It is not even a fucking flu

It is not even a fucking flu.
Approximately 5 days ago I was infected. I felt weakness for 3 days and started coughing on 3th day and temperature was about 37.3. I called the doctors who had come to my home and took analysis. On the next day a get my positive for corona and instructions for home treatment.
But today on 5th day I feel okay and even working out a little.
Is this the virus the made all that noise. I’m 28 yo.

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I got it a week ago. Symptoms lasted about that long, just sinus congestion, a slight cough and that's about it.

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Why we need to shut down everything. If there are people so fragile for such infection than they don’t deserve to live

literally the biggest nothingburger in existence
all that racism to asians for nothing, shame on everyone who fell for this meme of a disease

Why do you have an electric outlet on the floor?

>all that racism to asians for nothing
Show flag Chang.
Get ready for round 2.

Corona is eating your brains as we speak.

Attached: coronavirus eats brains.jpg (1000x1280, 213.28K)

>owns a cat
>puny biceps
>weak immune system

you should fuck off back to rėddit, you sōy cuck.

It seems to only like people 30+, the risk of complications skyrockets after that

I'm 34 and suffered like hell for 3 weeks, still not over

If your attitude is "fuck anyone over 30" then you are just some edgy millienial dipshit

The virus is fucking weird vlad.
Me, very mild symptoms, no coof attacks, no fever, shortness of breath with pressure on chest

Mother fever for multiple days, complete body aches coof attacks and elevated bloodpressure/heartrate

father 100% asymptomatic despite having shit lungs

I can perform 7 full one arm pull ups with my tiny biceps.

the reason everything is shutting down is because theyre trying to contain the virus until its extinct, otherwise it will be a seasonal illness just like flu is. only it doesnt replace flu, so any deaths are additive you see? use your brain

They're the ones who made it into a big deal. Italy I'm not so sure. They both could be bringing this as an excuse to hide people that are dying from air pollution.

>doesn't like cats
Ask me how I know you're a newfag

Hy ты нeбocь нe кypишь, a y нac пoлcтpaны c чёpными лeгкими хoдят.


still don't see any bodies. see bags. whats in them?

Millennials are in their 30s


I know, I'm a self-hating millenial

just a flu.

Literally. Nothing. Burger.

That's a lot of human remains pouches

i had a fever of 103 for 2 days the first week of feb. weakness/dry cough as well. everything went away after about 48 hrs. never got tested as the US wasn't testing at that time

its on a wall, but at first glance yeah it kinda did seem on the floor due to pic orientation


Go back to /cvg/, argeschizo.

What are your blood types?

>just wait two more weeks bruh!
Fuck off, kike.

Your mom and dad will die, do you not feel sorry?

I had it end of Jan.
Took 3 weeks to recover, lungs were fucked so bad, couldn't sleep flat....


rip in 2 days

i have had it. first 3-4 days intense night sweats and alternating fever from 37 to 39, with body aches lack of appetite and horrible migraines. spent most of the time curled in bed. i have stopped taking my prednisone and ketoprofen (i have rheumatoid arthritis) and had a c1-c2 fusion in 2015. the screws in my neck were hurting like crazy during the fever episodes. i drank alot of water and fed myself home made chicken broth with lots of carrots and onions/parsley/tarragon/etc. after around a week of suffering i had a huge pile of damp bedsheets from the sweating i had to pull up and wash and disinfect everything which was a very hard effort but made me feel a bit more human. i started to feel better and the food appetite slowly came back. the meds that helped me recover faster were paracetamol, some multi vitamin pills, cod liver oil capsules and most important Mushroom Complex capsules (Chaga, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Reishi, Lions Mane, Maitake) along with tea made from boiled lemons mixed with apple cider vinegar. my RA pain has been much worse and the sudden prednisolone withdrawal was brutal but i feel not taking them and the NSAIDS helped the immune system recover faster. note that the coughing was minimal and only some thick sputum was an issue from time to time but if kept well hydrated all was in decent limits. im a 35 years old male who had a very bad motorcycle crash in 2015 hence all the metal in the body, but i keep a pretty active lifestyle and try to be as normal as i can given the circumpstances. also note that really steamy hot baths were good too. just breathing the hot steam kept the mouth and nose clear. the whole thing lasted for around 2-3 weeks.ask away if you have any questions.

