Why do so many people believe that psychology/psychiatry is a real thing?

why do so many people believe that psychology/psychiatry is a real thing?

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Because I get paid for it my good man.
Easy money and plenty of anxiety patients with all the virus hype going about :^)

They want to believe there's an easy fix to what they feel ails them.
"If I just talk to the right people and take the right pills, I won't feel awful all the time!"

a good crack across the face cures most mental illnesses

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because they desperately want somebody or something else to blame for their shitty personality and lack of motivation

This, if you want to be better you have to put in the work. I have anxiety and I do cognitive behavioral therapy, which is very effective + right diet + exercise 4-5 days/week.

Psychology is a real thing. It’s just people theorizing on how the human mind works. To call it “science” is fucking stupid.

Psychiatry on the other hand is an outright criminal cabal that is using the illusion of “scientific authority” to convince people with problems dealing with life’s issue that they need to ingest drugs daily to counter their “chemical imbalance”

I used to believe this, but then I started talking to mentally ill people, you can just tell something is off


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Because jews told them so. Some treatments and cases are legit, though. Specially very "adrenaline-fueled" emergencies, capisci?

newfag detected

They think they are medical practitioners but they are not. Their craft is as advanced as a dark ages "doctor".

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This is why i dont get help

It's literally free for you though. God bless the NHS and twelve month waiting lists

you don't need psychiatric help, you just need to knock off your stupid fucking bullshit

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With what?

You know it's useless. I will expose your people. Psychoanalysis is a scam and you know it.

If psychedelics were easy accessible, no one would go to you.

Psychoanalysis is a scam.
It's not used in public practice, retards think psychology = Freud.
CBT is the mainstream and that relies on evidenced based approach, psychoanalysis is literally illegal in UK unless its private practice. And if you go private you have money to burn

As someone who was dragged to psychologists as a kid I can say it is for sure bullshit. I didn't like paying attention in boring ass public school who would have thought. I guess that makes me bi polar or ADHD and a good reason to give me meth. Psychologists are honestly pure evil. They were all creeps and I could tell they were all just trying to sell pills. And if they convince you that you have a problem they make money. If they tell you that you are normal and just need to focus they would lose money.

Because they aren't retarded ? like most people here you don't understand mental illnesses and you never worked with the mentally ill so your sources for saying that are likely some youtube documentaries and bad articles that fuel your confirmation bias.
Psychotherapy works, psychiatric drugs work, the problem is how those things are portrayed by people who don't know what they're talking about.

That said psychiatry is notoriously bad in the US, there's a reason the DSM is frowned upon almost anywhere else in the world. I don't blame the Yas Forums and /x/ schizos for shitting on it. It's more understandable than most of the shit people here believe.

You really need to fuck off with your bullshit, it isn't going to work on me. Don't worry, in couple decades, you guys will be obsolete. No one needs you, no one needs to give you money. Fuckin con artist. Muh CBT, get the fuck outta here.

People be retarded man, masses be retarded, that's why they believe in your bullshit. Fucking hell

It works. Not to make people better, but Sarin is real.

>T. Online marketeer. But you can call me scum :/|D

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because witchcraft, demons, and exorcisms are fake

Lmao hit a nerve did I, okay bud

>"What's wrong with me doc?"
>you have an imbalance of the humors
>I mean you're bi-polar
>"Ah, that makes sense"

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because doctors wear lab coats. look up the milgram experiment

Same reasons they believe in tarots or astrology.

shut the fuck up. You get mad too. We are all human. Fuck you con artist.

All science is literally just people theorizing about topics and testing them brainlet, but you're right about psychiatry.

But psychology/psychiatry tends to blame the individual rather than society. It says the reason someone is upset or disturbed is entirely because of a "chemical imbalance" that the right drug or combination of drugs can fix.

chemical imbalance my ass, it's just made up bullshit to sell you drugs instead taking Psychedelic drugs which are actually therapeutic and banned for a reason because people fucked up set and setting in the 60's cause they thought it was a party drug

Psychology was a useful tool before it was co-opted by the victimologists, now it is designed to make people neurotic and dependent.

Psychiatry has always been a tool to push expensive meds.

Freudian psychology is real for Jews. They just project it onto everyone else.
Jungian psychology is real for whites.

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Psychiatry blames biology, psychology blames cognition. Arguably could say biology underlies cognition but psychologists as a whole are very anti drug at least in bongland

Well, actually science is nothing more than a means of experimentation. The ability to control variables in an experiment is how you isolate and illustrate the laws which govern what it is you are trying to understand.

Because the human mind is so complex, along with all the events of an individuals life that make up a persons psyche, it is impossible to use the scientific method to understand such a thing. You can isolate variables to get outcomes you want. But truly understanding what is wrong with an individual, you can’t use science to do that.

>Jungian psychology is real for whites.
Schizo whites. There is a reason why Jung departed with Freud, look into it


because if you believe in something your body reacts as if its real

Brainlet detected.

Psychosomatism is scary stuff

I'm fuckin telling you Jung would be nothing without freud. Jung didn't pop out of nowhere. Freud's best disciple was jung. Then they had a clash of ideas and Freud told Jung to fuck off forever. Then Jung started his own schizo bullshit theories and got psychosis. You don't know shit. Go back to /r/jung

So you do... CBT?

Psychiatry is just a money making scheme.

Psychology can be helpful.

I know their history, nothing about it supports what you're saying. You're just a moron shitting out buzzwords to feel smart.

t. psychologist
i know you are tryna make a living but it's a con artist living and you know it. But whatever, people get away with lots of bullshit and mental gymnastics in this world

That's cool, have you ever tried DMT?

Let me see you....

says the person who recommends jung. Yeah nah, you can't bullshit me. You can't bullshit lot of people. You can never ever bullshit me you depressed bitch. Never gonna work it, piece of shit

Go wash your balls son of a bitch

Same reason they belive in other kike fables.
When the jews call us GOY they have the masses dead to rights.

If you or any of your kind ever prescribe me antidepressants, I will prescribe you a bullet to the head or better yet, your wife and kids.

oooh you're a jordan peterson fan. That explains everything.

It exists because of libtards, it went from death penalty to people being baby sitted 24/7 in a hospital

>Psychology is a real thing. It’s just people theorizing on how the human mind works. To call it “science” is fucking stupid.
Some branches are hard science. Most people think the Psychoanalytic school when they think psychology, but shit like Behaviorism and Neurology/Neuroscience are all Psychology and actual science. The field itself has over time really stepped up and cleaned itself up. The problem is you still have people in the field who practice eclectically because the Psychoanalyst techniques can still be useful, and you have pseudoscience nonsense adjacent to Psychology like Sociology dripping in. Now THAT stuff is 100% bullshit. Sociology is pure marxist crap.

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>it went from death penalty to people being baby sitted 24/7 in a hospital
Then it went from being baby sitted 24/7 in a hospital to Deinstitutionalization and things got CUHRAZY

How do you even know about this type of stuff

Ok druggie retard. Go eat some mushies some junkie grew off his poo

The truth is your shadow is torturing you and you need to reject it not embrace it.

Its our culture of critique. I blame freud

Its always the crazy unstable people like you who are against it “cuz trust me, i had a bad experience as a kid”. God you are stupid.

Except they are two different things, the first one being (nowadays) wild speculation about the human psyche and the second the best understanding of the human mind we have today with the biological and medical data we managed to accumulate

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Just talking with a friend about the sheer amount of people walking around our city that seem legitimately insane so we ended up looking into how insanity was dealt with in the US through recent history.

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When will you people understand half of Yas Forums is quite literally an evil God whining.