When will Westerners stop with their "holier than thou" complexes? There's literaly no difference between slaughtering canines for food and slaughtering cows for food. They're all sentient beings being killed for human gain.
When will Westerners stop with their "holier than thou" complexes...
It aligns with the prevailing economic system, so not until that fails. Progressivism is (or at least pretends to be) universalizing rationalization applied to morality just as liberalism is to markets
when spics try to speak brit -the post
There's a reason we don't eat vermin. Stupid Chinsects don't understand.
They are tortured an skinned alive to ring out “flavor”
Fuck off shill
TYhe only animals i may have seen cooked alive was a lobster, the only thing alive ive seen people eat are oysters. Nobody eat alive fish or boil a stray dog just because. Im willing to bet that even a big portion of chinese find these absurd
Ni hao
>There's literaly no difference between slaughtering canines for food and slaughtering cows for food
There are two differences. One, dogs naturally trust humans and see us as companions, they co-evolved with us to be our bros. Cows naturally distrust humans and see us as predators. Two, cows are prey species that are meant to be eaten, dogs are predator species that are meant to do the eating.
But both of those issues are secondary to the fact that we do not boil or blowtorch cows alive. Chinks do that to dogs, cats, rats, mice, squirrels, turtles, tortoises, goats, donkeys, horses, cows, sheep and probably a bunch of other shit too.
stray dogs eat garbage, don't eat anything that eats garbage
plus dogs are cute
>comparing any of that to burning dogs alive
*Squints eyes*
this latin dutch mutt can fuck off
what really fucking boils me is people are deflecting to "hurr cruelty" when the meat of the issue right now is that they're storing and consuming all kinds of fucking nonsense in dirty open air markets with people sneezing and touching shit with zero regulation
all this "muh cruelty" over the last few days is a smokescreen over the real issue of their fucking hygeine
Try harder Wang
Western behavior isn't conducive to generating plagues
I agree, someone should enact laws to protect animals from such barbarity.
It would be great too if that person was a vegetarian, it seems to be all the rage.
>chinese virus
pate is delicious
A cow is not "man's best friend" you disgusting gook filth.
Sage this chinkoid apologist thread
bulls, bats, foxes, and geese arent known to carry insanely deadly diseases. thats the issue, not cruelty
Wonder why he didn't talk about mexico cartel...
The argument about cows and farm animals is nonsense because China buys American meat. I agree often modern livestock farming is disgusting, but a huge reason why it exists is because we need to feed the insects.
Imagine defending animal cruelty against dogs and cats
>Be chinknadian
>See no problem with eating dogs
checks out
Chang, a cow won't curl up in my lap, look up at me, adoring, his god, lick my face then snuggle into the cleft between my neck and shoulder and sleep.
And we don't blow torch cattle to death while they writhe in agony, because we think it makes the meat taste better.
My most fond memory is playing with a calf in farm. Cows are very lively and friendly animals.
Difference is that those animals whites "abuse" are either wild animals or livestock intended for eating.
I would never eat somebody's Pomeranian.
Imagine living life via the path of least resistance and not acting on principle. Did you migrate from the 3rd world?
Rice nigger
>moral relativism
Nice try Changstein. We're coming for you after this. If you think China is walking away from this ok, you don't understand what you are watching right now.
My most fond are of eating that cow as a burger
>cow is put down humanely
>dog is tortured literally for shits and giggles
Yeah, nah, yeah m8. Get fucked.
Seeing normies react to the entire coronavirus thing has turned me away from being a nationalist or right wing. White normies (especially germans) are so incredibly stupid and smug about literally everything they're publically airing that I can't be fucking bothered to give a shit about them anymore. I don't even care if niggers take over, for germany it would not make a lick of difference or maybe slightly improve things.
the french don't start multiple fucking pandemics wiping out millions of people every other fucking year
>There's literaly no difference between slaughtering canines for food and slaughtering cows for food
Asians really didn't evolve alongside dogs, therefore they aren't capable of feeling empathy towards an animal or making a connection with a dog.
Dogs are man's best friend, and chinks don't count as men.
None of those other things breed disease
I think they are, but they are also delicious. An ideal steak is one from a cow that lived a healthy, comfortable stress-free life and never saw its death coming. You can eat animals without treating them as mere objects.
It's the exact opposite of moral relativism. Its pointing out that animal cruelty is wrong whether done in France or in China, and you're a hypocrite if you single out the Chinese for eating dog when you say nothing about all the other animal cruelty all over the world.
