This. When will we put an end to this once and for all?
This. When will we put an end to this once and for all?
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I just wonder, is coffee good for you?
an end to women?
>enduring...childbirth...IN SILENCE
Imagine thinking sitting at home and plopping out some babies for tens of thousands of years equates to any horror that men have ever endured.
user I believe
Niggers are the women of the world
>in silence
I guess it should be "Niggers are the women of the west"
I hope when you knock up some chick, she dies in childbirth and leaves you the kid to raise alone
>in silence
Fuck I wish.
Yes. Every single woman, every single day.
What is this.
The numbers mason
Is another episode of Chad doesn't wanna fuck me anymore so I'll whine for attention
The house nigger was the lady of the house so to speak.
>whining because you have the PRIVILEGE to CREATE LIFE INSIDE OF YOU
maybe some woman were a mistake
>Most disrespected creatures on earth
Yeah I don't think so, why do women have such an inferiority complex?
We should cage them up like little piggys and see if they grasp that they're not the most disrespected animal.
niggers dont raise kids
>literally never had to wage war or work
How can she say something like this when over 6,000,000,000 jews were holocausted by Hitler?
Shouldn't jews be the niggers of the world?
Don't let muslims in our country would fix 99% of rape and abuse.
Women in the west deserve everything thats coming to them. No one but themselves keeps setting them back with shit getting worse every year.
Cant wait for the millennial girl collectively to have hit menopause its gonna be decades of bitching, rise in suicide and more snowflake shit because these cunts thought they were above biology
He could have a worst fate, don't be so dramatic honey, life goes on
She missed out one word at the start 'muslim', too scared to write it I guess.
Oy vey bette midler is an anti-semite
you did
in the west
and then you fucked it up while still complaining
that's a good thing
silly woman, it's because of the "gibs me dats" and the chimpouts
What’s “N word”? Neet?
It's not internalized that way. Girls code everything they say for social payoff.
They get used to using empty positive supportive statements because the social risk is low and payoff is good.
This is the root of why theres "girl power" cringe in all cases
both need to be eradicated
We need to hold some kind of an n-word tournament to see which group is actually the true n-words of the world.
Is it jews?
Is it women?
Is it blacks?
Is it wignats?
I was thinking more along the lines of dumb, emotional, childlike engines of social destruction.
>famous actress posting retarded shit like this
Send her to Africa and she can find out who’s doing the raping
John Lennon said it best
I have decided that Jews are the real niggers
evolution of bbc spam from discord trannies
To be fair,women are definitely in the running
I wonder how closely the "white democrats" views overlap with "jews" on every issue
That's nice fag.
Who is eligible for the draft, who dies in the labor force more frequently, who pays more alimony and child support, who is killed in a violent crime more frequently?
Get yourself a husband who loves you, emcel.
> she typed that while sitting in her mansion
White women literally think they’re the niggers of Saint Domingue
It doesn't make sense to compare a race to a gender. However, you could say women are the niggers of gender, and jews are the niggers of the world.
"Women are like Niggers"
- John lennon
great song
Then what are the niggers of niggers?
Confirmed for women are the niggers of gender.
John Lennon beat his wife.
>she delives you an heir of the blood without the risk of divorce raping you and brainwashing the kid because she's dead
umm hello, based department?
he beat the wrong one too
This whole thing is written to sort of pin it on men but a lot of these things either aren't really true anymore or are also women doing it to each other, or in the case of childbirth just a biological reality
Not only can this happen to men as well, but women sexually abuse other women as well and get away with it moreso than men. Yes rape is an awful experience, but so is molestation and so on. All in the same ballpark, all not exclusive to women.
Again same thing, not exclusive to women and the perpretators can be women (and when they are they get away with it moreso than men)
> enslaved
Historically that can happen to anyone, and while women might be more vulnerable to it if we're talking the sex trade it isn't a woman exclusive issue.
>married off
From what I've seen of arranged marriages it can equally negatively affect the men. It's also uncommon in most of the world.
>worked like dumb animals
Moreso a male problem, but definitely an everyone problem
>denied education
Not in most of the world, and nowadays affirmative action can guarantee a woman a spot in a classroom that a man who was better suited can be denied
>denied inheritence
Not always and arguably in cases like that so are second and third sons generally too and so on.
>enduring the pain and danger of childbirth and life in silence
Most women are far from silent, but jokes aside it's men who are more forced to endure pain in silence and not allowed to have feelings or be upset. Women are far more likely to have their feelings catered to. The childbirth thing is just stupid, claiming oppression based on biological fact makes no sense.
That's the dream
Ungrateful son with a head full of lies planted by his toxic, psychopathic mother.
I totally disrespect Bette Midler
Ridiculous false narrative. Women are well respected and cherished. They are just dumb as bricks when it comes to real world problems and ought to stay home and manage the household.
don't we all.
You sound very gay
>wrong one
You mean he didn't beat both
A man can wish...
>more oppressed than niggers
>but call it the n-word
lol women are the worst
God did that to women because Eve caused Adam to eat the forbidden fruit.
It is their punishment, so they should just STFU and apologise to god.