Trump's America is collapsing
Trump's America is collapsing
gee who would of guessed
Citation needed for the unemployment count.
Trump said 100k will die so of course the peak of America’s largest city is going to produce thousands of deaths.
There are medical workers confirmed for stealing PPE. Saying that Trump is accusing everyone is media shilling.
So 10000 days till corona will reduce unemployment?
Trump is america?
Stupid fucking leaf, KYS
I found the ten million claim. That’s 10 million getting unemployment benefits, not 10 million filing for unemployment. So another confirmed lie from OP.
I did google it you brainlet, and confirmed that OP is lying.
It's not "Trump's America", it's MY America, and we're not collapsing yet. But if we do collapse, you're going down too, so maybe you should rethink the celebration.
And btw, POTUS was right about hospital supplies being pilfered; there's more information about that even this morning.
So? Jobless claims are literally a real time indicator of labour market activity, and reflect unemployment numbers.
Bet it was shitskins.
She’s a twelve year old in an adult’s body. For some reason she believes that shutting down the economy shouldn’t result in increased unemployment and that a one day count is typical of a year and that hospital personnel are all ethical.
This is literally the mind of a child.
I want every single fucking asshole that has that faggot emoji in their twitter name/bio to just die.
Scratch that.
Anybody that unironically uses twitter.
So why didn’t OP represent it correctly instead of purposely lying? Unemployment is still lower than it is in many other countries before the crisis.
If Trump doesn't start handing out more Trumpbux he is fugged.
Are you tired of winning yet?
>Mountains of dead liberals
No, no I am not.
the time may draw near when average people must become extraordinary for a short time. in great numbers the endearing human soul will prevail.
>trump is giving people unemployment money because he knows all of this is because of the media lying
>china is lying about how many they have infected. They have at least 22 million infected and possibly a million dead
>trump is accusing chinks of stealing, where's the lie?
It would be great if we could get some more in Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.
>”stay at home so people don’t die!”
>”omg so many people stayed at home and are unemployed now!”
>”look at how many people died! We need more people to stay at home!”
Literal faggot blue check mark Twitter cunt wants it both ways.
>we've come full circle and shills are linking to WaPo and politico again
Oh no, it is the Mutt's America, which is collapsing. Cope.
All twitter accounts with emoji in the name are bots.
Hospital workers are literally stealing supplies and the by give is letting it happen while withholding supplies as well
Fed lagalize mj and rake in the money. Why are they delaying the inevitable?
It's fake and all corona panic mongers or anyone who obeys the distancing rules need to get shot in the back of the head like the traitors they are.
that trajectory was glorious though
>would of
>Trump's America is collapsing
Says the dog fucker who thinks canned soup is a luxury.
>The global pandemic is Trump's fault.
Why are you such a faggot?
There is a pandemic
>70 year olds
It's Trump's base being exterminated by trump himself. Always knew he was a Trojan horse.
Why are so many people filing for unemployment? And don't give me that "Well they have to stay home under quarantine and businesses are closed to help prevent spread, thus decreasing economic activity" bullshit.
I want real answers NOW!
jews freaking out.
>get thousands of deaths because you're retarded
>but... but... the Chinese...!
Orange Man Bad
>Orange Man Bad
Orange Man Bad
>Orange Man Bad
Stop making threads about blue check mark opinions. They all literally live in DC or NYC, it's their job to sow chaos.
Baitfag! sage and reported.
>Why are so many people filing for unemployment?
Because the government changed the qualification for unemployment. Basically anyone who's job is affected due to the pandemic can file.
>I want real answers NOW!
No, you don't. You want to shitpost.
trump wasn't racist against the chinese enough...
>dude just legalize weed in the middle of a pandemic that preys on compromised lungs
Get a job pothead
Trump is playing along with the Coronavirus hoax and the deep state shitlibs don’t know what to do now. I love watching them melt down! Notice they have expressively forbidden us from making the most obvious comparison — Kung Flu vs. Flu. Numbers are not much different. Dumb faggots.
?? Okay so what is this supposed to tel us
The economy is literally off so yes millions are not working
Yes the virus killed 1000 people it’s a virus with no cure
>trumps accusing medical employees of stealing shit
They probably are ??? So?
What does profiteering have to do with the first two points?
Is trump not allowed to Mention it? What’s the context?
We're not going anywhere except to the nuke controls, gook.
Where in the FUCK is this 1,000 dead yesterday bullshit coming from. I keep seeing this number but never a source
Friendly reminder Japan didn't enforce any quarantine measures or carry out extensive testing and so far have only 2,500 cases and 70 deaths.
This is a fake crisis which, if left unchecked and unreported would be as noticeable as the common flu.
Every world leader who chose to crash their economy over this is a chink sell-out.
I love how leftist will blame guns instead of blacks for murders they commit but turn around blame Trump for a Chinese released virus.
Nothing wrong with shitposting.
Amy Siskind is a Hillary Clinton staffer and surrogate who has been deeply involved with Hillary since the 2008 campaign. She lead the "PUMAs" who refused to vote for Obama in the 2008 general out of loyalty to Clinton.
>it's probably nothing
imagine coping like that, you are FUCKED mutts and your meme president let it happen
no, it's because they live a respectful, homogenous society and have dealt with many chink diseases before
>Nothing wrong with shitposting.
Shitposting is what's turned this once NatSoc board into a edgy, conservative version of Yas Forums.
There's been a lot of outraged bitching about hand sanitiser disappearing from hospitals here too, but nobody wants to admit that it's almost definitely the staff taking it. And of course it fucking is.
Its also a real time indicator of seasonal workers
Medical staff steal shit all the time
I know a bunch of nurses and they all have stories of nurses and docs stealing pills and shit all the time and getting fired for it
How does being respectful and homogenous stops an outbreak you retarded weeb? Have you seen how crowded their cities are?
It's amusing how a doomer's cognitive dissonance falls apart when you point out the Japanese "miracle" to them. They will mumble some nonsense about Japan not having niggers and that's why what's supposed to be the deadliest outbreak in a century doesn't affect them lmao cope.
Do you think the retards that support Trump give a damn? None of this is seen as being his fault. Hasn't changed their mind at all.
It's a little different with pills, although that certainly does happen too.
But stuff like gloves and hand sanitiser etc. gets taken but everybody.
You think a nurse goes out and buys a box of gloves to use when cleaning the bathroom? Of course she doesn't.
Especially not right now when everybody's treating them like they're saving the world. They feel very entitled to the things they pocket.
All metropolitan zones have subways looking like that in peak hours
they have already dealt with things like sars and swine flu on a much larger scale than us therefore they are more prepared and their population is more knowledgeable on the protocols you nigger
N8 b8 m8
>implying they aren't stealing anything that isn't bolted down.
not to mention the fact that they go full on with quarantines and shutting sectors down, they don't half ass everything like we do
What did you think would happen when you elected this orange buffoon?
Why do you have to bring skin color into this? Are you a racist or something?
This tweet Obama did last month didn't age well.
Leftists called everyone that reacted appropriately to the threat a racist way back in January.
We could have dealt with it, but their cries of racism are why we didn't.
Name a more iconic duo
What's your point macaco?
I'm glad we both agree basic hygiene "protocols" can stop a common flu from spreading and this whole lockdown circus is a deliberate attempt to crash economies by sell out leaders and chink sympathizers.
>She’s a twelve year old in an adult’s body.
This is Trump, too.
Japs know how to follow fucking rules and the requests of others, dipshit.
over 3 years after he left office still trying to blame obama. lol