Gotta agree, those are all terrible things including cluvbing baby seals
It's one thing to eat dogs, which have been domesticated and we know a lot about the kind of diseases they can carry. It's another to eat wild animals that we know little about. Imagine if there was a farmers market for roadkill. That is the problem.
>Actually, if you really think about it the Chinese are really no different from westerners :)
>Everybody does bad things
sometimes :)
>I'm an intellectual centrist by the way lol everyone sucks :)
> I don't explicitly condone their behavior, just implicitly :)
> If you start noticing patterns of sadistic torture, animal abuse, and extreme cruelty among the chinese and dare to question them or hold them up to the same standards I hold white people to then you're guilty of wrong think and need to shut the fuck up :)
Ban Halal slaughter NOW!
Ban Kosher slaughter NOW!
Look, people that write this shit are cancer. And unless we cut out the ideology of cultural Marxism, it will destroy the host.
even FILIPINOS of all people think chinese are dirty ass people.
Sadly, the only people of your ancestry, Xing Liao , were those of royalty that had the luxury to care about things like domestication of animals and controlled breeding outcomes. Sadly, also, those royal bloodlines were all but made extinct through the various times communism came to power throughout China's history. So, your people lost that connection to canines, that bond, and only regard them as food. It's not something for you to be proud of. It's a dark mark on your history and people.
You’ve never raised cattle and it shows.
we gotta start eating cucks
>Blow torching a dog for minutes
>Punching a giant hole into a cows brain in under a second
Ya true same thing
Get some better rationalizations for your cruelty, The human brain is powerful enough. Whatever makes you feel better that insectoids burn/boil dogs and cats to death fucking LEGALLY
Why are some people so dishonest?
>he hasn't seen the living conditions of the average factory farm
yes there is, sub human
Are they blowtorching animals alive in those factory farms? No? Then user's point stands you womanly faggot.
How do any of those traditions cause GLOBAL PANDEMICS?
It's a Chinese virus and theres nothing you can do about it chang.
We are talking about methods of killing. However you are correct, I do not like the habitats of most industrial era livestock farms. It is tragic.
You mean the occasional video that comes out every once in a great while of some assholes torturing the animals? That's unavoidable anywhere. With the chinks though it's like a national pastime. They truly are fucking bugs.
Fuck off with your cultural relativism
Mistreating your livestock causes it to taste like shit. I would try a cage-free dog maybe
Abominable living conditions is the norm in American factory farms. "Blowtorching dogs" is an anomaly you saw on a Yas Forums webm which you use to justify your racism.
Torturing animals is sign of sociopathic tendencies. No one expect for chinks flame broiling living puppies because they believe suffering will make it taste better.
You dont understand what term means. The guy in the OP is saying that all animal cruelty is wrong, you're just focusing on one country.
You are scum. Fuck you
This is the issue and I'm glad someone else has pointed it out. Fox hunting doesn't cause the transfer of a highly infectious virus to humans and cause a global pandemic (not to mention it's actually banned here). Spanish bull fighting doesn't cause pandemics. Chinese wet markets do and scientists have been warning about this for years. This bullshit false equivalence needs to end.
It's interesting that they only ever mention Western practices - I've not seen them compare the Chinese to Africans for example. Not to mention this is all a fallacious argument anyway. People doing something bad in one country doesn't justify cruel acts in another.
I don't remember boiling a cow alive for dinner
Dogs are better than cows nigger
God I wish you fucking bugs would all get glassed already. Maybe look at your shit culture and ponder why everyone is "racist" toward you, faggot.
free-range grass-fed dog
100% natural A class
It's not an anomaly. A lot of videos take place in public where people can see they a torching a puppy's face. If that was a morally reprehensible thing to do in china they wouldn't be so open about doing it in public.
Not an argument. It is a fact that abominable living conditions are the norm in American factory farms while "blowtorching dogs" is an anomaly. Cope harder, brainlet faggot.
All these faggots miss the point by a nautical mile.
Chinese literally believe agony and torture makes animals taste better. Yeah, everything he listed is animal cruelty, but a whole society that thinks torture = flavor is on a whole other level.
One set of practices permits disease to proliferate more easily (poor animal husbandry techniques, and lack of hygiene). One set is "gross", but not really dangerous when a first world, regulated industry is in control.