Redpill me on colloidal silver please.
Redpill me on colloidal silver please
It's a huge scam, everyone who tells you it isn't has fallen for the scam
It both kills the virus and scares the Jew.
It’s bizarre because any YouTube video about it has dozens of comments of people saying it’s great and works for them. But when you google all of the top results say it’s not proven it’s not effective etc.
Someone turned this old Yas Forums image into a video?
I remember a thread where OP was supposedly hospitalized after trying this.
Shit turns your skin blue
Call me Gargamel because if I see Smurfs in the streets I'm gonna turn you fuckers into gold.
It doesn't work. It's a "cure" perpetuated by con men.
I worked at a burn ward that did clinical testing on silver impregnated wound dressings, and they worked so well we didnt have to do daily dressing changes to our burn patients one we switched to them. Before that, we had to put our patients through the excruciating pain of daily dressing changes. With the silver dressings, wounds healed uniformly faster than anything else we tried.
Look up the AMA, they hire shills like AECOM to literally just lie to the public.
Vaping this stuff will coat your lungs and make you immune.
A guy I work with swears by it. He's a fruitcake though who also eats a teaspoon of diatomaceous earth every day. I will say the fucker is 64 and runs around here like a maniac and has never been sick in the 14 years I've worked with him.
show me years of meta studies on the effectiveness of colloidal silver and I'll show you my 10in dong
I don't know...
I have several gallons of ionic silver - I'm not trying to sell it and not trying to give it away. It's all for me and my kittens.
I nebulize it to breathe (through nose). Or just spray into throat, nose, eyes. Or gargle.
My brother who is much smarter than me said that it doesn't work on viruses.
But since pneumonia is usually a result of secondary bacterial infection, so...
I make it like this: cut Canadian Silver Maple (or use two coins). Attach to power (24v) through resistor (100k). Distilled water. 24 hours.
The dressings we used were called Silverlon. The clinical tests were conducted at the Institute of Surgical Research in Brooke Army Medical Center in 2006.
Clinical researchfags can look it up here:
I only know of this stuff because of Stan Jones, a Libertarian politician in Montana, whose skin permanently turned this blue-gray color because of his consuming this shit.
Came here to post something about turning blue. Have fun OP
Nifty! Going to do this with my class when school returns. I'm an elementary school teacher in an inner city btw
You can also die from drinking water...
You should take a bunch of it. Smurfs are cool.
Not a scam
silver particles interfere with bacterial membranes and can deactivate certain bacterial & viral proteins, rendering them useless
nano silver can be embedded in plastics to make surfaces effectively resistant to the formation of biofilms, they're also silver embedded wound dressings
Use on wounds, dental health, and aerosolizing it for lung infections is where it really shines
drinking the shit is kinda pointless desu
That technology is only 70 years old. “Silvadene.”
a less effective version of hyaluronic acid
Snake oil
Actual nanoparticle grade colloidal silver won't turn you blue since all of it will be excreted
the tards who turn blue either make their own with shitty gear and are drinking silver-compounds and larger aggregates of silver, or they drink from silver-tainted well water
I took some once and I got better the next day. I had a cold.
Don't take it often you will turn blue
>colloidal silver = silver salt
lmao leaf education
Swab your nose with it and it'll kill most bacteria/virus on contact. Consuming it won't do anything tho. Just IV vitamin C if you get the china virus, Asia has already proven it works.
>he uses google
Yeah, trust the company that has gotten into vaccines, dumb nigger.
Ok for emergencies but not good for constant use, you want nanosilver for that
Science says otherwise
It's good for you
Yes, however, when using Silvadene we still had to do daily dressing changes. With the Silverlon dressings we changed them every 3 days. This was a game changer for our patients.
Only ionized silver will accumulate in cells and cause argyria. Metallic silver nano particles that are not ionized will work and do not pass through cell walls.
If you look up monatomic gold/ORMUS you will see hundreds claiming it's life saving.
It's utter nonsense.
People are stupid.
