What's the final solution to pagan LARPers?

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ur religion's dead bruh lmao

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Since it's caused by autism, which is a result of heavy mutational load, letting nature do what it does best seems like the optimal solution.
Make sure you yourself survive.

>"No....it's Europeans who subscribe to native European values who are the larpers........"

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But it was those pagancucks who willingly converted to christianity and left their odin in the trash.

The brainlet sects will die permanently, Orthodox seems to thrive now that communism is dead. The populations that abandoned Christianity seem to be dying off as a consequence of relativistic identity; people are egalitarian numbers on paper, products and consumers for white flight business, rent and such.
Not the first time such has happened, Rome had a long history of such, near the end of its pagan life.

A knee bending cuck is a cuck. Those who converted under external pressure, and those who still bend the knee now.

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salve sharia of course

holy shit, vikings had their asses torn open by shirtless blue faced niggers.

The fact that those beliefs are completely dead today, and No modern larping doesnt count because its just that. Gay ass larping. Nontheles it means that this belief system was ultra weak and easily subverted by some belief system crafted by levantine sheepherders.

>Vikings are loser cucks
Good we can agree on something

They were foreign rapists and pillagers, (((merchants))) and scavengers.

I dunno user. Pagans predate most of you religion niggers. Most religions stole their main ideas and foundations from pagans.

ok history channel

>If a system is dead, it makes it no longer legitimate

I'm sure you will eat those words when Muslims outbreed literally everyone, including Christians. There will be people like you in 100 years, saying the same thing. "Heh...if Christianity was such a good system, then why did they lose?"

Not a Pagan, but Christcucks are delusional if they don't think they are on the same road.

insallah my brother

>Wotan hangs on tree for 9 days to recover Runes
>Jesus dies on wooden cross and Resurrects in 3 days
>both pierced by a Lance
Christianity was made to appeal to European traditions

what happens when whites fall?

needs a spade for the next generation

no clue.pagans are worshiping statues

Universal problems require universal solutions:
Christian Vikingism
Ancient Greek Cathlocism
Lutherean Cannibalism
Judeo Christianity
And so much more!
Call now and receive your first salvation for the faith of 2!

wtf im christian now

>Christianity was made to appeal to European traditions
What? Christianity was around long before Europeans could even organize. Christianity ADOPTED European practices in order to help "ease" in the population and convert them, but it certainly wasn't originally made for it.

That’s Islam not paganism , sillly

They reportedly sold Europeans to muslims as slaves. Now that Swedes are once again 'free' from Christianity, they go back to their old schemes.

And by "Europeans" I mean what we generally consider as Western Europe today.

To destroy Christianity and restore original European spirituality.


this is gods earth and pagans need to be smacked back to reality



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What is a non pagan religion? The old testament was written in 500 b.c. The Jewish tribes were separated and their oral traditions no longer aligned. They had no choice but to agree on what they could and write it down. That is where we get the old testament.
It is all a Jewish larp. They re wrote babylonian, sumerian, and Egyptian myths into parables. Mere Cliff's notes of the more complete original myths.
There were many names for god in the pre Christian pentateuch. El, Ba'al, El Sheddai, Eyah, Adonai, Hadaad. I could go on. They are all different deities. The King James Bible just replaced all of the original names with "God" and calls it a day.
The Teutonic myths are more like folklore, but they are still closer to the original babylonian myths than modern day Christianity. Stated more succinctly, Christianity is a watered down Jewish larp.

Christianity only emerged because the original one was dead. Belief moves in tandem with civilization's phases. Read Spengler.

we're not muslims, we don't care about this, we see this and laugh at you for posting it

Jews pass lineage through mother blacks fatherless mother earth catholic blasphemy of mary its all satanism

Accepting that internet religions based on Lord of the Rings will never be relevant and carrying on about your day

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Pagan larpers picked up the pagan moniker to avoid being labeled as fedora atheists. Funnily enough, they're still atheists, most all of them anyways.

They shy away from Christianity because then they'd actually have to hold themselves accountable and change their lifestyles to a degree. That's too much work. They're also usually still in that rebellious stage in life, early-20s or late teens, and they see Christianity as part of the power structure they despise when it's anything but nowadays. Lastly, a couple literally-who "e-celebs" with mediocre meme games pushed the idea. Now you have a handful of autists on Yas Forums shilling it like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

A couple years from now they'll move onto something else. And because most of Yas Forums gets their information from poorly sourced and/or misleading meme images, it'll be the new fad. Almost no one here actually puts any effort in to reading and research, so there's a constant cycle of stupidity on full display, and so the cycle of meaningless fads will continue

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Because you're a masochistic cuckold just like your dead rabbi

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Warrior homo culture > forced and mandatory interracial breeding

>Gannibal married twice. His first wife was Evdokia Dioper, a Greek woman. The couple married in 1731. Dioper despised her husband, whom she was forced to marry. The marriage between Dioper and Gannibal was very volatile, and he suspected her of infidelity early in their marriage.[12] Gannibal’s suspicions were confirmed when Dioper gave birth to a white daughter.[4] When Gannibal found out that she had been unfaithful to him, he had her arrested and thrown into prison, where she spent eleven years

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Most Germanic groups near the Roman Empire like the Goths and Franks had already converted to Christianity by the time they had settled into Western Europe, it was only outlying areas like England where Saxon paganism briefly took hold and even then it was so rapidly replaced by Christianity that anglosaxon runes mostly deal with Christian topics. Literally the most distant, rural, underpopulated Scandinavian shitholes are where germanoid paganism held on the longest. The only Northern European nations violently converted were the Saxons when Charlemagne told them to stop raiding his shit and they refused so he tore them a new asshole. Literally a "burning christian shit rocks, OH NO CHRISTIANS ARE BURNING MY SHIT DOWN THIS IS SO UNFAIR" situation.

And the pope literally told Charlemagne he was being a bad guy by demanding sword-conversions of the Saxons so neopagans on this board are both larpers and retarded.

Christianity is counterfeit Judaism.

And now that Christianity is dead we can retvrn

Ill take the fertility cult paganism vs the homo cults in the cloisters

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Me on the left

Meet your god early by killing yourself. That'll teach them!

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Is that pic traced after a real painting?

imagine getting wiped out and your history destroyed yet still claiming to still be the stronger warrior


Those mutants have played a part in everything you take for granted.

Language for example.

>Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth is Collapsing by Adonis Ath.Georgiades

>"Georgiadis has gone some way to correct the historical narrative of his country from the politically motivated calumny artificially heaped upon it by outsiders. He does not deny that in Greece, like everywhere, there were always a tiny minority of homosexuals, but what he shows is this was never regarded as socially acceptable, the norm nor was it a legally protected activity by any Greek state. A strength of Georgiadis is that he is an expert linguist in ancient Greek so is able to correct some distortions of the historical record."

The "Gay Greek" myth was invented by 1700-1800's British historians like image said were all Homosexuals. During those times in Britain a Male-Male friendship between adults was considered gay. Woman would gossip about any males that were together to often or were friends.

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but niggers spics gooks kikes and other animals are not humans

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Lmfao your revision of history needs a lot of work.

Kings&Generals made a nice video about how the Norse became Christian:


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Fuck off Christian LARPer.

To embrace paganism like a true white man. Christians are just wannabe jews.

Fools cling to straw.
It is the way of the lamb it knows nothing but the altar of it's sacrifice.

Aussies bait is SUPREME

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Lets just uproot thousands of years of beliefs and tradition for a magical sandnigger on a stick.
I'm sure they were jumping the trad ship in droves.

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