Ulysses S motherfucking Grant

Historians have pieced together his life from what little we have, let me give you a run down:
>Didn't give a shit about politics, was just there to do his job
>Didn't have any opinions on race, was just there to do his job
>Didn't actually hate the south whatsoever, just wanted to keep the country intact
>President before him treated south like shit, Ulysses spoke out and ran against him to get rid of him
>Is called "the butcher" even though he was fighting an enemy on their own turf after they had time to prepare defenses
>Was a family man and spent his dying breaths providing for his family
Ulysses was the perfect american. We take the opinions and values out of it and do our fucking jobs.

Attached: President of Based.jpg (550x450, 46.1K)

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>fought the people that wanted to keep niggers in North America
That’s all you need to know, fucking Dixie cuckolds destroyed America

You’re a fucking retard. What’s the point of fighting slavery if you were always going to let them stay like in the northern states? He’s a cuck.

>We take the opinions and values out of it and do our fucking jobs.
Imagine thinking this is a good thing
No wonder our countries soul has died and we let foreigners replace us, because, by God, someone has to work around here

You are missing the point. He came to do a job and feed his family. That is what he did.

He was a butcher, they vastly out numbered the south so he used that to his advantage, not giving a fuck about life, shitty general. Also his wife was uggo.

>At least he wasn’t a Nazi

He had many more men yes, but they were inexperienced, and they were on the attack, not the defense. He had to march into land that was already being heavily guarded. Robert E Lee actually admired some of the tactics that Ulysses used. They had a mutual respect that lived long after the war.

>if only you knew how bad things really are

What do you mean? Are you assuming I have a problem with the germans who were just there because they wanted to feed their families? War is just a moral gray area all around.

Lincoln and company wanted to send all the liberated slaves back to Africa. 19th century plantation owners were the boomers of the time. Didn't care about the future, just wanted cheap labor.

>>Didn't give a shit about politics, was just there to do his job
>>Didn't have any opinions on race, was just there to do his job
>>Didn't actually hate the south whatsoever, just wanted to keep the country intact
>>President before him treated south like shit, Ulysses spoke out and ran against him to get rid of him
>>Is called "the butcher" even though he was fighting an enemy on their own turf after they had time to prepare defenses
>>Was a family man and spent his dying breaths providing for his family

you forgot, a functioning alcoholic as well.

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southerners are such mutts

Yeah they were in talks of sending them all back. But no some southern cousin fucker just had to cap Lincoln.

This is actually most likely a myth. They only time he is mentioned drinking is by a lower ranked officer who was just trying to shit on him.

He was a smoker though, and he died after his addiction was enabled.

Deportation > Slavery > What we have now

Hiram Ulysses Grant
liked whiskey and fast horses

he was a dinker but sober on campaign

Historians have pieced together his life from what little we have, let me give you a run down:
>Didn't give a shit about politics, was just there to serve the jews
>Didn't have any opinions on race, was just there to free the niggers
>Didn't actually hate the south whatsoever, just wanted to destroy the southern economy
>President before him treated south like shit, Ulysses spoke out and ran against him to get rid of him
>Is called "the butcher" since he slaughtered his countrymen like a soulless bastard
>Was a family man and spent his dying breaths providing for his family. So that they could one day interbreed with niggers and become gay as well.
Ulysses was the perfect Zogbot. We take the opinions and values out of it and do our fucking jobs.

Ftfy op

Sherman was the true hero.

Other way around
If you know about the horses, you know he was a chad

Ulysses S. Grant was a hand selected masonic yes-man who was given everything he had, including millions of soldiers to send into the meat grinder. Our country has been usurped ever since the days of Zachary Taylor.

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"doing his job" is not a moral defense
if someone pays me to shit on children I am "doing my job"

America, torn in two and in shambles. It has a thriving slave trade in the south.

Tell me, whose methods does this sound like?