This is cause by adding salts to the water when making colloidal silver at home
>You can also die from drinking water...
Maybe if you drink 3+ gallons in an hour or two. Most people aren't retarded.
A relatively weak disinfectant that can be used for surfaces, but there are better ones like alcohol. Drinking it only kills your gut bacteria. Sold as a cure for everything by greedy health merchants.
Colloidal Silver can also kill off good bacteria, and should only be used in safe quantities for a period of time and not used as a preventative.
As for me, the colloidal silver I had was used topically on shingles, after a few days it progressed to scabbing which meant the virus was receding. I continued to use the treatment on the scars for a week then stopped. My case of shingles in total lasted 1.5 weeks, and was only in the “contagious” period for a quarter of the average time.
Yeah cool one electron in an s orbital is gonna be so fuckin hard to ionize right
You can create feminized plant seeds with it and they don’t fully understand why. Weird shit.
Dosage is the key.Checked!
It's not. What's your point?
it's useful for some things, but to pretend it's a panacea for all things is alex jones territory
>Shit turns your skin blue
Not really That blue guy, Papa Smurf, made his own silver and he did it incorrectly.
So it's like silver s.o.y.?
BASED Mexicunt is correct.
You will have silver ions after consuming silver nanoparticles causing Smurf syndrome.
I'm gonna be rich as fuck when you guys get GOLD'D.
>Made his own silver
Curses, papa Smurf already has the philosopher's stone??
>mfw I bought 4 bottles of Airborne and Emergen-C because when I was in college if I felt myself getting sick I would take one of those every 6 hours and sleep 12+ hours when not taking them
>any upper respiratory infection cleared up without me having to go to an emergency room or clinic within a few days
>mfw I've taken one before bed everyday for the last few weeks and haven't gotten sick yet and I work for an essential company so I HAVE to go out
Haha How Is Corona-chan Even Real! Just Inhale Silver Aerosols and Chugg Vitamin C LMAO
Horse shit - will turn you into a smurf and kill you in sufficient doses. People have been falling for this snake oil scam for like 200 years.
Ionized colloidal silver is not the same as silver nano particals, they don't just ionize for no reason
I used Alex Jones Superblue toothpaste and it turned my teeth black. Don't use that shit.
Made his own colloidal silver via electrolysis, you fucking retard
Just because the profit seekers on an unregulated product will scam you with fake shit doesn't mean the product isn't real if made properly. This applies to many supplements as well. It's a sea of scammers
You want very high doses of L-Ascorbate and Nascent Iodine. Also Cholecalciferol.
It won't kill you unless you take unrealistic doses of it. Bad colloidal silver will turn your entire body and organs blue before it even comes close to killing you.
There's some people who are born that way in the USA.
Snake oil, sold by your local snake oil merchant for shekels, to make profitz and income for said merchant.
It causes female plants to develop male pollen sacs and when that is uses to pollinate regular female plants, all the resulting seeds will be female because neither of the parent plants has any male chromosomes.
i use colloidal silver in my work field to feminize plant seeds
i wonder what it will do if humans consume it long term
Snake oil.
> the lab coats paid by billion dollar corporations color my thinking
I almost died from water. Wasnt from chugging large amounts, it was from like 3 days of not getting enough electrolytes. it was a strange experience.
Hmm if only we could expose these silver atoms to a reactive solution that would ionize it, like HCl or something.
It’s the same thing on Bing. And DuckDuckGo. I used ‘Google’ as a catch-all for web searches.
Anyway OP here. I had flu-like symptoms for a few days, followed by two and a half weeks of chest pains with minor shortness of breath. Tried colloidal silver I got from eBay because I don’t want to go to a hospital. It’s only been two days but my chest already feels better. I’m not gonna say it’s a cure or anything of the sort but damn if it hasn’t significantly alleviated my chest pain. It’s only been today and yesterday that I’ve taken it.
Jude Laws character in the movie contagion used it to “cure” the fake virus in the movie so retarded faggots like you post it here unironically
That’s about all to explain about it
Fucking idiot