Everybody hates them
Flag be like toothpaste
No, everybody hates OP because he is an insatiable faggot
It's better like this
Who hates the Dutch? Why would they lol
I hate their women. Dutch men are generally based.
duch are awesome ppl
>spanish poster
because they are evil, that's why
>I hate their women
Even this one?
Dutch are based as fuck.
I hate dutch faggots and druggies but I love dutch dikes and polders.
Do I hate Netherlands? I don't know - I don't care.
Get over it Pedro, it's over 400 years by now.
What part of the word "their" did you not understand? Fucking goys....
This place is such a perfect sentiment meter.
Youre not getting eurobonds gabier, learn to save.
>tax haven for multinationals
>sucks the cocks of the big multinational jews
They took in the jews when you were genociding them.
They replaced it with red because the old orange pigment would bleach to fast, a sad thing.
>Hates faggots
>Love dykes
Strange tastes
Bound by US standards, learn how2tax. Maybe youre government can show you once its formed.
the dutch are based, only seething meds that think that their country deserves gibs after being irresponsible with their finances for the past 40 years, hate them. it's funny seeing poojeet costa shouting repugnant and pedrito sanchez saying that spain is being treated like a second class passenger on the titanic, because they brought it all on themselves. they over spent and constantly asked for gibs with their cucked judeo centre left wing policies, thinking that they were the fucking resistance fighting against fascism, and that life is all about sun, women and wine. they have treated their countries as if they were hippie communes full of solidarity and here we are now. you got rid of God from society, you allowed murder to be committed by roasties and branded it as a liberating form of birth control; you allowed islam and judaism; you allowed homosexuality and degeneracy; you allowed the euro, and you were irresponsible with your money, and now it's THE NETHERLANDS' fault that you can't help YOUR citizens? fuck off. i never thought id say this but this fucking board is right. meds deserve this.
t. portuguese user
Pretty rare. Nice comment too. How is Montenegro doing?
>Bound by US standards, learn how2tax. Maybe youre government can show you once its formed.
I have a masters degree in taxes you absolute mongoloid. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about you fucking simp. You absolute retard
>I need money, give me some of yours
Fuck off, we pay the EU billions worth of euro's every goddamn year
And still the EU pretends like they need our money for it, face it Josè, you're being used as a tool by the EU to absorb even more money
Do you think even a single Euro would reach Spain if it went through the EU? No, it will go to that fat fuck Frans Timmermans ecofantasies
that aint the Israeli flag dumbass
There are shit people everywhere. I wish Spain all the best. I wish all of us the very best, and wisdom for the ignorance... No more hate!
I thought that of the great Danes. We should expel the jew together.
>Fuck off, we pay the EU billions worth of euro's every goddamn year
>Many people are unaware that The Netherlands hosts 12.000 so-called mailbox companies that channel 4000 BILLION euros every year
You are doing the EU and the entire world much more harm than you're doing them good. Go kys dutchoids
>No more hate!
Fuck you. I hate you. Hate is good.
I like them.
Oh come on now, there are limits as to how low your foreign rate can be before you have to pay US tax anyway. That limit shifts, and the dutch oblige. What firm are you working for? Because I doubt sandwiching your royalties with Dublin is part of the curriculum.
Nice infographic my dude, accept a but light on details. As a master of law you should then damn well know how invasive oversight is here. Or are you just doing consulting at a big4 firm?
Why do some many dutch zoomers have this homo style curly hair?? Jew/afro admixture maybe? I noticed this when I randomly picked dutch location on YouTube and every faggot on recommended tab looked like this
>thinking I'm going to doxx myself
nice try faggot.
This has nothing to do with tax rates asshole, you know that. Come back when you know the first thing about transfer pricing, BEPS, "definitively taxed income" rules and how much the D*tch tax authorities are willing to suck multinational cock to deliver favourable rulings.
Typical Dutch greed
>Jew/afro admixture maybe?
More likely Indonesian admixture
t. indo expert
useless roastie if you ask me, way sadder things have happened to way cuter girls
Dude you people are still fucking salty because of our revolution fucking 500 years ago. Haha fuck off faggots and get a life.
Still seething over the war Juan?
Because 50% of the Dutch zoomers are homosexuals who like women.
They're called curly hair
Fiscally based Italian here.
Not a big firm if the name is a dox. Why list of things that show that there are measures in place? They cant just rule whatever they want. Maybe your countries should learn how to tax properly if the rulings are so outrageous? Activism doesnt suit you. Just accept the kpmg paycheck and sell your soul.
That's an irish larping as portuguese diaspora, retard
Only Dutch outside of our city's are based. The city dwellers are a bunch of leftist degenerate nigger lovers
Lol I was thinking that God finally created a med that knew a thing about money.
Guess I was wrong lol.
Even their own women hate them
Who said I hated them
I prefer Amsterdam to USA. USA is a free-range tax farm, more of a police state.
My old dutch gf Femanon is awesome, we still talk even though she married PortugeseAnon.
I fucked a girl from Spain in Amsterdam who broke me.. I thought she was going to choke me to death, and I kinda liked it........ lol
huh... right
ugliest indo-european language and their women stretch out to quickly/easily.
You should probably get a new flag Antonio. People might fool you for being white.
Theyre autistic betas like swedes. I swear blonde hair blue eyed is a weak trait
Bassado. Back when we still had the testies to play on the world stage
hi Juan Jimenez
Because they were the first kike owned capitalist empire, stole south africa from us and tried to steal brasil,are pr*testants and faggot liberal degenerate potheads.
I’ll cheer to that, fren. Ireland is beautiful
and that caused the dutch's downfall.
>i'm not even seeing him as a black man at all actually
Still salty huh Achmed?
The largest Christian group in the country is Catholicism btw.
Stop asking for gibs and maybe improve your country for once, you litteral nigger.
Nobody gives a fuck about (((eu))) money fag. You think us meds mock you because muh gibs? Lol your vision of history only goes so far to the XX century it seems.
>Maybe your countries should learn how to tax properly if the rulings are so outrageous?
Other countries aren't full of greedy fuck. If everyone started doing this, no multinational would pay taxes anymore. This would affect YOU. Because guess who pays the bill? You, it's the average citizen.
Just admit you live in a greedy shithole that likes to suck jew cock.
They're like the worst aspects of Spain, France, and Germany combined with none of the good parts.
They are a bunch of cucks
>i..in a perfect world this wouldn’t be necessary!!
You sound like a communist