Are you a well-prepared man with resources?
What’s Your Plan For the Apocalypse?
Yeah but I already have a qt gf who doesn't get her dopamine rushes from tweeting inane shit like this
Lmao we are unironically going back to the dark ages. The dark ages after the bronze age, that is
The only thing this hole is gonna get is another one in her from a BULLET
>killing chinks
>killing boomers
>killing late stage capitalism
>killing feminism
Coronachan is best
Stop posting your open fucking tweets
Fuckin kek
All the thots have no value outside clown world so women will start acting like women again.
Is there anything coronachan cant do?
Ok, boomer.
Women will be property again. Don't they realize this?
>What’s Your Plan For the Apocalypse?
>takes me under his wing
You'll be a sex slave, sweetie.
Farming, making cheese for fun, shooting niggers and jews etc. Just normal stuff
Like im going to tell you, faggot bitch cop
Finally a chance for you to get laid then
they don't mind as long as its chad (=a lot of resources). as nature intended.
She's the world's mom.
>under his wing
you mean under his thrall, in chains
bitch is equal to one chicken and a bag of tobacco
You'd still be a whore. At least some things would stay the same right?
Yes. Barty can fuck off.
>tfw you may live to see woman auctions, where women are led onto a scaffold by a dog collar completely naked and you get a great deal on the chubby one with huge tits
Woah! Hold on muhfucka. How big is the bag of tobacco? And is it negotiable?
>implying I won't rape her then sell her for more arrows and bullets
Based incel, there only chance for you to score is the collapse of society
How long do you figure the WoW servers will stay online?
I'll fulfill my degenerate hentai induced fetish if possible and kill myself afterwards. Didn't want to live anyway and certainly not, when everything gets harder.
bigbag of tops, if youre selling beaners im gonna have to downgrade it to a coffeecan full of swishermeat and a mostly fresh squirrel
farm. if we all pull up our lawns and use the land for farming humans will be fine.
Kidnap and tie up several prostitutes in my van then start my own ethnostate innawoods. A bit like the Waltons but with more foreplay.
Hope my disguse as a man holds up when it counts and spend the rest of my days along in the woods. I have no illusions that marauding rape gangs will be the norm and women like me will be traded like currency.
Red carpets already looks like a dog show.
It's got standardized poses and everything.
Men too. You better be able to fight.
oh you romantic, you
I like how she thinks she'll be Mad Max's gf, when she'll just be property chained to the wall in a rape dungeon.
Ok Goyim
As opposed to you, the cucked incel beta orbiter who is stuck in the eternal friend zone because you pander to property.
I might trade her a can of spam for some sucky sucky long time but it will be the dented can.
Walk to Jerusalem, see you turkroaches at Hellespont!
Too specific
this, she'll be nigger or spic gang members fleshlight.
Thanks for making me burst out laughing while I have a sinus infection, dick
I started working out and hoarding supplies 8 months ago because I thought civil war or something. But now when the collapse comes, I’m just going to wrangle up all the girls(tall white girls only) like OP pic related and breed them out on my compound and raise an army of 6’4” blue eyed sons to invade neighboring towns and steal their white women for my sons to breed. When we come to your town, you may join if you are a tall strong male with blue eyes, if not, just surrender your women and supplies peacefully and we will let you live.
>definition: revelation
My plan is to pop some corn and watch kikes hang with by buds.
>simps think she's waiting for an apocalypse to do this
lol k
>in the woods
Are there really any wooded areas without people left in Germany? From what I've read, about 1/3 of Germany is forest, but it looks more managed than some of the wild stuff we have out here.
>I started working out and hoarding supplies 8 months ago because I thought civil war or something. But now when the collapse comes, I’m just going to wrangle up all the girls(tall white girls only) like OP pic related and breed them out on my compound and raise an army of 6’4” blue eyed sons to invade neighboring towns and steal their white women for my sons to breed. When we come to your town, you may join if you are a tall strong male with blue eyes, if not, just surrender your women and supplies peacefully and we will let you live.
Blue eyes are for women. Green and grey are the superior colors ma'am.
So pretty much this.
>green eyed 6'2 lumberjack
>day 2000
>I shot that nerd that keeps rummaging through the women's dorm's trash again.
>"Give me your women!" he always shouts "SURRENDER AND SURVIVE", he's become something of an endearing hobo to the watchmen, keeps morale high.
We saw him fullsprint attempt to tackle a doe with a rager, ended up in the brambles, had to leave some aloe and bandos in the burnpit out front for him.
>He keeps coming back but that's probably because we use .22 for vermin.
>God bless his little heart.
>women are strong and should be leaders
Bugout to the woods though I’m not the slightest bit prepared. Likely end up like those low-tier Indians that never bothered to wear clothes or learn agriculture and just walked around naked eating bugs and fish.
If you can't cook or knit, you're dead weight and probably going to be raped and eaten.
Fortify the village I live in and keep outsiders out.
Apocalypse means a "great revealing of truth".
The Apocalypse has already happened. We know the truth about the pedophile vampires and their underground bases where they torture and eat kids.
Now it's all about whether we do something about it.
We're either going to do nothing and go down the path of mark of the beast forced vaccination, OR
We rescue the kids, publicly expose and hang the vampires, and go on the gold standard issuing in a golden era.
Yeah if the apocalypse comes and I survive it, the last thing I'll want is a cute girl. That's Hollywood shit.
What do you do with your daughters?
They raise the boys and tend to the crops. If any men should choose to surrender and join us, I will give them one or more of my daughters and a roof over their head.
Bitch cant even avoid golddigging in the end of the world, a real human would never think this way
its not killing the worst kind though so its shit
Similar to hers - the crying with the hope that my knowledge of medicinal herbs and ability to id wild plants helps.
Hunt rats. Big human sized rats.
That’s what she hopes. In reality she will be hit by rape gangs and made a sex slave/ breeder
This comment is so edgy it doesn't need a bullet
This sounds so comfy. So much better than modern bullshit. Where do I sign up?
Steal all the pale gf's for myself.
Bonus points if it wears a tiny hat
if i was a well prepared man with a lot of resources why would i take her in when i could find a well prepared woman who knows how to grow vegetables or something useful and take her in instead
Thank God for Corona-chan!
>rape gangs and made a sex slave/ breeder
Islam is right AGAIN.
Im honestly rhinking we could learn something there ...
I was thinking about this a few months ago and realized that middle aged or older women who work as mid-wives for child birth are going to be in HUGE demand in the future. never realized how common it still is either, my cousin gave birth in her home to a mid wife, said she'd recommend it 10/10. Gotta track these old ladies down and give them a good deal in the new world.
based grey and greenpilled
Retards like her will be traded and sold like cattle
nice plan,,
but people with resources do also see other people as ''resources'' too,
so a used hole that only drains your preps is not tat good investment.
but you could eat her,, in more literal sense I'd ques