Why has there been a huge increase in the number of unmarried, celibate men for the past 10 years...

Why has there been a huge increase in the number of unmarried, celibate men for the past 10 years, and what can be done about it?

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Kill all psychopathic chad males

women are increasingly loose
so they are fucking a smaller group of men with no real pressure to get into a relationship

step 1: bring back slut shaming

How can people hate someone like this for doing something to improve his life

Put them on government subsidized estrogen therapy, and marry them to illegals

Because women are being worshipped everywhere and getting rich for being sluts in instagram and everywhere.
Because pride and being gay is being forced everywhere and only women are so gullible that they have become lesbians.

I hope none of you retards think that picture is the same person

Cut them off as a loss and train the next corp of children to be more masculine
The last generation's parents failed them


Notice that the makeup and the aesthic that he applied is similar to e-thots/OnlyWhores
>Nose powder + rouge
>Drawn upperlip
>Winged eyeliner
Maybe trannies are a DIRECT fallout of simping.

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Come home whiteman

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It is I follow her on ig they post on fa and lgbt

lack of desire for family or traditional goals. Largely due to financial reasons but also we raise our kids with a social mindset thats not realistic or viable in this day in age, thus we just give up.
We also have to consider technology and its impact on our psyche. Current technology has had us social distancing long before this coronavirus pandemic. Therefore forever changing our how we socially interact with each other.

>Video games got more addictive
>The last bastions of family values died
>Environmental pollution lowering T levels
>Society encouraging women to be unmarriable.

Mandatory hormone pills, surgery and diet/exercise plan

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most traps don't look this good or passable

Modernity made women entitled unbearable cunts.
But my God they are addictive.

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Yup. Men would rather game and coom than start a family. There are traditionally minded women, however shut ins would never cross paths with them, and have nothing to offer in terms of support and responsibility for a family

Implement Thot Patrol.

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How does it feel knowing sneaky is richer, more famous and having sex with more attractive woman than you?

Women are lashing out and wailing because men are nowhere to be seen. They are at home cooming and gaming, a traditional husband desiring marriage is nowhere to be found and 100% of marriages where the husband watches porn will end in divorce or dead bedroom

No one cares kike. We are looking for one sexual partner for life

>Implying getting railed on the ass daily is better than being incel
Fucking Pajeets can't help but literally shitpost?

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Based leaf makes an actually good post? Strange.
I like the 'creepy' gothic aesthetic but not when paired with some twat; it's good for books tho.
badda bing badda boom

I would identify all these things as symptomatic of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you realize that it gets a whole lot easier to see where and how we have gone astray.
We all on this board know that we have gone astray, that our societies have become strange and perverse and inhospitable to the people that it relies upon. We diagnose the issue in different ways, and argue about it endlessly, but the sooner we can all realize that apart from creed we really are all on the same page, or at least on a similar one, we can begin to do something positive and tangible instead of arguing and shitposting

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You can't be an unmarried celibate man if you become a woman.

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Right loooks like brie larson

You mean left?

You could grant them a fucking rundown to clear confusion, and a few mountain tops and basic supplies, to build rock monasteries on where they live in monk mode, where they hopefully they become the salt of your nation.

>sneaky has a hot long term gf
What now bigots?

Death penalty for fornication or divorce.Problem then fixes itself.

I gave up on the idea of ever being able to satisfy a woman m and accepted my place as a sissy for bbc

>Get half of your life's hard work literally ripped from you
>Not a saying in the upbringing of your offpsrings
>No chance of custody even if the mother is a meathead abuser
>Diveristy hires and other political bullshit fucking with your job opportunities
>Getting constantly harrased and raped by media
Gee, I wonder why ain't nobody getting married.

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It's a perfect storm of shit tier men and shit tier women.


>Based leaf
I know right? Maybe all Changs died and now we have common Yas Forumstards leafposters.

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i am a white guy but my dick is small, i've gotten with women but they never enjoyed me unless i was eating them out, it really sucks having a small dick, because i have been laughed at. I have been ridiculed,
women have told their friends about

People are too poor to marry and start a family, and both men and women are fatter and uglier on average and refuse to settle for each other. Promiscuity is very far down the list because let's be honest, many simps would the thrilled to marry even a huge whore as long as she's even the least bit attractive.


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>Why has there been a huge increase in the number of unmarried
Bad money, bad laws. Fix the money and the law will be cleaned up, and the appropriate incentives will be in place for the right actions.
Currently however, the wrong behaviors are incentivized.

>because men are nowhere to be seen
Because the bottom 85% of men are invisible to women. Until the wall.

t. Somebody who has never been in a relationship. Stop getting angry at the few negative experiences of others and anecdotes, and seek a Christian wife. You won't find one with a defeatist attitude and by rotting away at home and not accruing any skills

>i am a white guy
>canadian flag
I don't think so Chang

Reduce the population

What happens to false accusations?

