you die tonight.
This is the dangerous of religion Christians will quite literally fight imaginary things like demons and Satan with prayer and waist their time on this useless superstitious and fake crap instead of doing something that will change things.
Why do schizos always use words they don't understand?
Do you think you sound smarter?
>Take your antidepressants,
I don't take medication because like religion these things fuck you up and i know this.
>To rebuke the very nature of perpetual
Behold the coreligionist to schizo to think. Post more of your time cube schizo crap christ fuck.
I mean how stupid are you to challenge the fact that thoughts bind on frequencies? You have an eggregiously terrible education and grasp on life. What are you made of? Radiation bound upon frequencies, wavelengths, and resonance. You can't escape what you are made of (elements which half life, or explain the carbon in your body) and what you're made of is cabled upon the aforementioned. Thoughts are no different, you channel them on frequencies.
Ergo, prayer is directional and goes SOMEWHERE, if even to deaf ears (it's relative to circumstance like everything is you retard).
That you're this ignorant concludes you're biological waste and need to be burned for fuel.
Don't even bother with OP. He doesn't respond to any actual arguments.
I actually think the schizo brain is short circuited and fails to think correctly.
Its like this
normal brain:
Fire is hot
Fire can hurt me
I should stay away from fire
Schizo brain
Fire is hot
therefore the negative fraction of peanut butter is oscillating light.
See this is why there are 11 moons around earth!
Their brains are damaged and have their reasoning part defective.
This makes sense to the schizo brain.
Did you know schizos are one of the main originators of religion.
>always use words they don't understand?
No you are thinking of normal religionists who try to emulate the schizo thinking that did create their religion.
>there was a study on this
[citation needed]
you know, I always heard the 'schizo Yas Forumstard' meme, and I found a few things that could be considered as such, but I had never seen someone being this retarded
This guy sounds like he's genuinely schizophrenic
Prove any of that, you just combined words that are nonsensical together.
>That you're this ignorant concludes you're biological waste and need to be burned for fue
Fun fact schizos like you should be made into dog food since they are a waist of resources.
Even if that's true, it's evidence prayer "works" in that you could smite your enemies with pure thought. Prayer (curses?) sound hardcore. I guess tribal superstitious retard niggers are right, according to OP.
I will continue to pray. You will continue to shill this everyday. The same polack every single time.
>[citation needed]
google it I mean its just you being uninformed at this point.
Praying for people makes them get worse.
>This guy sounds like he's genuinely schizophrenic
Welcome to Yas Forums atheism threads.
You have seen nothing, wait until that schizo that posts walls of text in 50+ posts to himself shows up. He was the one who was showing how the hexagon in jupiter something something schizo shit satan god.
I give this one here 1/10 schizo and we have 8/10 schizos here.
I definitely believe it cost 2.4 million to study prayer. Prayers aren't free, ya know.
Praying for you right now, hope you get 'better'
>I will continue to pray.
literally talking to himself.
Behold the chist fag is incapable of thinking, Repeats programmed behavior.
unable to question programming, the perfect NPC.
>Researches and the subjects work for free
>He discredits a whole study simply because it costs money
>Praying for you right now
Explain this to me.
A real man would want to cause damage to his enemies.
You do not order God around in prayer. That's why unbiblical prayer does not work, because it's not His will. Look at Paul, one of the biggest Christian, God said He wouldn't heal Paul's sickness:
2 Corinthians 12:9
>And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Prayer is proven to be false.
Even if you search for placebo levels of effect you get the opposite result.
At this point its time to stop trying to find this schrodinger's god (god can create miracles only if no one is looking or observing it).
But you said it literally will damage you. You even provided a study to prove it.
>waste your time
on Yas Forums
>You do not order God around in prayer.
Explain this contradiction to me.
(The chart tells you how prayer is theologically problematic.)
So what the fuck are you doing in prayer? Give me the exact words of your 4 previous prayers.
And tell me its not
>God give give give me X
>God give give give me X
>God give give give me X
>God give give give me X
Its literally insane at this point. If you are not demanding anything with results you are larping and you need to admit this.
Get out cum eater jew. + Prayer works.
He's trying to do something productive on Yas Forums, which is a waste of time
Yas Forums is a playground where trolls puppeteer schizos all day for fun.
Fundamental misunderstanding of the efficacy of prayer in Christian theology
You're assuming a definition of prayer working from a Pentecostal continuationist point of view, aka non biblical
I pray to God for salvation. He saved me. Working prayer.
I pray to God for resurrecting my dead grandma. He doesn't do it, research cessationism.
I pray to God for my wife to survive cancer. He hears it, my prayer works. He does or doesn't cause it to happen, up to him.
Prayer like that is childish and simplistic. You could, for instance, pray over a problem (meditate, take a shit, etc) and come up with an idea or peace of mind.
>But you said it literally will damage you
Read the study.
If prayer was a placebo it can be detected people who are prayed for get anxious and have a worse recovery time then people who are not prayed for its all psychological and prayer is a nocebo for christians.
Literally reverse placebo its all psychological for believers.
>But you said it literally will damage you
only if you are christian and think prayer will help you then it will damage you. Psychology my man.
How do you *know* god saved you, and it's not satan trying to trick you?
>Prayer like that is childish and simplistic.
This is the point of this thread.
>Prayer like that is childish and simplistic.
Give me the exact words of your 4 previous prayers.
Read 1 John for a pinch test
>13These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
>>Prayer like that is childish and simplistic.
>This is the point of this thread.
Pack it up, he's admitted to attacking a strawman
>I pray to God for my wife to survive cancer. He hears it, my prayer works. He does or doesn't cause it to happen, up to him.
literally PROVEN WRONG!
Not only will it not do anything it will actually harm your wife in recovering. These are the facts.