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That was probably the regular flu which is still a thing and has killed more people at the current time.

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you look weak.


What kind of faggot pants are those haha.
Too bad you didnt die

This guy bakes half the /cvg/ threads, he's fucking obsessed.

kek, we couldn't get a doctor to visit us at home...
Our only way to find out is to get so sick we can't breathe, call an ambulance and MAYBE get tested at the hospital...
Fuck socialism

So you recovered? Hows your nut sack

i also smoked a shitload of weed during the first two weeks as i was convinced by the self induced panic that we're all going to die. in all honesty i think that someone who has a weak body or someone who is old and already has major health issues can potentially die, without help - so the fact that all the countries are asking people to self isolate and just cough and wait is relatively stupid as i feel it will be a main cause for the death charts...just saying. not alot of people are able to self care.

I don’t know for sure if I had it but based on symptoms it may have been.

My wife and I traveled for Christmas and I came down with something extremely mild in January. It started as a sore/scratchy throat that never worsened and went away after about a week. After a day or so of feeling fine I got a cough, started to feel a little achey that night and took a sick day the following day to sleep it off. I felt fine afterwards but the cough lingered, and I felt a “heaviness” in my chest that felt like thick congestion that was tough to clear. Eventually I went to urgent care and got a Medrol Pack and some cough suppressant and it cleared up in a week. Overall it lasted a month and felt like a very mild but annoyingly persistent cold.

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I should also add, other than the one sick day I took, my energy levels and strength were fine and I kept working out, going to social things, rehearsals, etc.

you made two insecure little posts without any regards to the subject calling others weak and faggots. also you're a swede. so yeah, i don't even need to insult you son, God has punished you enough it seems. :^)

God doesnt exist

>temperature was about 37.3
Wtf how are you not dead?

I wish you well, God bless.

shut up turbofag
chinks deserve every bit of hate they get, shit, they are still in arrears

That is a handsome cat.

god bless, sven, and god bless your shithole excuse for a country.

It says it’s associated with it. Not that it did it itself.

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Thanks god your next generation will finally change your retarded metric systems into the normal ones.

Russian engineers everyone

that lad gives important information about the gook flu and the mutt instantly wants to know the state of the testicles. you can't make this shit up.

You believe the tests everyone else has shown faulty were not faulty in China? (see Spain etc)
They sent sick people home that's why they are 'sick again' they were still sick when they sent them home.

God is real. The best proof is the state of the unclean country of Sweeden. May God forgive you for your sins.

It never felt like anything was in your lower lungs correct?

>temperature was about 37.3
You can't be alive if your bodu is frozen

dead in a month.

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Fucking metric losers.

On The Russia, doctors still make house calls.

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You Russians are probably immune to everything including radioactivity.

28yo is actually the perfect age to survive it. People meme about "muh 30yo wall" but you're literally at the peak of your prime around that point and able to survive most wounds/diseases.

Fuck of you bat eating chink fuck!
The world should never have intervened with the Japs plan to rape you fucks into oblivion!

It's a respiratory illness, it doesn't affect the sinus. Brainlets like you convince yourselves every cold and flu you have is actually the virus to garner attention.

I must ask...was this a confirmed diagnosis with testing? It’s strange that a disease presents with so many different symptoms and so many different outcomes.

When all this shit is over and things get back to normal, consider HSCT. Since RA is an autoimmune disorder you could possibly get cured of it.

>only it doesnt replace flu,
Other than it mostly has. There are much reduced deaths from anything else.

>temperature was about 37.3
You can't be alive if your body is frozen

Why does this virus have a much higher death rate in 5G areas?

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is your wife OK?

He probably asks because the virus can kill your nuts or something.

are you me? I had these exact symptoms for the same amount of time. had a slight fever and a little bit of tingly feeling in my lungs. also the sinus congestion didn't produce any mucous.

kill deez nuts

He cute

>Cat hater

Fuck off Mohammed

>t. millennial

How absolutely millennial of you

Guys is this for real how is no one talking about this
Day 1 a cat is infected and barely a week later it can take selfies and write entire posts on the internet
Coronavirus might be lethal to humans but to cats it's just making them smarty pants


I’ve been smoking so much these past two weeks I can’t tell if I had it. M
Don’t care either. Survival of the fittest.

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it's a result of cytokene storm, rare

You're white, this was to be expected.