Trump: ‘We’re Not Going to Have Farms’ Without H-2A Foreign Visa Workers

Trump says he has committed to American farmers to continue admitting large numbers of H-2A foreign visa workers to take agricultural jobs, even as jobless claims are set to climb above 3.3 million in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

During a press briefing on Wednesday, Trump suggested United States farms would not survive without a continuous flow of H-2A foreign visa workers who are brought to the country by farmers. There is no limit to how many H-2A foreign visa workers can be admitted to the U.S.

Trump said:

We want the farmers to be able to get people that have been working those farms for years, or we’re not going to have farms. So they’re going to come in. And they’re going to be given a certain pass and we’re going to check them very, very closely — especially over the next month, because remember after a month or so once this passes, we’re not going to have to be, hopefully, worried too much about the virus. [Emphasis added]

But we want them to come in. We’re not closing the border so that we can’t get any of those people to come in. They’ve been there for years and years, and I’ve given a commitment that they’re going to continue to come or we’re not going to have any farmers. [Emphasis added]

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Oh no not my seasonal farm jobs!!!

kill yourself shill rat

show your flag

My 12'x24' custom built greenhouse cost me about $3,300 to build last year. I estimate it's current market value at about $250,000.

Cryptofags on suicide watch

Take a guess how much of American food is picked by seasonals. To many people want to be a coder or a fucking twitch streamer. Nobody wants to grow corn.

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>Calling me a shill for quoting the god emperor
Shareblu please go.

My 16 row planter w/ auto steer sez yer a faggot.

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Another month and unemployed big milker waitresses will be lining up to be cow milkers.

OK it's about time to take ot the trash of this entire fucking government.

Trump is such a joke of a president.

You can't disrupt the food supply 'just because', do you have a realistic alternative ready NOW for the farmers \pol?

>6 million unemployed American
>let's ship in more niggers
Time to go.

Congratulations. Now learn how to communicate effectively without swallowing a gallon of cum and you might have help to harvest it without needing to hire 14 dudes named Juan that all have the same SSN strawboss

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Throw this orange piece of shit out. Out! Out! Out!

Nobody has picked corn cobs for like 100 years you retarded faggot.

robots milk cows, idiot.

> farming and fishing
That's why all the American fishing jobs don't exist because they fill them with Asians and Mexicans.

Meanwhile there are millions of jobless and homeless who would love to take a bus at the Workforce Development office into the fields and do a healthy days labor for a days pay picking strawberries.
Trump is also going ahead with the foreign tech job visas for the Commie-pedos in Silicon Valley like Gates.


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Can't we just send the niggers to pick the crops?

They get paid, and everybody wins.

Except for Mexicunts and Jews.

America has a massive food surplus anyway, but they could just hire Americans but it would mean paying them a higher wage. People used to do it back in the day.

It's because you faggots won't pay more than $3/hr for labor. Start paying $12 for farm hands and suddenly you'll start getting applicants, what do you know

maybe you should pay them more? they're essential workers, after all?

I dream of one day engineering a crop picking bot named the Mech-Z-can.

Bonus: I work for International Harvester. I might be able to do it.

There's nothing wrong with seasonal workers.

What's wrong is fucking illegal aliens year round taking jobs, pushing wages lower and lower and rents higher and higher. They WILL turn this place to mexico or guatemala if they keep coming.

>They WILL turn this place to mexico or guatemala if they keep coming.
Good thing Trump intends to let them do just that.

Yes. Ship the unemployed niggers to the farms.

Pay them this time.

Boom, done.

What do you base that estimate off of?

Trump has been a real letdown on immigration, so on that issue he's just the lesser of two evils.

Imagine the smell :^]

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It took the pandemic emergency for him to deliver the immigration policies he promised in 2015.

>Take a guess how much of American food is picked by seasonals
You Commie scum, you deserve death. I pray to KEK your family is murdered by your serfs!

Everyone knows mexicans attack anyone who tried to do that work. Everyone knows you won't contact job development places; but you put an add on craiglist once saying "I need hard worker to do labor 15miles from town minimum wage you don't finish the week you don't get paid cash!" and nobody responded - or the ones who did you wanted "1 year experience" so you went with TREASONOUS BACK STABBING and hired goblins!

These spoiled brats who inherited a farm can't even give back to their country. PARASITIC COMMUNISM = AMERICAN FARMERS

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,,Dirt,,Water,,,,sunlight,so SUNNY.,
,,,big rush planting,,,then sitand wait.,

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no shit faggot.
farm work is SEASONAL.
when you work the planting in one place you move to the planting in the next, then the harvest at another place, and then the harvest at another, and so on and so on.
this is not possible for urban dwellers.
itinerant farm labor is simply not possible for americans, and jaqwuan and dem' marious arent going to jump in their whipp and roll 3 hours out of detroit to pick apples for 12 hours then slide back to da hood every night for their bounce parties and gang shootings.
agriculture takes place outside urban centers, and thus itinerant labor is needed.
this is how our society has developed, and until you spend your days working the fields, you have no idea what is involved.
i spent my youth working the fields all over the country, living in my camper, moving from region to region, following the planting and harvest schedules.
it pays very well if you can hang, but it is not conducive to holding down a mortgage and paying your taxes and keeping your kids in school.

debatable, seems like Republican Presidents are able to get away with being worse on immigration than Democrats because simply having a Republican in office makes the base complacent.

