Why does Yas Forums lack sympathy for the less fortunate among us? Why are you all so heartless and cruel?
Why does Yas Forums lack sympathy for the less fortunate among us? Why are you all so heartless and cruel?
why do poor people always pump out kids?
>less fortunate
they must have had a very shitty fortune in the last several thousand years of evolution.
Niggers stink and ruin prosperous cities.
They're better kept at a distance under an iron fist.
You are talking about the wildlife that is currently going extinct???
they would die off if humans quit interrupting the natural process.
Can't believe the White Man dumped all that trash on those upstanding citizens' front lawn
You’ve only seen memes, not true cruelness.
Do you think them inferior ? They can do things themselves?
High IQ response
>Be poor.
>Shit out kids you cant feed.
>Feel bad for me plz.
Fuck off
Contextual hardship. The majority of people are living paycheck-to-paycheck. They don't have the time nor means to worry about something across the world.
Stop exacerbating poverty by reproducing in it.
feeding these people is the dumbest fucking thing in the world, want to help them?
sterilize them
Europe is going to be invaded by billions of niggers...
we need a wall ;(
Yas Forums likes to make cruel and edgy jokes, but nationalism isn't necessarily a hateful ideology. I honestly believe that we shouldn't just build a wall across our border - we should invest in building Mexican infrastructure and removing their cartels. We should make Mexico a place where Mexicans want to live. That's the right way to end immigration.
Globalism keeps poor nations poor. Doctors in Kenya and engineers in Bangladesh can live much better lives if they migrate to the West. This is great for them and great for Western nations, but it's downright horrible for their people and their homeland. The neoliberal capitalist elite have tricked you into thinking that borders should be opened out of compassion. That's bullshit. Globalism is entirely motivated by economic profit.
True cruelness is telling them that all of them can do the same things that smart white people do and that racism is the only thing stopping them.
>Why are you all so heartless and cruel?
we once built hospitals, roads, infrastructures, schools, distributing water to the natvie blacks, created and grew functioning economies, brought the rule of law and fair government, ended genocide between tribes, grew the black population from 600,000 to 3 million in a couple decades...and then people like you fucked it all up with ZANU and ZAPU
>we need food to produce more kids!!!!!
Soon they'll need help getting away from all of those lazy assholes.
Stop feeding Africans!!!
Do you want more Africans, because that's how you get more Africans
The UN is the second most worthless and damaging institution only behind the central banking network.
The dirty secret of poverty is that while all the talk of systemic disadvantages are true, there is also a willful element of bad choices. There are several reasons why East and SE Asians immigrants went from being low wage earners to white collar within two generations, and the choice to suffer and endure for the next generation is one of them.
yup, just check out the average birthrates over there right now, this is criminal, they're all being subsidized by western aid money
>less fortunate
lmao. saying that is such a fucking lie. they aren't "lEsS FOrTunAte" they're fucking lazy and they stink. addicted to crime and being pieces of shit.
not to mention the fact like 30% of them have HIV/AIDS so western aid money is also pumping them full of meds
There was a huge push to educate and empower future leaders in Africa in the 60s and 70s. Some of them became dictators. Some ran charities. Some tried everything they could to overcome tribalism and create lasting commercial and social structures. These efforts can loosely be called African Nationalism or Pan-Africanism. They failed totally. Experience, knowledge, education, and money aren't enough to overcome entire cultures.
look at the survival rates dumbdumb most of those african children die
Why do you post this thread multiple times every day? What do you have to gain from doing that? Why only 1 post by your ID every time? Why not fuck off? All these questions and more will NOT be answered in the next 30 minutes
In case you're forgetting how this site works, we all fucing hate everyone and everything. We just hate each other SLIGHTLY less so we work together
>Doctors in Kenya and engineers in Bangladesh
all these doctors and engineers are just a very small % of the population.
if 90% of the population is dumber than ape nothing can help them.
GDP per capita Dominican Republic and South Korea
fuckin nigers
We can still be altruistic while also cutting food aid to Africa. We should view the long-term health of the planet as the greater good. We should cut food aid in the least harmful way possible. We should halt the African population boom while trying to minimize human suffering as much as possible. But we simply can't continue feeding them. This is not a hateful or bigoted stance.
take a look at the population dumbdumb
They only exist because capitalism love cheap labor.
at some point you realize the less fortunate are not noble just by virtue of their circumstances, they only want to climb on top of you and depose you, and there is a reason why they are less fortunate to begin with.
>Niger at the top
Even if half of their kids die they're still well ahead of the average child per woman in the world moron
Reminder that Africa is the most resources rich continent.
Poverty didn't just happen or was inflicted on them they just can't do better.
Do you want to sacrifice your country to save 5% of Africa? The Chinks or Poos won't.
