Trump: "We’re going to have a couple of weeks that are going to be horrific""

Say it with me gents:


Attached: twomoarweaks.png (903x834, 440.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You have no idea how many people who were about to die soon anyway are going to die from the kung flu in the next 2 weeks.

6 Million more jobless.

Attached: Jobless.png (812x345, 22.4K)

Trump is going to announce the Stafford Act either today or tomorrow, and forcing MANDATORY quarantines to everybody living here for 2 weeks. European countries might actually be doing the same.

Stock up on supplies. Right now.

It's happening guys, trust the plan.

just two more weeks, bro

If you didnt already stock up on supplies there probably arent any left in the store lol
Even God hates those nothingburger fags
Looks like they are SOL

b-but i thought it was a big old hoax?! was trump wrong?

>2 scoops
>2 terms
>2 SCJs
>2 weeks

Went to Costco this morning. Looked completely normal except for a handful of items. It's gonna be fun when you fags come down from the high.

2 genders

The Stafford Act is always in effect. It mainly puts governers in charge of thier states emergency response


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Trump is officially in panic mode, first time I've seen him so worried, he's normally so optimistic :(

Attached: bruh.jpg (359x323, 12.5K)

When a pandemic is going on, against an atheistic, tyrannical country whose sole intent is to destroy as many other countries as possible, and a megalomaniacal billionaire who got rich off of selling your data who wants to implant a chip within you (with everybody who refuses the chip to be denied transactions and will be made unpersons), then you basically have things set for the apocalypse. True, nobody knows when it will happen, but this plague, endless wars going on, and a madman who wants to inflict the Mark of the Beast on everyone, then it's best to crack open the Bible and read the Book of Revelation, and be prepared.

I don't know if you you believe in God or now, but now is a good time to start praying to Him.

I’ll just kill panicfags for their shit. I already believe them to be subhuman and they’ll probably cum from the commotion.

first time i seen trump worried

dont like it

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Yes, then things will be made bigly great again

This but unironically. Urbanites aren't human.

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Future generations are gonna call us pussies.

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hope you bought AMMO

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He knows our guy Biden is handling this perfectly. Drumpf doesn't stand a chance in November

Where's the video where he says this?

>believing there'll be elections this year

hope you're right user

Most of us are already doing that now. You don't have to wait.

They don't need to do this in Europe because the majority of people aren't horrifically retarded like mutts in jewSA. We just quarantine based on the information given to us.

Y-you're right

oy vey

Presumably at the briefing, USA Today story below (OP screenshot was from BBC)

Scared of your non legacy pussy?
Hey look at that.

Meanwhile in Italy...

my step mom went to cosco and said the lines were a mile long I'm in NH

When I say Europe I mean white people

>April fools

STFU shitskin

Never forget the six million!

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Nark on your neighborhoods bong!

>Dad's 78 bday
>Dad high risk group. Likely last time(s) together
BONG next door
>Das not right, he should be arrested.

Attached: 1585503382661.png (616x779, 329.4K)

Lol. Vegas here. Can walk in shop, like normal

I would love that to be true, but when you look at Trump's eyes, it tells the real story. He's afraid. He's a winner, and has fought off every attack the dems and corporate media have thrown at him like it's nothing. But today is the first time he shows true fear in his eyes. This is bigger than any crisis he's ever faced in his life, and he's not sure he can handle it.

They better add in a loan lockdown.

Worst president in the history of the US by far.


10 million unemployed just in the last 2 weeks!

>Its just a flu bro!

at leats 240 000 are going to die in US and millions infected/crippled.

OOPS. just trying to look presidential!
Complete fucking moron 25d2 chess

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Did you even respond to the right person? Don't know how you got that out of anything I said. This quarantine is making you more spastic than usual.

You are on retarded Kraut
>Delete this.

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That's because they're dead.

She’s full of shit

>two more weeks

Which two more weeks though? I've been hearing this for months now.

Attached: knct.png (743x657, 175.03K)

New euromomo-data is out, including whole March now.

Flu-like overmortality in: England, Belgium, Spain, Italy, France.

This is valid data, guys.


Attached: 597779613418127390.png (128x105, 10.07K)

You are so dumb.

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Every day I become more and more amazed at the simple-mindedness of the average burger. It's astounding to me that you became the greatest country in the world when you're all such low IQ retards.

>t. illiterate faggot

Don't let them leave their blighted shitholes. Let them die in their grave that they dug.

>Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump in a CNBC interview.

0.03 sheekles have been deposited in your account

LOL jewSA like Britain hasn't been controlled by jews since the Rothschilds and the defeat of napoleon. You're in the same boat as the rest of us goyim

Damn how many kids are they keeping down there?


she was probably exaggerating but she says they were mad long

A lot


Reaction to the panicdemic is by far the most effective Voight-Kampff test ever devised.
Actual humans see through this shit instinctively.
NPCs think the threat is real.

How do we maximise shitskin deaths and minimise white deaths?