The funny thing is, the average Southern cousin fucker-type family was far too poor to even afford slaves. They owned maybe a tiny bit of land and worked it themselves. It was the big plantation Antebellum faggots who riled up all the poor people to fight and die in their war to keep their own cheap labor. The upper class Southerners are responsible for more damage to this nation's history than possibly anyone else, and their descendants STILL run the area. The SEC-obsessed, khaki-wearing fratfags from these old south money families go on to run the financial sectors in Dallas or Charlotte.
>you forgot, a functioning alcoholic as well.
This could easily describe 80% of working men around the globe since alcohol was invented as well.

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Doing his job instead of letting his emotions get in the way. If thats not what makes a good soldier, I don't know what does.

I think you know the answer. The north's hostility towards southern economic interests played right into their hands too. If the yanks could have left us alone, we could have avoided the whole mess

Ulysses S Grant is the only American to ever exile jews.
Look it up!!

>Lincoln and company wanted to send all the liberated slaves back to Africa. 19th century plantation owners were the boomers of the time. Didn't care about the future, just wanted cheap labor.

America would have been gone if Sotuh won. Lincoln was unironically based and fought Igluminati interests, you are probably aware of souther general Pike.

Are fratcunts exclusivly a southern thing?

Attached: albert pike statue.jpg (1600x1892, 933.87K)

Fuck him and fuck Lincoln.

Lying jew!

As president, Grant stabilized the post-war national economy, created the Department of Justice, and prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan. He appointed African-Americans and Jewish-Americans to prominent federal offices.

>We take the opinions and values out of it and do our fucking jobs.
Yes good goyim. Don't think, just obey.

>Klu Klux Klan good
jewish americans always make their way into the government.

Yeah, I know everyone here likes to suck Confederate dick because "huh huh fuck niggers" and such, but the CSA were the ones that were trying to keep all the niggers in the US in the first place. Not to mention supported and funded by the British Empire. I'm a born and bred Southerner who's family likely fought on the Confederate side, and fuck the fucking Confederacy. Fuck Pike and fuck memeflag zoomer mutt larpers from Ohio who think otherwise.
>Are fratcunts exclusivly a southern thing?
They exist nationwide, but in the South they're deeply ingrained in college culture. It's all incestuous nepotism down there. Daddy sucked some guys cock at a party in 1985 so he got a salaried position at a bank in 1989 because "muh connections" and now junior gets to suck dick in the same frat and likely end up at the same bank. They get a lot of pussy too, but holy fuck I've never met a more obnoxious group of knob-slobbing faggots. Anyone who tells you that frats aren't full of homosexuality is lying.

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>Historians have pieced together his life from what little we have
His memoirs are like 600 pages long. Also if you believe any of that you should read those memoirs. He was super political and had hard opinions on just about everything.

>Ulysses was the perfect american. We take the opinions and values out of it and do our fucking jobs.
If this is what makes one a good American, then count me out. Man, no matter what kind of man, is a moral actor. Every decision, from whether or not to kill for the government to what operating system you're using on your computer, is a moral decision. The idea that you can divorce your actions from morality is just putting your head in the sand.

>Fuck Pike and fuck memeflag zoomer mutt larpers from Ohio who think otherwise.

Ive learned about Pike because he became a 33 Iglumati after the war, notice that picture has a double headed eagle. He was a very fishy guy without a counterpart in Northern army.

>They exist nationwide, but in the South they're deeply ingrained in college culture. It's all incestuous nepotism down there.

I always wondered what the purpuse of those institutional college degenerates with meme MBAa was, its wink wink nepotism to get (((connections))) and some well paying job that creates nothing. Sothern frat parties seem more degenere as well contrary to what trade idiots think.



architecturally stunning doe, but only outward

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I meant emotions. They weren't his choices

It seems he only drank when he was bored. He didn't drink when he was working. So I wouldn't call that a functioning alcoholic.

He didn't write his memoirs, Mark Twain did it for him. He romanticized a lot of it, which Ulysses disapproved of. He hated when men wrote about themselves because he hated fake fronts.

He was an overrated general that his own soldiers referred to as "The Butcher" because he would choose to throw massive numbers of ill prepared men at the confederates instead of using more efficient strategies. He was also a heavy drinker. The only reason for his presidency was because he was popularized by old Abe. He was bad at that too. But he was a good person privately and treated the confederates okay when they surrendered.