>He does or doesn't cause it to happen, up to him.
Literally methodologically unsound.
You can equally pray to a chair it will do the same thing as this god.
You are just stupid and fooling yourself because you don't understand how anything works.
You can ask for things as long it's scriptural. Ask God in Jesus name. Also, you need to be right with God. Why would God reward you when you're in sin and ignoring Him? I ask for faith, for mercy. But I also pray for others, to soften their hearts to receive Jesus' words and for Him to return.
Prayer works. The CIA says so.
You will know them not by their words but by their deeds.
I have meditated on what's necessary to protect myself and my family from both viruses and societal damage. I may have taken the same precautions without, but it's good to act with a clear mind and thoughtfulness.
>Its written in a book so it must be true
How retarded are you? Exactly? No this is a serious question. Do you have papers for your condition?
Do you believe everything the bible says?
Do you have any evidence outside of "believe the bible"?
Not an active believer but prayer is for your peace of mind (if you have a conscience) and keeping you on the straight and narrow path.
>I pray to God for my wife to survive cancer. He hears it, my prayer works
>The doctors and cancer therefore have nothing to do with her recovery its all god.
You need to be at least this retarded to be a christian.
Only my testimony which is not externally verifiable
Are you asking about the tenability of Christian theism or just this doctrine of prayer?
>>The doctors and cancer therefore have nothing to do with her recovery its all god.
Did I say that?
Based and smuggiepilled
What an ugly image.
Clean it up and I'll humor you, but if you can't even bother to make a pleasant flowchart which adheres to any standards of aesthetics, I'm not going to entertain the notion that you have a valuable point of view.
You're not wrong but your proof sucks
If prayer is nothing more than meditation then it is good.
If prayer is opening a personal dialogue and building a relationship with the almighty God then it is among the most wonderful things we could ever do.
No downside.
No, but the more I see of the world the more I understand. These ancient stories are strange and distilled fragments of knowledge that are barely decipherable until it's too late most of the time. Though there is surprising insight to be gleamed.
Garden of Eden is baby's first redpill.
I didn't answer the first question
Yes I believe everything the Bible says because of my conversion experience. I subscribe to the historical grammatical method of hermeneutics
>pray for one second with no heart in it
>expect changes
>muh your world view
You pants shitting retard.
Because people like me assume the real world exists and we should obey it, everyone who disagrees is just shot dead and the story ends there.
Feel free thinking that talking to yourself will stop bullets if you want. We check the results of your worldview this way.
Whats this? Not interested in this test? What now magically you are assuming to have the same world view as me (!!!).
>cessationism is the belief that miracles don't occur any more
Is this right?
So you're excuse for god not doing what is physically impossible is that he doesn't want to?
End thread
All of those scenarios are indistinguishable from random chance.
I'm not a leftist or a marxists.
Prayer works, just not in the way people think it does. It's a combination of positive thinking, self programming, calming, meditation and other forward thinking positivity methods. A person who both works and prays for something is a lot more likely to get it than someone who lies around wishing for it.
This post gave me a eyeache
why do you even care that some people pray, it doesn't even affect you in the slightliest, at worst it can only be annoying to people
I do not believe he is unable to perform supernatural acts, I have affirmative reason to believe he does not since the closing of the canon
Presupposition of naturalism
Good point. You should post these up in mosques and synagogues.
Prayer, as I understand it, is a plea to authority. For that to make sense in the real world, it has to be understood and applied in a social context. But the context of the bible has a different culture, where slave masters are available. Nowadays we have a shell game of banking. But reducing prayer to pleas for material gain strikes me as hollow. If, on the other hand, it is a plea for said authority to change its conduct, it could be directly applied on whichever human is in charge, without having to figure out the specifics. Example: I wish people would avoid driving on sundays.
Prayer is an ongoing conversation with God.
You do not understand what it is. Praying for something specific is pagan shit. You honor God and keep in touch and He will bless you.
We have no control over God. He does what He will. When I stay true to His word things somehow find a way of turning out well for me.
And piscture saved.
I'm also for the banning of christians from ever having medical help. They either reject god and be allowed to have medical treatments or they can see how god cures them.
I always laugh when a christian dies because he switched to a "prayer medicine" or bullshit like that.
Enabling retards to get medical treatment and not laughing at their funerals is unaceptable.
We are not ordering him around we are asking / imploring
Repeatedly saying
>God help me find my socks
>God give me more money
>is for your peace of mind (if you have a conscience) and keeping you on the straight and narrow path
Also your statement contradicts the bible, if you are interested in these things.
>we've conceded that there is zero evidence for god interacting in people's affair, so we're going to do prayer for our feefees now and to take our daily greypill
>how the bible taught about prayer and God answering them:
>Did I say that?
Will you give her modern medicine or not?
Then you admitted that.
And these are the stupid and silly word games you need to play to hold this absurdity from self contradicting.
What is "real world"? And why should i believe you? Because you use retarded analogies which create false dichotomy?
what kind of schizo puts so much effort in such a bad image...
That's not how prayer works though
>but your proof sucks
I'm actually interested to know this.
And by bad i mean:
Neither convincing nor funny, not even really insulting.
I'm asking about theism. If your testimony aka your personal experience is your only evidence, it's not strong enough to convince other people.
I can say santa comes every Dec. 24 to wish me a merry christmas, but if my only evidence "I experienced it", it's no better than a fictional story.
>no evidence-
got it
I'm pretty sure most thinking Christians would find such prayers selfish and useless. Other than bottom-of-the-barrel retards.
If we're going to argue about which bottom of the barrel is worse, retard aethists aren't even human and literally try to get themselves enslaved to governments.
why be such a retard ! do you think prayer means just asking things from God ? Those are false assumptions !