> never worked a farm in his life
> still has opinions an sheeit
go fuck yourself.
farmers dont plant, then sit on their humps for 6 months, then harvest and spend the winter rolling in their money-beds
its work, all year long, no days off, no vacations, no long weekends, fuck, theres rarely time for a "weekend" at all.
even on saturday and sunday, cows gotta be milked, chickens fed, eggs collected, pigs slopped, shit shoveled, horses curried, tractors fixed, etc etc etc

>itinerant farm labor is simply not possible for americans
The generation the raised you boomer scum did when they were kids with their families and all became millionaires after buying their own land. There are trades workers, fishing and oil workers who move all over the country in the worst conditions.
Go apply for a dangerous fishing job in Alaska - 18hr days - and see how many hundreds of men and women show up at convention centers all over the country just to be turned down - because THERE ISN'T ENOUGH WORK. You deserve death boomer!

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>farm labor is simply not possible for americans
Perhaps if we kept the fucking spics out, farms would be forced to raise wages or automate more. Surely taxpayers subsidize agriculture enough to deserve a say in their business practices.

Didn't farms used to get around that by letting people live on the property? Not dissimilar to how you'll get room and board very cheaply while working seasonally in Alaska.

None of those tasks are particularly Mexican-dependent.

Not if you destroy the machine.

>raise wages
>after farmers had to be bailed out not even 3 years ago
fucking genius right here

Huh, interesting. Citizens were able to employ other citizens for farm labor for centuries, but magically they cannot, anymore.

I wonder why. Why would they not be so willing to hire legal persons to work. Maybe wages too low? Why are their wages low? Are they not competitive? Are they in the business of causing intentional wage depression? Why?

Very odd. Picking crops can only be done by a very select few on the planet, apparently. Yet, in the past it wasn't so. Odd, that.

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wtf? why can't locals work the farms? i am 100% sure people would work farms if it meant they get to eat

Better not be bringing them from Africa. Unless Trump wants another "reparations" demands.

fat, soft-handed amerimutts would rather starve to death than do manual labour that they see as being "beneath" them


Migapedes will eat shit out of Don's ass anyway, no point in trying to speak reason into them.

He's a president of corporations, Jews, military and bankers. Nothing more. Unless somebody likes to jerk off to black unemployment rates. Well- used to.

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originally the reason schools have summer break was so the kids would have more time to do farm work; reducing and banning child labor has opened a path for foreigners to siphon income off white family businesses.

If the government can send pretty much everyone $1200 just because, they can properly pay some Americans to go pick crops. I'll do it if they pay at least minimum wage and offer decent health insurance. I got that at Best Buy selling people unneeded warranties.

I didn't advocate for hiring illegals you fucking moron I was pointing out that as of right this fucking minute trump is 100% correct most of the supply chain in agriculture requires seasonals that are mostly foreigners to harvest the crops. Personally I think we should nationalize all agricultural businesses in America. To fucking important to rely on supply chains from Europe or chink land.

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>migapedes will defend this
How about all the unemployed do that and they are given a minimum federal wage?
Seems a lot more beneficial to all parts, and it's not like the us can't afford it

Farm bailouts tend to target larger, wealthier farms who have the deep pockets and political connections necessary to operate in a riskier fashion with confidence they'll receive bailouts. Small farms are more stable because they're forced to act like normal small businesses.

Piece of shit liar.

What he means is we won’t have people willing to do slave labor for 12$ an our and farmers have to pay a living wage.

Fucking lying Zionist controlled piece of shit.

Perhaps that's because even amerimutts understand that a position in which you are payed ~$3/hr for work that takes a lot of time and physical effort is in no way reasonable.

>"But we want them to come in. We’re not closing the border so that we can’t get any of those people to come in. They’ve been there for years and years, and I’ve given a commitment that they’re going to continue to come or we’re not going to have any farmers"

>its work, all year long, no days off, no vacations, no long weekends, fuck, theres rarely time for a "weekend" at all.
And Americans are all working 3 jobs if they're lucky! It's great work you stole from 3 generations who can't find steady income or a career they would love to do like farming because you prefer foreign enemies!
Look at all the kids who do the same work at some fucked-up dormitory boot-camp life for 12mnths called the Conservation Corp... with no future in it. Why? Because there hasn't been work for young people in this country since the 1980s!

>I didn't advocate for hiring illegals you fucking moron I was pointing out that as of right this fucking minute trump is 100% correct most of the supply chain in agriculture requires seasonals that are mostly foreigners to harvest the crops
You and Trump are 100% treasonous rats and race traitors! Your own statement contradicts itself!
We have unemployment numbers higher than the Great Depression. Remember the Dustbowl and all the Okies moving West to find work? Millions of homeless looking for work and having to fight Mexicans to get it. Well you traitorous boomers aren't giving us that option and we have millions of homeless men you call evil and lazy.


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H2A agriculture workers are already here, a bunch arrived before the lockdowns, what these guys are trying to do is hire pajeets for tech sector jobs.

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But I was talking about trump, not republicans in general. He is a lot better than typical republicans.

Trump is just a banker mouthpiece. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.

reminder,,,farms MUST higher americans FIRST!,
,,Then,,if need more get beaners.,
,,,AMERICA FIRST,,,if you wantit.,

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He's had better foreign policy, I guess, but he's worse than Obama on immigration.

The agricultural sector is largely designed for mexicans. I have done farm work, but not many white people can quickly pick cucumbers or carrots in the blazing sun. And we don't want cancer from inhaling pesticides. And finding work in the off season is a problem. Also farm housing is generally a shed for several people to share

For fruit pickin its even more difficult to employ whites, cause they have to start pickin cherries at sunrise, & quit before it reaches 90f. Sometimes it can get to 90f by 11 am. The buckets have to be filled really fast & put in the refrigerator, Mexicans pick 5x faster than me, & they were paid by the bucket, so some of them could earn $20 per hour. But id earn $5 if I were paid the same way, $30 barely covers the gas to drive out there for the day. Of course with practice id be be much faster.

The solution would be to set up schools so that kids could do farm work in season instead of learning stupidity