Women can find men relatively easy, in fact they are spoilt for choice.
The reason why some men go their own way is because the odds are pitted against them and substitute it with other things.

Stop having premarital sex and start going to church to find a wife. If you are pious and faithful your physical shortcomings won't matter, plus your wife won't even see your nakedness until the wedding night

This demonstrates well which gender has the harsher looks standards. From an ugly man to an average looking woman with caked on fakeup.

FLfuck off is that a guy that’s a girl

>seek a Christian wife
imagine still falling for that bullshit lmao

Trial. Of course, the word of 2 women = the word of one man.

Because they stay at home and stew in self pity while making feeble attempts at advances to living sex dolls, while ignoring frumpy and shy women

>Implying we don't
Sneaky's children will be bullied and sexually abused by their peers for having a trap father

What do you mean by this? All men should meed their wives while young. My wife was 12 when we met. Otherwise, the man will not be able to raise her into his perfect wife.

>Christian wife
>Get a "Born again virgin" slut that got tired of the cock carrousel
>Believing you are not gonna be a stadistic because she is Christian
No wonder everybody think the US if full of idiots.

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1. The internet
2. Nothing can be done besides replacing women

I feel for you because you grew up in an atheist /Muslim society, but you should look past your prejudices to see that traditional Christian marriages are the only happy and healthy relationships left, where the women doesn't seek to control the husband and the husband provides for the family.

This Pajeet knows what's up.

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this is unironically true

What if i can't find a virgin wife who has taken dick before me? i dont think church means virgin does it?? my penis is 2 inches hard, i never stood a chance.

A scenario that you made up off the top your head. I'm speaking of traditional Christianity

for a change this leaf is based

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Grow tiddies and suck off beta males for their

What? Impossible user nobody is that small.

>bloke makes more money for slutty cosplay than any woman
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based

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Under my rule, all traps, transgenders, homosexual deviants and pedophiles will be sent to working camps to utilize their collective manpower for the greater good. Smooth roads, vast railroad networks, and incredibly efficient workers.

Truly a nation for us all.

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What was this guys endgame?

Men who are seeking marriage and family, who are not promiscuous, who are not addicted to porn, who are not wasting their life chasing dopamine through internet and video games. Let's apply the same standards to men that pol applies to women.

hasn't taken dick*

It’s axtuallg a guy. I’m so uncomfortable right now. Fuck. How can a guy look so much like a genuine girl? Traps are meant to be ugly freaks of nature

>Let's apply the same standards to men that pol applies to women.
There are more male debt-free virgins without tattoos than female.

Fair. Too bad am too much of a heathen to actually score a faithful and pious waifu.

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not only that, but also stupidity/idiot shaming irl in person.


>what can be done about it?

As the current perception control experiment well illustrates, the time that still something could be done left aeons ago.
I propose global mass suicide. Let the oppressors engineer and calculate their eternal prison to torment their own offspring. We humans have no place in this shit earth.

>Why has there been a huge increase in the number of unmarried, celibate men for the past 10 years, and what can be done about it?

Get women back out of the workforce by repealing EVERY "gender equality" law passed since 1964 and abolish both no-fault divorce and any concept of child or spousal support.

Women refuse to marry men who make less.
Women push for "wage equality" and "diversity hire"
New studies show millennial and younger women making 10-15% more than men>
What men do get married are immediately divorce-raped in court and every single man alive personally knows someone who has gone through this.
Women crying about where are all the "good men" (men who make more than us and are willing to marry)

Kick the feminists out, remove their policies, and make everyone happy.

It would help if men realized that Women want a man who is able to take control and not be a little bitch boy.

femoids have become increasingly degenerate ever since they were allowed to leave the kitchen. the only solution is an end to female suffrage, their subsequent removal from the workforce and education and, finally, recognition of male authority in the family through removal of all legislation designed to empower the wife at the husband's expense (e.g. marital rape being a crime and no-fault divorce being available). but since you'd need a civil war that dwarfs ww2 in the sheer amount of bloodshed before femoids and beta cucks will agree to any of this, good luck.

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Because a lot of men have become weak fucking losers that can’t talk to women or have normal social skills

>my penis is 2 inches hard
Go back to China?.. I mean, fuck that's not even physicaly possible is it?

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i grew up in a christian village, they are just as bad if not worse than atheist women.

Shame publicly hypergamy, polyamory & instagram bitches.

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A traditional church, rural church would have virgins. Depending on how old you are, younger women are more likely to be virgin obviously. Yes it's hard to feel confident when faced with such challenges, but there is a match for everyone. Some women even have medical conditions like vaginismus where they can't accept a normal sized penis. The most important thing is to not fall into despair.