More like useless grant

I heard he was addicted to gambling and stole public funds for gambling purposes. What say you?

> didn't actually want White women in New Orleans to be raped by niggers as punishment, was just there to do his job

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You regurgitated all the shit I explained wasn't true.

Drunken piece of butchering shit. Exactly the sort of hero mitts deserve. He fought for equality. Remember that.

That's not completely true many families that were far from rich still owned a slave or two. My paternal great grandmother was born 2 years after the civil war ended and her family had 2 slaves that stayed to work on the farm because they were always treated well and I'm sure they were scared of such a huge change after only knowing slavery all their lives. Non of my family were close to being rich, they were all German Baptists ( kind of like Amish folk but slightly less rules) not big plantation owners

Never heard that before

>He was a very fishy guy without a counterpart in Northern army.
The CSA was a British psyop, he probably took orders from Victoria herself. Anyone who still roots for the Confederacy in 2020 is openly rooting for the British Empire coming in and taking over.
>architecturally stunning doe, but only outward
This describes the upper class South perfectly. It's all image and status, with nothing to back it up. The upper class Southerner is a shallow, hollow being who's only interests in life are being seen as high status and making money to gain more status. Their "class" and "sophistication" goes out the window by beer #2. "Southern hospitality" is also a complete myth, anywhere else it's known as passive-aggressiveness.

Yea, I can't really source. I feel like a highschool history teacher said offhandedly that he was really corrupt and took a lot of money for gambling purposes.

But im from northern NJ, and we shit on the south super hard. Our sense of Northern Superiority is insufferable.

Southern NJ is the wannabe south.

get back in cagie now wagie. youtube.com/watch?v=zBVggGXGxxc

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This is why the US will never work and is only together at the point of ZOG bayonets. The South was the last traditional society. Yankees are mutts and scum.

Fair point, but it was still the large (would be considered today corporate) plantations that instigated the entire thing. There were definitely slaves that stayed behind. If they had no education and no prospects anywhere else in a nation that hates them, wtf else were they gonna do?

>t. larping yankee

Grant was a faggot, just like OP

I’m related to him

>This describes the upper class South perfectly. It's all image and status, with nothing to back it up. The upper class Southerner is a shallow, hollow being who's only interests in life are being seen as high status and making money to gain more status.

sound interesting, do you have any personal stories? Grant seems like a fascinating man, Im just reading her wiki article, very down to earth guy.

is this how they are like there? croos in ameriga flag, bud light and brags about fornicating


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total myth. lincoln never took the idea seriously past like 1860

This is deeply engrained in American culture going back to the Virginia Plantations. You see the 1st born sons inherited estates in England, 2nd born sons often did military, 3rd & 4th managed estates in Virginia.

This created a whole class of "lower nobility" who desperately wanted to compete against their cousins back home. Well this is culture of Virginia.

Deep south Appalachia is actually Scottish and other indentured servants.

>in the South they're deeply ingrained in college culture. It's all incestuous nepotism down there
HAHAHAHA you lying cocksucker. you probably push the "Bush is Texan" meme despite him being from fucking Conneticut. Anglo/Jew Northeastern scum and their secret societies all congregate in New England and that is where you will find all of the nepotisim. There is no denying this

Grant is one of the ALLTIME worst presidents
He was nothing more than a drunk.
He is literally responsible for lobbying being a thing.

>any personal stories?
Nothing super interesting. I don't come from money but they have been a constant in my life for most of it. The REAL old money (the families that own those old Antebellum houses) own everything important in certain states. They're psychopath families who survived Reconstruction and bought up (or killed) everyone else. Generations of being spoiled rotten has turned their kids into complete fucking morons, the guy in that video isn't too far off. He's probably lower down the ladder though.

This is why Grant is always shit on, called a lousy president and an alcoholic and more. The cause and effect always remains the same.

Seethe harder fratfag. Crawford, TX is a shithole btw.