When do we outlaw the Dermocratic Party?


They are all treasonous pieces of shit. The enemy of the People.

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Tick tock Trumpturds.

You should be more worried that US alone has roughly 1/4 of the worlwide documented cases, and Orange Cheeto's response was total garbage

Tick tock eurofags. More niggers coming to replace all the dead boomers

like 45% of the country just fucking HATES Donald Trump. You dont see it here in this echo chamber, but a lot of people want him dead at any cost.

The reality is that the Democrats have no one better to offer, so they offer up this cheap shit that will waste everyones time and instead of providing real stimulus to the country and save us from a depression, these chucklefucks are setting us up for a true depression that will absolutely shame the great depression.

we are about to see the value of the dollar fall to damn near zero, and everything we worked our lives for turn worthless.

hard times lads, they are a coming

Have a Melania, she is always in order

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What's the problem with government auditing and holding itself accountable? Every politician must take decisions assuming that one of these could come
Welcome to not living in dictatorship, one party state or absolutist monarchy

Fuck yourself retard and fuck Donald trump scam artist piece of shit and the rest of you fucking filthy cultists


Is it gonna be like the russia investigation where they conclude Trump had no involvement?

Your numbers are spiking fag. With your little shithole country you have about a week before extinction

Lets waste more resources on a non-issue. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

So, you believe the Chinese lies, and that the Democrats REFUSED to act upon this, since they thought that trying to impeach Trump was more important?

I don't know about your shithole, but things can't legally be done without the approval of our Legislative Branch, unless if the President does Executive Orders (but of course, that would only make the media even more furious at him, even though Obama did just that for unconstitutional bullshit).

the problem is it's a ton of wasted effort that could be better spent actually improving the country.

Trump should be impeached for spending a few hours a day in january focused on impeachment instead of doing his job.

>I don't understand per capita

Perhaps if your country mattered you'd have decent schools?

Keep sucking kike cock faggot

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>we are about to see the value of the dollar fall to damn near zero, and everything we worked our lives for turn worthless.
Jokes on you, I saw this coming 15 years ago and didn't bother building anything with my life.

thats not what they are doing. they want to investigate everything Trump did between January and now, and impeach him again on whatever thin item they can come up with. its completely disingenuous political hackery

>*engage deflection to MUH CHINA*

45% eh? You should go back...

You can’t see it but I’m using a large imaginary broom to sweep this away

There is no difference between them and Republicans. That's why Trump will never touch them. They are all owned by the same kikes.

To be fair, both the Democrats and Tump are a bunch of retards, as in the case of most leaders.

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These cunts were demanding Trump to not do anything in January and that it wasn’t a big deal. He needs to declare martial law and have them in military tribunal

It's just funny because Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Warner are part of the gang of eight that gets briefed on all intelligence, because that Gang of 8 has congressional oversight of all intelligence.

so while the impeachment trial was going on they were still getting briefed on all intelligence, they weren't briefed once on corona? And that those notorious leakers wouldn't leak one iota of intelligence to the media about a coming pandemic viral outbreak? They were getting the same intelligence Trump was.

Where were they during the impeachment fiasco sounding the alarm about the coming pandemic?

Yeah that dude should stop blaming the people actually at fault and keep making fun of Cheeto man

they aren't spending their time trying to help. They are just obstructing and investigating.

Are you me?

Hopefully after Trump wins all 50 states, the Democratic Party will be dissolved completely like it should.

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>3rd largest country testing more than anyone has more cases
wow, any other insight alberto?

Funny how they do that.
100% dishonest to the very core.

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blaming China won't stop your spike of cases. I'd more worried about contaiment before a reckoning, but you do you. Shoot the virus or something

Opportunistic rats get their throats slit.

Government was made to be bad. Power suppose to be in state's.

>You dont see it here in this echo chamber,
And what echochamber do you hail from, reddit-spacing niggerfaggot?

You are so retarded

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Nice bait. But we shut down our airports early early.

Will they review their own frivolous impeachment when the virus first appeared in China?

We’ll nuke China, then California, then you just for good measure

both parties are total garbage

its all about trying get the public to blame TRUMP for the unemployment and hard times, if they can get public sentiment to sink on blaming Trump then maybe they can convince the public to vote for Dementia Joe in November

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Maybe they knew that the impeachment trial would be a sham, and hoped that it stalled enough time to prevent actual work being done, just so the virus could infect and kill tens of thousands of us, just so they can pin the blame on Trump.

Evil Demoncrats.

>creating endless committees and investigations to slander and depose your opponent
Why can't they just admit defeat honorably and try again in 4 years?

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>Orange Cheeto's response was total garbage
The dems were in 100% full-blown peach mode when this started and Schumer mocked Trump for closing down international flights from China as Rayciss. Where were they at the beginning of this you fucking homosex?
Regardless, the response would be the same, and the opposing party would blame the other in the aftermath vs trying to unify and actually help people.

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This virus saved the demoshats' asses. At least for the time being.

No shit, it’s all a fucking joke. I could sorta take these assholes seriously if they had been screaming from the rooftops that the country needed to be locked down, medical supplies needed to be built up, etc. during January and February.

>outlaw the democratic party

an extra 100,000 people or so are going to die because trump did NOTHING for a fucking ENTIRE MONTH

In with her ;^) sleepy joe biden pozzed my neg while groping little girls and whispering in both our ears. It was a good night. Love you joe

Literally pretty much every country approval rate gone up. People flock to the gov in times of crisis

Nice try

Is there such a thing as an honorable Jew?

so neglectful soon they'll be investigating what their own children ate for lunch last week.

>actively hindered the white house right when the outbreak started
>first thing they do is try to hinder the white house again
They are literally trying to kill you all.


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I hail from here, but I can recognize an echo chamber

half of the country would cheer if his youngest son got shot
that's how brain damaged half of the country is.

Your cope is off the charts

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>Thinking that the Republicans have your back.
Both parties hate your race and want you dead, user. The GOP just wants it to happen more slowly and legally.

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Wew I get to post this again

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