>Spams anti white crap every day
>Spams race mixing propaganda with photoshopped pictures of yellow roasties with make-up and plastic surgeries every day
>has made subreddits called "bbcsissify", "yellowmasculinity", "yellowidentity" and so on.. imagine being this fucking insecure lol, oh wait, it gets better!
>Yellows are the largest population on earth, and they're all fucking useless, and when one of them has autistically memorized a song's beat in an arcade game or whatever, they will say it's """asian""" level
>ugliest people on this planet
>most racist people on the planet and gets away with it
>culturally appropriates Asia on a daily basis and demands to be called "Asian"
>shits out a new deadly disease every week
>shit cuisine, the only "good" part about their cuisine came from India and it's still inferior to the original
>shit culture, the only good part about their culture came from India and it's still inferior to the original
>more materialistic, subversive and selfish than Jews
Show flag.
I like the Chinese
They work hard, take care of their family, and are good at math
That’s more than you can say about obese Amerifats
Chinks are scum.
Seethe harder ahmedbong
Asian people need to compete themselves into a lower population density like whites. While there are a portion of whites flushing their heritage down the drain, there needs to be just as many gooks doing the same with black people. That is how we destroy communist China forever and turn Africa into another slave farm.
Fuck the yellow kikes
>work hard
Yeah, at subverting people, spreading propaganda and being hardworking slaves.
Insect in both looks and mindset
Call them yellow. Not everyone in Asia is a gook
yellow fever degenerate
Japanese and Korean girls can be hot. But yeah the rest are butt fugly.
>>most racist people on the planet and gets away with it
Hahahahha you're fucking delusional
Damn. KEK
china will never be defeated
From the thumbnail it looked everyone except for the coalburner had downs syndrome but they're just gooks
Out of curiosity, how do you import bat soup into denmark, Chang? And when are you going back?
>believing any statistics from china
Asians chicks with glasses are superior
Amazing what kids can achieve within a family unit and no niggers or pakis in their classrooms.
Dont forgot they have no compassion and empathy meaning they are tyrannical rulers and psychopathic enemies.
Yeah I know, that's why I saved it. It reminded me of (You)
When are you gonna show flag?
bat eating noodle niggers
Still ugly
Cope faggot... your women are ugly, and only faggot white men fuck them... and those faggot whit men are more manly than chinks men,
and when I say no compassion and empathy I mean they are born by genetics to not be empathetic and compassionate. See treatment of dogs, cats, see them walking past dead bodies in the street, shitting on airplanes etc.
When are you going back to Gookland, Chang? How does it feel to be a downie insect?
Japanese/Koreans don't do this, and they're virtually identical genetically to the Han.
>chink motivation
>western soundtrack
never stop stealing chink shits. never change
You mean yellow or chink.
>Yellow chicks with glasses are superior
Those ugly downie abominations are quite literally the most inferior specimens on the planet. Even niggers look more human than chinks.
When you show flag
no wonder birthrate is so low
>t.faggot incel who got rejected by 5/10 asian man
all those asian whores are full of surgeries
keep seething
All asians are gooks, you stupid fucker.
post cute webms
So why are we supposed to hate Asians? Hard mode: don't mention doggerinos.
>This coming from a leaf
Chinese city BANS the eating of dogs and cats with 'historic' new law in the wake of coronavirus pandemic
Lawmakers from Shenzhen passed the country's first law to ban pet meat
The new rule will kick in from May 1 and also bars snakes, frogs and turtles
Critics have demanded China prohibit the consumption of pets for years
Activists call the accord a 'historic decision' marking a 'watershed moment'
China already banned all trade and consumption of wildlife due to the virus
Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?
I fucked a few... all that is said about them is BS.
They are ugly...very few are good looking.
chinks are not that bad
there is no reason to its just op who is obsessed
When I was a kid, my family took a ferry that stopped at different destination, one of those was Istanbull. We went to look at some old buildings and shit and there was this chinkoid that was taking pictures of me and my brother, and gesturing us to come closer to him, we didn't, we walked around trying to avoid him but he kept following, taking pictures. Later we told out father about this and he joked about him trying to kidnap us.
This chink to this day has pictures of me and my brother, and from what I know about them today, it probably would have kidnapped us. Chinks are not human, they lack compation, empathy and the ability to make any sort of connection with living beings. Truly scum of the earth.
based thread
should have written a greentext instead of some faggot paragraph
most asian chicks look like boys without makeup and once they hit 30-35 they look super old.
Look at those people... so mechanical... that's what you get when you have no soul... just like kikes when they do or make anything... all SOULESS!!
Ching chong
>chimney captcha
Imagine the smell
>ugliest people on this planet
You must be a pedo if you think that's sexy
>Yellows are the largest population on earth, and they're all fucking useless
>ugliest people on this planet
No thats blacks
>more materialistic, subversive and selfish than Jews
No you fucking kike
>most racist people on the planet and gets away with it
im ok with this
Spitting, yellow skinned, chink dink,mask-thieving CUNTS.
op clearly spends a lot of time thinking about is and brooding over it. i find that flattering. carry on
fuck off fgt
So many people that are not asain are attacking asains who are not Chinese.
For example, Vietnamese and Japanese hate Chinese far more than the west. And yet they are being attacked. At least distinguish the good from the bad.
It’s the same as hating all black people. Sure, most are niggers but not all.
canada easy conquer
Look at these fucking chink sympathizers, get the fuck out of the west and go live in their shit hole country banana fuckers.
Chrisy, some of them look like they have legit downs syndrome. The mongoloid skull shape is truly subhuman.
>don't hate the Chinese for no reason
>"you have to move to China"
Ok boomer.