of the pandemic. Hydroxychloroquine is now gaining wider and wider acceptance both internationally and domestically as a highly effective treatment and even cure. They are keeping a lid on this while production is ramped up. Smart money in the stock market is buying dips and consolidating while the news currently percolates. Soon the whole thing will blow wide open and the recovery will be staggering.

Here is the latest interview of a doctor claiming broad efficacy, from last night:

I repeat: the lid is being kept on this while production ramps up to get ahead of demand. Any day now there will be a major announcement to shift to HCQ + Z-PAK as the new standard of care.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Hydroxychloroquine is now gaining wider and wider acceptance both internationally and domestically as a highly effective treatment and even cure.

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lol. The lid is being kept on because this shit is dirt cheap. No BIG NIGGER BUX for large Pharama when they make some nigger pill 5 months from now that costs $800 a pop.

The media is trying to keep a lid on it for that reason, but the cat's out of the bag. The only reason POTUS isn't speaking more about it right now is because they're letting production ramp up.

Shills are absolutely seething and it's hilarious.

they just published a thing saying it doesn't work

It won't be used widely because blumpf talked about it. Checkmate retards. As a leafbro I'm glad we'll show that evil blumpf by not using the drug.

It's some of both. Pharma wants to keep it tamped down for reasons of profit, the rest want to keep it tamped down while production gets ahead of the curve. In any case it will soon be touted as the new standard of care. That could come as soon as this evening. It's coming any day now.

Governments are already doing "studies" where they give hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to critically ill patients who are already going to die just to prove the treatment doesn't work.

It's all a propaganda campaign played with peoples lives. There are large factions all over the Earth who don't want any cheap effective treatment for this.

It only maybe works, no double blinds at the moment, if you get to the patient early. Once the person has advanced to a severe case it no longer has any positive effects.
This may be because lack of zinc, because that is really what has the anti viral properties and the Hydroxychloroquine just facilitates, or maybe the in advanced stages the the viral load is not sufficiently reduced even if it has an effect.
I also don't know the age of the people he was treating so that could also have something to do with it.
Its a promising treatment but not magic.

It doesn't matter. In normal times you can keep something like this hidden. You have to keep in mind that hospitals have a huge incentive to get these patients out of their beds and get back to elective surgeries. They are losing a lot of money treating wuflu. Also they have hero complexes and each wants to be the first to release the best protocol. You just can't control hundreds of hospitals with thousands of doctors all with incentives to treat effectively. Pharma hates it, yes, but in this unusual instance their interests are opposed. That is why the dam is breaking.

>but not magic
It pretty much has been behaving like magic when it comes to preventing moderate cases from progressing to severe and death. Patients with severe ARDS and sepsis might not be saved 100% of the time but the point is preventing it from going there. Statistics are showing results that might as well be described as magical.

>You have to keep in mind that hospitals have a huge incentive to get these patients out of their beds and get back to elective surgeries. They are losing a lot of money treating wuflu.
Hmmm this is a good point. Well, time to close out my short positions... If there is even a small chance OP is right then this will catch a lot of people with their pants down.

Didn’t the chinese use this treatment 4 months ago? Why is this news now???

>mfw drumpf was actually right about being back to normal at Easter

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Fake news ...plus I think it has to be taken early unfortunately probably doesn’t help people already dying

>Well, time to close out my short positions...
Lmao yeah go do that. One of the reasons the media is so desperate to cover this up is their short positions (not the pundits/journalists but the owners). They'll lose billions the day this truly breaks open.

Its very possibly a great weapon assuming you can test and get to the people early enough that it can be used and I agree that is a great thing.
Now ask yourself how many americans are going to get tested for the sniffles? Or will they wait until their lips turn blue and they are suffering from hypoxia to call an ambulance?
That is my point. I hope it pans out and it can be used where appropriate.
I would also like to see every american in a mask since asymptomatics can spread with ease but that won't be happening any time either.
We have both logistical and behavior problems that also need to be fixed.

>as a highly effective treatment and even cure

I hope it does work but there really isn't a ton of data on it. I think NYC is testing on 1100 patients so if there are positive results this will be a godsend on keeping deaths low. But the unfortunate reality of this virus is that is has already spread around like crazy so lots of people will get infected

The only people that need to be tested when they get the sniffles are high-risk (old age, comorbidities). For everyone else this is less deadly than the flu (literally). That's a fairly small population of at-risk individuals, and there's no reason to keep the economy closed for them when we have an effective treatment and now a 15 minute test. Meanwhile as the young catch the sniffles and get over it, they inherit lifetime immunity, which develops into herd immunity, no vaccines required.


Yeah, basically this. If it works, it will be a great treatment moving forward but we are already approaching the peak in many places as is.

