What's the Yas Forumslack consensus on colonialism?
What's the Yas Forumslack consensus on colonialism?
Morally wrong but not if the brown women are cute
It was a mistake, we should've left the subhumans to stew in their own filth. That being said, colonialism was still superior to what we have now.
If it doesn't result in new homelands for our people and a future for our children, it's ultimately a destructive idea
colonised the world and still eat food like this
white "people" are disgusting
the world was more stable wasn't it?
no commie bullshit, no women bitching about shit, coloreds knew their place and followed the more intelligent, because that's the smart thing to do.
at some point there was this rebellion from reality, she boons and other sub humans decided that they knew better because their low impulse control makes them more violent.
wow shocker society crumbles when you let women and retards have a say.
short minded failure that will result in our extinction. if Europeans stayed in Europe and minimized interaction with all other people we could be leaving all the kikes and niggers behind here and moving to other planets by now
if only our forefathers knew what they would create none of us would be alive
In murrica its called liberation.
Why is it morally wrong?
Nothing. There’s only too much post-colonial guilt.
It's nice to see that this pathetic U LIKE BLAND FOOD cope is still all that pathetic subhumans can manage to levy against white people in the face of our glaring superiority.
I'm not even going to bother listing all the culinary innovations of indo-Europeans or bother reminding you that we literally invented the spice trade, I like when you niggers make these patheticly inaccurate copes.
It wakes other whites up to your true nature.
Based and redpilled but americans ruined it like usual.
God the insecurity of some non-Anglos, our mere presence turns this board into the whiniest lefty faggots going.
>evil Anglo oppressing the poor nig-- er, I mean Africans
>you should feel bad for your history!
Suck my dick, enjoy your first world lifestyle courtesy of our noble forebears.
Colonialism should have lasted longer and should have included eugenics to uplift the local populations to human intelligence levels.
Based and cecil-pilled
Czechs are german, Böhmen is german land.
This is colonisation too.
We belong together.
No its true. Colonialism is legit moral. Africa was actually nice for a while and everyone was happy. Sure its forced, but at least they are safe. Its for the good of everyone.
its worthless if you keep the locals alive and/or you miscegenate. The first can be seen on how fucked up africa is. The latter can be seen in spanish latin america.
All the succesfull colonies were ones in which the natives were removed.
yeah, we should eat snakes, insects, bats and dogs like the culturally rich countries do
Should never be done without ethnic replacement
>What's the Yas Forumslack consensus on colonialism?
Pic Related
Better than literally eating mud lol
The funniest part is that the left blames europeans for drawing africas borders, but then they realize that africa is a tribal shit dumpster, were there are no real borders and genocide is necessary to create a nation state.
>blanda up
like pottery
Based but bluepilled
This, essentially. If you allow the natives to remain, it only increases the likelihood of turmoil/revolt.
Invading and conquering others is what superior civilisations do.
Nice meme but not true we germans have great influence in namibia and white people have it fantastic there unlike south afrika aka white genocide nation.
We germans are just better at it and africans are friends with white people in our former colonies.
>muhh superiority muh aryan muh genetics
based except all the miscegenation
Or that apparently Africa and the Middle East is a shithole because borders don't respect ethnic differences, but apparently diversity is a great thing for Europe
Iberians aren’t that white
In my power fantasy I always conquer and colonize nice warm islands.
Why can't we just colonize Cuba already? Or Madagascar.
Being divided by water, makes me feel superior to everybody else.
Based as long as it's one way. You bleach the colonies and don't allow any of the mutts to your homeland. Slavery is dumb, treat the colonies well, educate them and build infrastructure. You need order for those things and niggers need heavy policing but that doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about it.
Oh don't bother with that shit. All you need to make smart africans is money and education. When you gave it to them, blacks were actually smart enough to fight for their rights. Britain just pulled out too soon and their tribal traditions still had a footing.
We should just flatten their tribal armies, establish schools, take their kids, and westernize the shit out of them. You won't be able to tell the difference.
No colonialism = less wealth but fewer of us you have to deal with. You invaded our countries and planted the seeds of English, your crafts and your culture. Suffer the consequences whitoids
I cant tell if you are being serious or not
Ok, a more retarded low IQ post can't exist. Let's do a roundup:
Rwanda and burundi is genocide central
Namibia is commie central full of poor shit ass people
Cameroon is extremely corrupt
togoland is a dynastic dictatorship
tanzania is socialism + corruption
german pacific colonies are full of Inbred no iq Polynesians that practice cannabalism to this day.
What about our former chinese colony?
Best done how the English did it to North America. You really have to fully reduce the natives and just repopulate it.
You laid it on too thick
Colonization created mexicans and fillipinos.
If inside a bucket of shit you might find a pearl, it's still called a bucket of shit, not a bucket of pearls - Etruscan Saying
the text that accompanies it is legendary
It should of course be stated, not all colonial ventures are equal.
British Empire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Iberian Empires
the rise of global Communism was in direct response to global colonialism you dumb fuck
is THE ONLY based policy towards shitskins all over the world. the only option is to kill them, but this is irrational because way better to use them as cheap labor and slaves. and I can tell more, if we're not bringing back based colonialism, we will extinct as civilisation/
eh, not like those primitive savages were doing anything important with the land anyway
what can concensus have to do with reality?
