I don't understand why there is so much hatred in the world against trans people and LGBTQ+ people in general. We are affraid that in Europe, the authoritarian far-right governments will take our freedoms. Now that the prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban has unlimited power, it will be only a matter of time before our people will be atacked in streets. We are no longer safe and it's only your fault, bigots. Fascists like you, people of Yas Forums, have made this world into a place full of fear and prejudice. You have destroyed what we achieved with so many sacrifices. I hope you are happy, racist scums! But remember: we will fight till the end for our freedom! When one of us falls, we all stand united against the attacker. So be aware that we will not leave without fight!
Trans rights are human rights!
>we will not be erased
>40% proceed to erase themselves
Their existence relies on brainwashing children into hating themselves, their bodies, taking toxic cross-sex hormones, and mutilating healthy body parts. They are all going to Hell.
kek fpbp
kekkest of keks
Alright fine, Just stop being so damn gay about it. Fuck.
It is because despite having everything you've demanded handed to you on a silver platter you're still starting this dead slide thread.
Ok, groomer.
Checked and based.
youvnever been safe degenerate fags
Based leaf
Fight with what weapons and what power? You're so mentally ill with very few supporters that it would be like jumping into a woodchipper. Why not shut your fucking mouth like the gays an just live in peace with your significant other. Oh thats right in the real world you are alone. Man you shoulda just been gay.
Fuck off we're dealing with a pandemic. Why does everything have to be about you you turboshitter?
All you can do is screech and hope normal people give in to your bullshit. If it was decided to round you all up and put you in camps you couldn't do shit about it. The set of balls on you fucks is baffling. It's like you think you're in a movie.
Checked and keked. Trannies are brave against small biological women but can't even stop themselves from suiciding en mass, you mentially ill groomer faggots.
>be trapped in a state of mental illness
>"they are taking our freedumbs"
Yeah right, we're the problem.
>So be aware that we will not leave without a fight!
Really, nigger? And what exactly are you going to do? You aren't even 1% of the population.
Kill yourself.
>We are affraid that in Europe, the authoritarian far-right governments will take our freedoms.
Actually the West is the only part of the world that really tolerates trannies. Don't believe me? Just go visit the Arab world or Africa and tell them you're trans.
trans should wipe from orbit
>without a fight
Nepal! I love your flag!
But yeah, if I were in charge I’d ship every tranny off to Sweden. Just like every Jew would be shipped to Afghanistan.
The pandemic has shown no one actually gives a fuck about faggot and tranny issues. Save your shit for peacetime/ prosperity periods. Maybe in 50 years you can talk about cutting your dicks off again.
transgender here- and yeah i browse poll everyday and im smarter than 90% of you and get laid constantly girls attack me
so whatever bros im happy
They've had their day of visibility for the year, back to the shadows they go.
you know there is a global pandemic where people are dying right?
Fuck you kike, fuck your right too. You have none.
Fuck all jew shills folks.
Not so fast, my fren!
There's a global pandemic, nobody cares about your mental illness right now.
Go run a race against the opposite sex
What rights do trans people not have that they want?
It seems to me that the only 'rights' that they ask for are special treatment. There are not laws that prevent people from calling other people something else than their name, and if you went to a court to try and get some dude to stop calling you bob when your name is joe, you're case will be thrown out.
Yet Trans people ask for their special circumstances to be enshrined in law when we already have laws to deal with everything they complain. Somebody keeps dead naming you? Try harassment.
>take tranny slogans
>make them about white people's existence, rights, etc instead
you go girl, unironically
How in the hell is being a tranny as “””””normalized””””” as it is? It should be considered a mental illness far worse than depression considering the self mutilation and suicide rates, yet we’re supposed to accept it. Almost as bad as accepting faggotry as normal, but at least there are examples in nature of homosexuality. You don’t see dogs ripping of their genitals and pretending to be a woman.
>inb4 some genderbending fish or frog
Yeah okay nigger, now do that without HRT and extensive surgery
You are pedos
You are full of STDS
You couldn't be normal about your degenracy you had to go after the kids too.
You will all perish because of the shit you've pushed onto the children. Enjoy your just desserts
You ain't fooling anyone with that jaw, lad.