It only takes a few geniuses to lift up a country. Human progress hasn't been driven by the masses - it's been driven by the Edisons and the Da Vincis.
I'm not defending African IQ, but you can't deny that if Africa's best and brightest stayed in their homelands, they could help.
Ah hello. I was just in that thread! Orban based.
Cause I don't care about them
Question is if they would have sympathy for us
at least the chinks are getting something out of being there, we literally just send them billions in aid and get nothing in return
Why should I have sympathy to those who don't have any interest in helping themselves?
when will you learn that in order for everyone in the world to experience the extravagance that is middle class in a first world country requires the entire world to plunge to a lower class of a first world country. who the fuck would wanna be a trailer park living asshole just so niggers in africa could also be trailer park tier.
No one realizes that to lift up the entire world to a middle class lifestyle without sacrificing any personal loss would require a world changing innovation into new energy production that is endless + limitless resources from astral mining or somewhere outside of our planet + limitless food production
but guess what those three things will never exist, well maybe energy production but we wil never have enough food to sustain current population growth
Niggers are hopeless, so why waste energy sympathizing?
I like you, i am the same always give money to beggars and homeless people and try get people home safely.
Billions of skinny, weak, borderline retarded niggers that can barely aim with shitty training. Their military’s are unorganized and crippled.
I really have no sympathy for an ethnic group of people that actively sabotages one another from achieving success. Its probably not their fault but until they wisen up they get no respect
Incels with no life experience or kids of their own. I hate niggers, but damn do I feel bad for the kids.
when you realize you arent helping the worlds impoverished too you gotta ask yourself why you would give a fuck about closer to your immediate home. Like sure I want to help people but when you realize its an inevitable by product of the worlds current situation outside of a few people getting butt fucked then you realize its a pointless endeavor
We work hard to raise a family and provide for a future.
Niggers just make kids because muh dick and go on welfare when they realize theyre poor, then the kid goes to school and because the ape wasnt raised properly it chimps out and disrupts classes, drives school averages down, causes good teachers to quit etc
And once the monkey leaves school he goes to commit crimes, then blames whitey
Its not just iq, their culture is a problem too.
Sadly for us africa will be even worse since population keep getting higher we are going to be the price.
out of all these "poor niggers" post, we all forget that what they are doing in south africa to whites and what they did in zimbabwe. they are not just stupid, they hate you, they are our enemies, remember it the next time you are going to defend african interests, or when they will pretend a "white people tax" in the usa.
Because most people can't do shit about someone across the world starving. Not really.
And by the way, neither do those assholes who post sad faces on their Fagbook profile. That's even more pointless than poking fun at some misfortune.
If you are one of those guys, go fuck yourself.
Check out the amish fertility rate :^)
Nuke African
Oh right most dont even know about how they kicked out the people trying to help them time and time again. Anything built or bought there falls into disrepair and they dont give a fuck. Idk what their problem is but deeply ingrained tribalism and true hatred for others
They have shitty infrastructure and cartels because they are Mexicans. You can piss into the wind for ever, but it won't make them any better.
I feel bad for the kids but not the adults who continue to make shitty decisions that affect their families lives
>Ngubu is 8yrs old and has to walk 13 miles to the nearest water source.
Why don't they develop a brain powerful enough to unpack all their shit and move to a water source like everyone else did during the stone age?
These fucking niggers piss me off so much.
Because they function as an expendable work force.
go away with this shit.
I agree. I had a professor - Kenneth Rutherford - who was in charge of rice distribution for the UN for Somalia around the time of the film Black Hawk Down. His job was to not let people starve while also not disrupting the marketplace which would put local rice farmers and distributors out of business. (He lost his legs later when some warlords thought he was helping out their enemies too much by doing microloans in their regions). These sensible humanitarian measures should be done, but they should come with much, MUCH stricter conditions. Sterilizations - not forced but with very strong incentives - should be emphasized, combined with a very robust education program that requires children to live away from home much of the time. Local cultures and languages should be celebrated, but classes should be taught in a common language such as English. Use of local languages should be encouraged but only in an adjunctive sense.
The greater issue is of course the geographic disadvantage and political backwardness of virtually all sub-Saharan Africa. Colonialism and international corporatism smother opportunities for authentic and noncorrupt nationalism in these areas. To this I have no reasonable solution.
they don't work tho
Get a job you lazy fuck
This is America, GODS GIVEN LAND to us and YOU are to lazy to go out there and work.
Shut the fuck up, nigger!
troll thread
do not reply
Lions, hippos, alligators and snakes go to the water sources. Back when they made their shitty huts it was along known herd migration routes but far enough from the water to avoid predators. They just never bothered moving when their tribe became big and strong enough to deter predators as opposed to being deterred BY them. lazy, feckless idiots basically
No, conduct lessons in Hebrew. That way they'll want to go to Israel when they grow up, rather than Europe or the US