Christ commanded different bub
had to at least try, only extreme degenerate give up without trying
stay on topic
so they took their nations back, so what?
the degenerate liberal aggression they have engaged in with colonialism as an excuse is on us, WE are the "adults"/"parents" who let them get away with it
Literally the "Edgy Teenage Years" of European Civilization.
Fun but ultimately self destructive.
notice the answer to that:
good luck with that
which post do you imagine you were replying to?
you have to force children/beasts
thats no wickedness of the system it is an inevitability that no one can escape
what the hell can that have to do with anything?
thats a meta-meta-meta red herring
your reaching (like parsec reaching)
plus about 3 fallacies PER WORD
It's based. It's a white man's ultimate manifestation of power.
That's a Spaniard though Limey.
way to subtly slyly shifty-shift your way around the exact point(s) of his post
not fooling anyone
apply yourself
No its not
destructive for who?
no one who matters
It was the biggest mistake in human history. We brought them into our states as subjects, but, as was inevitable, they have become citizens. We should have never felt with them.
You’re the dumbfuck for thinking that
Also saged this shit
Europeans matter
How did i shift? I answered exacxtly why his premise is wrong dickhead.
He also replied, wouldn't he have mentioned that i shifted? Or maybe you are a fucking kike that wants to distract fruitful conversation
>America (pre-mutting)
>New Zealand
We did it bois, we're the best at colonialism.
grow up
Best thing ever happened to the niggers and poos. And it was inevitable.
Niggers benefited the most, by gaining written language and contemporary infrastructures.
Poos got their country unified and infrastructure.
>What's the Yas Forumslack consensus on colonialism?
europes busy being colonized, i don't think they are enjoying it much.
fuck off your country is sinking
not destructive for them
except where they allow
dont play dumb
he said germans there were well off
not the muds
dabbing on other race's women is literally the best part about being a man. that is why i find it quite poetic that america is currently getting dabbed on by hispancis and blacks, and europe is getting dabbed on by muslims and blacks. mother nature is truly just. get inside your cuckshed, you pasty cuck, it is our turn now.
It was a mistake. I blame Christianity (which, never forget, it's a Semitic, non-European religion) and its universalist bullshit for it.
>Like in a garden, you have flowerbeds of roses and flowerbeds of carnations and irises and different other flowers. They don't intermarry. They stay separate, and each one has its beauty. . . . I'm against colonialism for the reason that colonialism infects the master as well as the slave. It even infects the master more.
Breaking prime directive bad.
Driven by Jewish interests. The British Empire was basically the Jewish mafia international until they ditched UK and went to USA to make superior golems.
Prior to Britain, it was the Dutch.
I love the fact that they are so delusional, they actually claim they had 1/4th of the worlds wealth. Like how retarded do you have to be to believe that a country that has warlords, practices paganism, has a caste system, no industry, no trade, no real literature and shits on streets have a 1/4th of the world's wealth at the same time europe was becoming dominant?
are there even germans left to massacre? Boers were significant number of population, so genocide can be done.
Prime directive is mindless meaningless baseless empty supreme absurdity
On the North American continent it was great, as it was so scarcely inhabited. Especially in Africa it was a stupid undertaking, which brought no significant profit and manifested the white mans burden into eternity. We should have just let Africa alone.
Czechs are German? Are they mixed with people from the Balkans? Or why are they so hot?
/pol is not a person.
Personally, I think colonialism brought harm to both the colonies and europe. The former colonies wouldn't be shitholes if not for colonialism (with the exception of german colonies - they actually improved until the french took them). If those countries weren't such shitholes, we wouldn't have to constantly deal with migrants and leftists whining about colonialism.
Not all mexicans are the same
America has a horrible and relatively insignificant colonial history that has only hurt it and it’s allies. Just like you but instead we didn’t create Israel
>/pol is not a person.
reading/grammar comprehension bud
The French Concession was/is better
Didn’t know Flashman was a Spaniard. Huh.
>America is getting dabbed on by Hispanics and blacks
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Blacks are slowly falling as a % of the US. Over 100% of the % increase of Hispanics was caused by Central Americans who average 5”0 and 180’pounds. Most immigrants were Asian these past 5 years, and , non white/immigrant population growth has tanked since July 2017. Europe is 96% white. East of Berlin it’s 99%. West of it’s still hovering around 90%. The chip on your shoulder is unearned and I bet you’re as much as a neck beard bernout dweeb as anybody else on this board.
>Stands on a designated shitting street
>Indogypsy girls has her hand near his pocket
Probably somebody with a special diet or something. I would prefer this to adding sugar to soda like i've seen bl*cks do
Brought civilization to the masses, spread Christianity to most of the known world. Accidentally killed off a shit ton of people, created countries of mutts. Overall 7/10 pretty nice.
Where did they get that number? How did they calculate that? Sounds like a wishful thinking.
Also must certainly not a country, there was fuckton of small to medium states in India subcontinent.