Military user: we have found your (((hideouts)))

You reptilians cannot eat our children forever.

We’re coming for you

Leave our planet immediately. Face death

Attached: D7884081-6389-49ED-A721-8B9DAD9113CA.png (650x816, 903.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:,0,3770446872.html

Make us faggot

user from the DUMB thread here

wanted to add that there is a german conspiracy theory that the government build giant DUMBs to house islamic terrorists to unleach them onto the populace

also alot of old bunkers from WW2 that werent discovered by the allies
remember, Hitler had a rocket facility in a mountain

fact is, these DUMBs are all over the planet

Something is going on there. 2 fighter jets have been flying in that general area today.

Attached: 2020-04-02 18_59_25-Flightradar24_ Live Flight Tracker - Real-Time Flight Tracker Map.png (408x509, 175.41K)

Creepy, i live in Vechta.

Eh you know there exist private owned fighter jets? I live near an airport and some richfags are flying their jets every few days when it gets warmer again. They're not allowed to go very far from the airport - their flight pattern looks like that.

anyone else heard helicopters flying during the whole night in the last few days?

they are registered to the canadian military, so no idea what that is about. Prolly some nato exercise shit.

Not really, no.

But im hearing ravens and crows all the fucking time and its annoying af.

I live outside Glasgow in Scotland and I've been hearing helicopters flying during the night constantly for the last two or three weeks. I initially assumed it was police helicopters using it to monitor gatherings of people from above and then telling police but it's only during the early hours.

Ok not military, some private contractor. Discovery Air Defence Services
Found some articles from back in 2015,0,3770446872.html
>schnelle Flugzieldarstellung für die Luftwaffe fliegen
>Die Tochterunternehmen liefern den kanadischen und deutschen Streitkräften luftgestützte Schulung, Sanitätsflugdienste, luftgestützte Feuerlöschflüge, Hubschrauberbetrieb, Charterflüge sowie eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Instandhaltung, Wartung, Reparatur, Modifizierung und Zertifizierung.
>entmilitarisierten Skyhawk-Jets

But those things are Dornier Alpha Jet A.

Based Bielefeld

Attached: bielefeld-500mark-1923leinen_1gp024.jpg (1130x720, 188.24K)

What was that saying again? the crows will leave some place.

It's another edition of
>retards who don't know what aerial surveying is

Attached: 1585488206406.png (654x619, 852.91K)

Take your meds schizo

>reptilyum alyums
Fehk n ghey

Yall DUMB.

interesting, there has been a hard increase in helicopter activity here I never witnessed before, but not as hard as during the whole night.
shit got me interested


Take the Turok 2 pill.

It's not the reptilians, it's the jews. I betcha given the pattern of things, the reptilians are actually the good aliens as well, opposed to them. The whole thing about reptilians is being super cerebral and logical instead of emotional, right, then surely they'd be the ones valuing facts and accuracy of information as well as longterm achievement in survival strategy rather than immediate gain's ruin.

what in the god damn fuck are you talking about. A bunch of jihadi super soldiers are living in underground ant hills being fed roided hummus and dates at the behest of our governments? Why? what fucking purpose does that serve? to be a big bad meanie? I bet you think Hitler really did gas six gorillion jews.

Could be knacker hunting, they always breaking into shit at night, mostly

Turok 2 you fight a spider panther alien guy at the end, not a lizardmen

I would respect the claim that it's chemtrails, but no it's some "base" like wtf where did all the schizos come crawling out of the woodwork from?

another nothing burger

The callsigns are civilian.

Where in tarnation can you see the flight patterns for super secret military stuff?

Big increase in choppers in the sky at night / early morning here in northern NY as well. A couple of low flying Chinooks went over last week and shook my entire house

germany is a deep state asset since the end of WW2
their plan was to get rid of germans, that was Merkels whole purpose
I didnt believe in the DUMB theory, but looking back I get an uneasy feeling with the new info dropping.

>wanted to add that there is a german conspiracy theory that the government build giant DUMBs to house islamic terrorists to unleach them onto the populace

Attached: 1552889774.png (600x693, 352.1K)

this was a few years ago, I will try to find it but so far google only gives me bullshit articles

That’s a Dassault Dornier alpha. Not a fighter; a trainer.

>so far google only gives me bullshit articles
I know thy pain brother

die fucking kike shill

Attached: itwillbeoversoon.jpg.png (980x742, 266.38K)


Many are paid shills. Those street-shitters that call your phone 7 times a day trying to scam you and your grandma are likely being repurposed for shilling. The election is coming up and with everyone on lockdown, this is prime-time to disrupt conservative gathering spots. They failed in 2016 so they are going to be in hyperdrive the rest of the year.

Also, there seems to be a huge number of self-admitted reddit refugees here atm. They are saying that right-leaning subreddits are being shut down or heavily moderated. It is a prime time for redpilling.


Attached: 1583010143669.jpg (1073x900, 29.5K)

Pollution aka haze is down so aerial photography companies are doing high res imaging.

Nooooo you can't just perform aerial surveys noooo it's just not fair!!!


This could be chemtrailing.

It's an appropriate acronym because that sounds DUMB

She cute

found it, it reads like crazy stuff and I didnt believe it back then, but it was always in the back of my head

Sounds legit

>They are saying that right-leaning subreddits are being shut down or heavily moderated. It is a prime time for redpilling.
absolutely devilish

Attached: 21 questions.png (715x1200, 1.07M)

What are Germs up to now?

arent we at a point where in military/intelligence, one is either for or against child-bdsm snuff rings, or oblivious to reality?

i cant think of any activity/purpose more fulfilling than dragging these non-humans out of their holes and ending their reign.

and to be paid to do it. for it to be your job. i mean, damn.

Attached: surfsupbros.jpg (480x360, 32.15K)

Jerry why did you respond first? fucking idiot, stop confirming our plans

Farmer here, that's called crop dusting you idiot. Food doesn't come from the grocery store, we have to grow it.

Aircraft are spraying covid everywhere


Goddamit, Jerry! Overlord Zorn was right about you.

they've been spraying our skies for years, but they are clear since a few months
its easier to breathe and it feels good again

That is definitely not crop dusting. The are is too large, for one, and secondly the plane would not have the capacity to spray that area without refilling whatever they are spraying.
This is aerial mapping.

Some prophecy is woven into these writings and obviously many of the things predicted didn't occur (or at least not in the way described). I believe it though. The only thing that seems absolutely stupid to me is that police and especially army would go against the civilians. Then again I don't know much about their aspirations.

hence why there was a big push against our military by the government painting them as nazis, and KSK supposedly staging a coup
I guess our military didnt play ball and helped foil the genocide attempt

Or they would be so detached from morality that it wouldn’t seem like an issue to keep an entire race in the dark

Crop Dusting over an 60x80 km area, how big are your aircrafts dude.

They begged us to let them leave. We said no. And when they made a break for it we shot them down. Simple as

>I guess our military didnt play ball and helped foil the genocide attempt
Exactly what I would expect. Why the fuck would our military get bullied by fat corrupt politicians that are unable to project force?

Thanks allot Jerry

OMG a helicopter just flew over my house

Dulce Wars. Dulce Base.


deep state assets being taken out in Europe

This is good.

All these anons talking about military this and that makes me feel pretty comfy here in Saskatchewan. Literally none if this shit it going on up here. Everyone is just chilling, walking their dogs or going for runs uninterrupted.
Then again Dundurn is south of the city so when shtf we'll probably get hiroshima'd or at best Halifax'd "by accident"