Says a faggot.
shipping is good than wiping I think too
You one lying faggot. You ain't a tranny but a baiter.
Fucking Jew beastiality rights are human rights! Pro-choice is human rights! Necrophilia is human rights!!
Most importantly >>PEDO ARE HUMAN RIGHTS
well guess what.
It’s my human right to end you.
It's 50% now.
>We will not be erased.
Imagine thinking you won't just erase yourselves for us lol.
They are being scapegoated by politicians/govt to ((((subvert)))) everyone else’s rights.
And worse of all huge #s of ppl are ok with willfully working towards the deconstruction of their own rights while most don’t care/don’t see it even ‘happening’.
End goals to have every single person ‘ok’ with pizzagate type shit.
“Oh hey bob what you doing after work-?
“Oh you know joe some of the same torture sally & tom, eat some of their flesh same old same”.
Fucking Jews destroyed this world.
I seriously feel bad for this dude though. You can tell how much it's fucking killing him inside.
From watching his son first ride a bike to that first day of school, his first crush and then this inevitable end. The feeling of being a failure as a parent. Defeated by the brainwashing of a ravenous group hell bent on destroying the foundation of our civilization for the sake of bolstering their own self obsessed "morality." Having to sit in silent compliance unable to say what your soul is screaming for fear of being called "intolerant." And finally the knowledge that your baby boy, your spitting image, will likely end up dying an early death to HIV, or suicide.
>Why people are disgusted by repugnant attention whores?
I don't know user. What you think?
Yeah but i'd like to think I pull off the ambiguous gender model look. Only 1.5 year in btw
holy fuck dude
>authoritarian far-right governments
Don't make me laugh. Most of the governments over there are hard left in a way that will probably never change.
As for the "hatred of LGBT" it's simple. What they practice is against the fundamental laws of nature. Normal people do not cut their dick off. Normal people do not cut out their tits.
While there is something to be said for the majority sometimes being wrong, it doesn't hold true in this argument. I don't want to flaunt the 40%, almost 50% meme either but when that many transgenders are killing themselves it's not exactly indicative of a healthy mental state.
Maybe permanently damaging your body has something to do with that.
>ambiguous gender
Gay. You could only ever pass as a gay man. Taking meds is stupid.
Also gender is for words, proper term for animals is "sex".
you dont pass hon, stay mad.
Go move to tel aviv there looking for more people like you.
fuckin A go canada
Trannies literally on suicide watch.
Dont forget to go demoralize a tranny in a subtle way on /lgbt/ every time you see a tranny thread on our containment board. They have very fragile egos and its very cathartic.
why is it the belief that transitioning is the problem anyways. I am much happier living as a woman, imagine what the death rate would be if we couldn't transition
>implying that they even have balls
Welcome to the club. That's exactly how most of people on this board feel in every day life. Can't mention any of my beliefs or ideas because i would be called a racist, a nazi, shamed on social media, potentially lose my job; if someone attacked me on the streets nobody would care because it's OK to punch nazis, etc.
You freaks really do bring all this upon yourselves. You're self destructive which makes you a danger to a society.
you're a faggot and should be permanently removed from this world
What rights do trans people lack that non-trans have?
Rights. I want rights listed, not wants.
Why are we fighting if we have so much in common?
Are there new stats out that verifies this? Where can I find it?
you'll erase yourself
the problem that takes care of itself
>we will not leave without fight!
what you gonna do? commit mass suicide so we must feel guilty?
I don't get it, what rights do they not have? They just want to be victims and push their degeneracy
Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.
ok faggot.
Kill yourself faggot
You don't. Also taking hormones is going to turn you into an even more disgusting ogre, and it will age you rapidly. Good job ruining yourself and lowering your chances of pulling off the bishonen look even further.
Libertarians have always supported oddballs and outcasts. As long as you don't go out of your way to hurt someone, you can do whatever you want. The place you trannies went wrong was backing retarded leftist jews rather than libertarians. No one is going to like you if you try to ban speech and require special bathrooms. If you could just get priorities in order and support libertarians, you'd be in a much better place right now