Fuuuuuuck this makes a lot of sense actually.

then why dont they use it in Italy or New York ?

oy vey, but super 200 IQ David Rothschild told me on twitter it was snake oil and orange man bad. Delet this!

It's being tested in New York. Reports coming from doctors are that it is working like a miracle drug. Miracle because no one fully understands the mechanisms yet. I can't speak for Italy I don't know what they're doing.

~40% of americans are obese
~10% have diabetes
There are plenty of problems with huge numbers of Americans. Like I said we have logistic and behavior problems on top of medical problems.
The lock downs and I wouldn't even call them that because most places are still up and running for the most part can be eased but only if you address those problems.
The lock down was a hammer because the governments lacked a scalpel. As more information becomes available you can remove the lock downs and apply the scalpel.


>Reports coming from doctors are that it is working like a miracle drug
The same doctors that are claiming that their hospitals are overflowing and that they have no medical equipment left?

>no one fully understands the mechanisms yet
Yes they do, well maybe not the doctors, because they are idiots
Its a Zinc Ionophore. Basically the drug facilitates the uptake of zinc and zinc has anti-viral properties

Based austrian


there are countless side effects
It's best to wait for a vaccine than trust this unproven drug cocktail that has already taken lives

Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or more. That is not enough to classify an individual as high risk for COVID-19. The degree of obesity, age, and other factors all come into play. Age is by far the greatest predictor of morbidity, we see this with the statistics. If only people over 60 came in for testing, even with no other factors considered, treatment would be easily manageable at the "sniffles" stage as you call it.

This is the beginning of the end of the pandemic panic. Like it or not. If you are shortselling the market I suggest you re-think your positions.

>mfw back to normal means swamp is drained

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Read that study from France again. They chose 10 patients with a majority of them with critical comorbidities.

A prepress paper from China shows a small but randomised trial of this combo leading to good outcomes

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There was in implied "allegedly" in that post. I agree some do understand it.

No. The ones who are treating patients at the mild phase and as a results aren't having to intubate anyone, as per the video I linked in the OP.

The cure is sunlight you dumb fucking nigger

not kike chemicals

fuck you


fucking nigger


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Very high IQ


By which I mean low IQ retard

I am starting to like this bot. I wish it replied in this fashion to every thread, though.

It is proven, its been used to treat malaria and lupus for years. Some guy drank fish tank cleaner that had some of the drug in it and died, just like how you can take 5000 grams of aspirin and die or inject air into your bloodstream and die. it doesent make aspirin or air dangerous.

>as per the video I linked in the OP
How credible is that? How is different from all the doctors on the MSM that say something else?

just two more weeks and you're gonna see this break wide open, just you wait. Also mass arrests incoming, geotus will shut down the deep state with the help of white hat military assets #wwg1wga


you dumb fucking nigger those same people told you a couple sand nigger flew jets into the pentagon you are fucking retarded

dumb fucking white boy
you’re a disgrace to your ancestors

t- t-two more weeks bro!

this is so on the nose I can't tell if it's an actual pharma shill or a parody

Wait till they find out it treats ALL flu.

>How is different from all the doctors on the MSM that say something else?
This one is actually using the treatment.

On top of that, he's recording the results and presenting them as a study.

Kill Big Pharma.

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it's not a cure, it's like taking Tylenol, its good for the headache you have now, but not for the one later

does this mean there wont be a vaccine?

>Treatment hasn't even gone through the first round of trials to see how effective it is

It's almost as if this is how science is actually conducted.

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Try all acute viral disease. There's much more at stake here than just COVID-19. As I said, under normal times they could keep a lid on it. These are not normal times. For once, doctors have an incentive to cure patients and get them the fuck out of their hospitals so they can get back to elective (highly profitable) surgeries. Doctors being incentivized to cure was never supposed to happen. But here we are.

Isn’t it funny that the place in Wuhan makes adrenochrome, CoronaVirus and hydroxychloriquine all in the same place? Wow funny coincidence

literal seethe right in front of you children, take a good look
>dumb fucking white boy
and a tip of the kippa to you m'rabbi

i don't get this joke because i'm dumb, but even if trump himself went around and forced every covid patient to suck hydroxychloroquine tablets off of his puffy nipples, a bunch of people are still going to die in the near-term, probably in the thousands

Adrenochrome = carbazochrome



There is no study, there also isnt a control group. He says the chances that all his cases turned out to be mild are "extremly low" according to his sons stats but we dont even know how many patients he had and whether those are even credible.

they want vaccine.
they desperately talk about creating vaccine for that.
they dont give a shit you can cure it otherwise faster, healthier, cheaper, it must be a vaccine

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