Why is he orange?

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Because he gets a lot of sun and has good circulation for his age

because he is a bad man

He's a lubavitcher jew who drinks copious amounts of aspartame diet soda (damages brain) a day and wants to look healthy. He married a jew, his daughter's a jew, and his daughter married a jew. He lets his jew son in law run everything from the border to ME to virus. It's a joke.

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He motorboats the fuck out of Melania's slavic titties first thing every morning and gets coated in bronzer.

[[[El Goblino Anaranjado]]]

Swarthy German

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You seem chill

Why are you immature at 20+ years of age?
Someone wasted their life and made sacrifices in order to raise a manchild like you...

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>gets a lot of sun
He uses a ton of tanning cream or spray, or he'd look more his age.
Same reason he got hair surgery - self-doubt and image.

eats a lot of carrots

He uses makeup like a faggot.

I'm a black haired, brown eyed part-Slav, and I'm not orange. He uses makeup.

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He lives on Cola Light and Cheetos exclusively.

Cut your fucking nails.

His makeup has a copper base that deflects UHF/VHF/Microwave attacks. He's literally wearing a Faraday cage of makeup.

just by looking at your hands i can tell you're either a faggot or a sissy who locks his dick up in a cage


You look like a sick child faggit

Cause he’s bad.

Too much oompa loopa jizz is my bet

I'm a tradesman, actually :3 I install CAT6 cable, APs, routers and switches, UPSs that weight 40lbs+. I'm a network installer, basically. I often work in the rain. I often work without gloves.

I am a sissy faggot though, thanks for noticing :D

He's the Archangel Michael. Thats why. Now delete this shiddy thread cocksuck.

because it pisses you off

this nigga is in a tanning bed whenever he isn’t shitposting on twitter

It's technically known as "Robotoid Red."

...but only the kind that makes face skin orange.

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>Why is he orange?

Why do morons like you believe anything tv pEoPle say?

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Does this really negate 5g?

Freemason bullshit. Ooopa Loompas, Mechanical Orange...

*Clockwork Orange

And fuck (((you))).

Fucking lol

What are these posters called?

He wants to hide, old Man skin disease, using some Cheap makeup

what do you think/know about the 5G health effects? might be corona related? bone deformation?

narcissist that only surrounds himself with yes-men so noone can point out he looks like an obese clown

it's ok to be orange

Honestly his beautician just needs to choose a lighter/cooler foundation shade

His makeup person has probably confronted him about it many times suggesting a different shady but Trump is probably too stubborn to change because he’s a creature of habit.

i knew it

Why are all the trans defenders and gender benders so intolerant when it comes to Trump?
He identifies as orange, respect that!

Orange is not a real colour, it is brown. Trump is brown and you faggots dont even realise.

>I often work without gloves

where are the calluses tho? i refuse to believe those are the hands of a tradesman LOL

Trump is immature at 70+

spray tan and vanity. his vanity is a result of his belief that his image constitutes his brand. he's a new york 80's businessman. that's just what they do. the face/name is the business.

yes, he looks like shit. but the 80's was 40 years ago and his methods are outdated.
notice his hair is white now, not cheap whore carrot-blonde. he changes, too.

Why are you a nigger?

Bad case of the Naranjavirus

Racist. I don't see color.

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it's antiviral nano particles

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Its a spray on tan that reduces the amount of UV rays that can damage the skin and also keeps him prepared to do an interview at any time of the day.

Because Orange is the best colour



imagine actually believing this

Uh-oh, Uggo

>not a single hair
woman detected

dem tiddies doe

Fake tan. No biggie.

because the news media tweaks the color balance whenever he is on the screen to make him look as orange as possible

He's orange so that you talk about his being orange rather than his being a corporate kike stooge

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He loves carrots