Salt Lake Utah Anons. Are you hearing the booms?

What the fuck were those random boom noises?

Shook my fucking house
Draper fag here

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Nothing to see here move along

Oh look, he's smiling. Says every fucking shitbull owner

aw look, he's smiling

It’s are newest toy

I dont get why people are so afraid of dogs. Yeah dogs are strong and they have sharp teeth but let me tell you I've beat the absolute FUCK out of a couple dogs that were trying to attack me, both big old mutts of some kind. Ever kick a dog right in the fucking mouth as hard as you can? Fucks them up, and they cant take a hit very well either. Right on their fucking nose. I'd fuck that dog straight up.

Sound of me fucking your mum in the next room.

Sorry user, I have gas and can't stop farting.

The kennecott mines????


Must only be in the Salt Lake area. Haven't heard anything here in Utah county

Deep underground bases getting btfo

On 31 of march I was hearing some weird hovering sounds. I'm in Davis.

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What the fuck, don't look at me like that

Yes, four booms starting after 11am? I thought it was my neighbors slamming shit around.

Shook my house scared the shit out of my dog
Thought it was an earthquake at first

provo area user here, no booms, my computer desk is 5 ft from a window.

That earthquake at Magna.

Weird how the Utah National Guard got sent there in Hazmat suits.

My neighbors have their garage attached to mine and I thought it was louder than normal. I thought earthquake at first but there was a very audible sound that shook my windows too. Provo.

There were threads on this same thing happening a few weeks ago. Seismographs confirmed that it was an explosion, not an earthquake.

Depends, once a terrier gets blood lust, that can actually make them worse.

What the fuck is a hovering sound

>excess munitions

Attached: he's smiling how cute.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

I was hearding weird as noises that I could explain yesterday in Maryland. Booms and a loud, weird static-like noise coming from outside but there was nothing outside to explain it. They lasted only a few minutes.

This go to sleep normie.



Sorry about that, fellers. Just can't help it anymore.

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But seriously, you're just hearing supersonic aircraft.

Clearly you've never had a dog actually bite you retard.

Ok big guy calm down


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LMFAO this made me laugh so fucking hard

Either a controlled detonation from EOD fags at Camp Williams, or the AirFags are bombing out at UTTR again.

I noticed this as well, a wom wom wom wom sound

>totally safe to leave him with kids
sorry i prefer kot

Bunkers are being destroyed. Check the coordinates.

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Glad the kids are being rescued..

I'm moving to SLC in august for work making ~~70k per year. What's the most redpilled community within a 45 minute commute to downtown?

Provo. If you aren't married get yourself a lapsed LDS cutiepie college student.

Take your meds user.


What is that from?

Its the D.U.M.B's being blown up

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google sonic boom and tell us if that's what you heard. most obvious candidate

Tooele army depot

Incorrect. Sure, Mormons try really hard to squash degeneracy, but they aren't capable of thinking big enough to be actually redpilled. They're about as redpilled as puritans. I honestly don't know what to tell you user, I've lived in Utah for over 28 years of my life, I try to escape to find something, ANYTHING better, but it always fails in the end, whether the place I wanted to try was actually shitty, or it was great, but I had no way to make money.

Find cities with a decent population size, with the least number of Mormons, yet still with good income levels, good schools and recreation, good taverns. Maybe Cottonwood Heights in the Salt Lake area, but really the only redpilled AND rational area in Utah is Park City/Midway. Tons of Northern European immigrants in that area, Midway even has the town hall totally covered in medieval European Heraldry.

meant to reply to this.


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>Park City
What have you been smoking user?

that's a mock SAM site for pilots to practice with

Dude, of course there's gonna be degeneracy there. Thing is, it's the only area in Utah that you actually have the social/societal freedom to try new controversial things. In Utah you have to make a choice, live in a bleak land where everybody puts on fake smiles, and everything is sanatized for the public, or live where there are sometimes tourists, somtimes hollywood types, but you can actually find radical or uncommon ideas or info around town, just like Yas Forums.

Even with a gun or a knife, a woman couldn't kill the average man. ESPECIALLY me.

The thing is: i’m a motherfucker

I’m not gonna give you the distance required for you to draw your gun on me. As for the knife, it doesn’t work like it does in the movies. I have the fortitude to take multiple stab wounds and STILL knock you out and it’d still be worth it even if I bled out in the hospital later.

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I grew up in Kaysville, went to university in Provo, and live in Sandy. If you think Mormons are all Puritan Stepford Wives then you either haven’t looked very hard or have just been very unlucky. Maybe you’re judging too hard on appearances – and maybe I am, too, with Park City. But I do know that your characterization of society in Utah is very wrong. From my perspective, your assessment of both Utah in general and Park City specifically sound more like the state of things 40 years ago than today.

Considering DUMBs are built to withstand meteor impact and nukes, they likely have a good layer of insulation (lead or whatever). It probably would mitigate most of the rads.

I haven't heard anything since the day of the major earthquake, but here are my thoughts from Sandy--
You have to view these events holistically. It's important for your understanding of how Utah is under attack. My perspective also takes into consideration a bunch of the 'happenings' from Q.
1. Major demographic changes within the past few years. I've seen radically more American Blacks, Africans, Asian and Middle-Eastern people in the valley. It even seems the Mexican demographic has inflated unusually as well. Nevertheless, the Black and Middle Eastern influx is overwhelmingly apparent. My guess is that the Church is involved with African relocation via a tie with the United Nations. Also, Salt Lake City is a sanctuary city. And finally, I think the State Department is relocating poor Negroes from the 'hood' as part of a welfare program--hence new section 8 housing developing across the valley.
2.There have been a lot of earthquakes the past year hovering around the NSA Data Center. My thoughts are either underground expansion or targeted attacks via earthquake weapon. Supposedly the NSA is tied with Q and I can see it being a good or a bad thing.
3. The major earthquake just a few days ago ironically knocked the trumpet out of the angle Moroni's hand. Make of that what you will, but I view it as a comment about how the Church has become compromised--specifically Nelson (whose daughter is being accused of satanic ritual abuse and whose wife wasn't married until like 50 much of that time she lived with the never-married Sheri Dew...yes, I'm implying she's a lesbian) who has made a bunch changes trending towards acceptance of gays in the temple and women with the priesthood (my thoughts--just look at BYU's liberalization).


Masons are being purged
Joseph Smith was a mason
Mormons are just another kink for the cabal

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Lookup Gilgoal Gardens

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pix or it didnt happen

They are as redpilled as puritans. They obviously do more activities than puritians, but they still have the same mental blocks that puritans have.

I grew up in Sandy and live in the Provo Orem area. The state of things 40 years ago? You think that by a few Mormons in Kaysville or Bountiful allowing beer to be drank in their house, or rated R movies to be watched in their house, or let their kid vape, that they're suddenly not still very backward?

Operation zyper