Wow. Just wow

Wow. Just wow.

Does he not realize it’s 2020?

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Time for the tranny purge, fag.


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Ignorant religious people are such useful tools. All a politicians must do to increase support for him is doing a small legal move for such a non-issue that affects such a small percentage of the population, and the sheeple will be enamored

Too bad he doesn’t just kill all the trannies.

Do you not realize there are 2 genders?

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>Wow. Just wow.
>Does he not realize it’s 2020?

Why always old people decide for us, young people. It is not fair. It is our future, not theirs.


Based motherland
Hungary stronk

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Who knew Hungary would save the west?


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What even are trans rights?

Trump did exactly the same with his military trans ban btw. Similarly, the "muslim" travel ban (useless as it didn't include very terrorist countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia) and that architecture bill created exclusively to tickle Yas Forums's penis

Based. I rarely feel envy but this makes me envy the Hungarians.


Statistically speaking, trannies have a much shorter future with which to be concerned than cis people do. Why should somebody who is likely to commit suicide 30-50 years below life expectancy making decisions for the other 99% of people?

It's coming. When tens of millions will be out of job, nobody will give a shit about degenerates. The trans era is over.

It's 2020. Liberalism is dead.

Based and goulash pilled

thats right its 2020, no longer 2018. pandering to trannys is over.

Killing is a sin. This way faggots can go and be faggots elsewhere.

Actually there's three in natural gender languages (four if you count common). Gender (these days) referring to anything other than grammar is a propaganda term. Continuing using it to refer to biological sex is like trying to reclaim "gay".

You're correct. Where do you think Soros is from?

“KiLLiNg iS a SiN” Lol I’m guessing you’re a Christcuck?


fuckin baste

He's hanging trannies like it's 1920.

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Kinda envious not gonna lie. I'd love to see the mass elimination of people who think that there are more than 2 genders

Good job Orban

Soon nobody will be forced to play along with the delusions of the mentally ill

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But I think it would be proper to remind you, little one, that you have to be 18 to post here.
Now scram.

Pretty much. They'll talk about anything, any group of people, so long as it isn't their precious kikarinos.

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I for one welcome our Hungarian overlords

>Does he not realize it’s 2020?

Do you realise that corona killed bourgeois capitalism?

Hungary needs a Regent again.

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Time to start learning Hungarian I guess.

Shes a joo u kno dat white boy?

Btw what are the comments like?

trans/lbgt/mental illness future is disgusting one
if you want to be abomination dont show it to other people, literally damages youth seeing such mentally ill people

Aren't the two technically different?
You are still free to call yourself whatever you want, you're just not allowed to waste the government's time with it.

Hogy vagy!

I agree with him.

Fucking based

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Uhhh, based department?

Hungary is the white pill that just keeps on getting me high.

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Based Orban

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Uh hello? Based department?

>affects such a small percentage of the population
Meanwhile, in public schools all over the US and Europe...

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We never acknowledged them legally.
You can't break a law that never applied to you.

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That Is not anti trans. He just changed the criteria. Why would you want to use a blatant social construct concept like gender if it Is not usefull to know something about your population?

>Trump did exactly the same with his military trans ban
I just assume that was really about cutting costs by avoiding medical from gender reassignment surgery or whatever it's called now.
Being the press made a big deal out of some he-she in military prison but then Trans.
As others said, it also just signalling being next to no one is really trans

Iran’s forced sex changes still more based

We'll gladly take Erdély back and welcome you to the club if you live there.

Its not small at all. Tranny lobbies in the west are massive multi billion dollar industries. They mutiliate thousands, get you fired for saying women dont have penises, get your children taken away for not agreeing for your son to cut his dick off, get students and lecturers expelled for saying biological sex is real etc. Making it impossible to be a tranny is a major blow to them and a big issue. Your takes on religious people are reddit tier. People are religious by nature and any ideology is a quasi theology even if its "secular" read carl schmidt

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When you're so fucking stupid you don't understand what a military is or what it's supposed to do that you think banning trannies from the military only affects trannies.
"If I ignore the people this affects, then my political positions make sense!"

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Based and Orban pilled.

This is the best solution based and eugenics pilled

Trannies should be in the frontline of the army and mincing around in the desert in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.

It is about time

Dystopian af.

Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

hello, based department?

It always has been birth sex.
What the fuck is 'gender' anyway?!


Yas Forums has been meming this "Weak men create hard times / Hard times create strong men" for years now. It's finally happening. I welcome the crisis because it has to get worse before it gets better!

Right, it's a word they can keep redefining to suit their purpose

1,000,000 post op holes just went "POP!"

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But I thought gender was a social construct. Therefore your sex at birth is irrelevant to your gender expression. Isn't that what the tranny lobby have been telling us forever?

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This is it. We are finally moving to the next cycle.

I don't care if they exist. I don't even care if they vote or do anything else normal people do, even in flaming drag. I don't care if they marry. I don't care if they have kids, provided the kids are taught objectively about biology and psychology. I do care that they're attempting to make it normal to hide their status as a regularly-functioning human. I find it insulting that they're telling ME that it doesn't matter if they were born something other than what they appear to be to ME. I find it insulting that they demand that I be in on the ruse. If I go somewhere and need assistance, I should be able to choose someone other than a tranny. If I go on a date, I don't want to go to the end of the date without knowing that I can't biologically reproduce with the husky-voiced female basket ball player I'm at Olive Garden with. (Haha - Olive Garden)

I guess this bluetick didnt like that they grabbed back the power after it was co-opted.

>Power grab
Wasn't he elected?

FUCK. what will I do now?
I have been wanting to change my gender recently. Now I am stuck at male.

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>disgusting faggot centrist giving his boring "hot" take that no one gives a shit about
Fuck off back to r/T_D, nigger. This is a NATIONAL SOCIALIST board. All trannies need to FUCKING die, get it?

Hes going to kill himself within a year

I hope so.

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>gender is a social construct
That outlived its usefulness, gender is now a scientific fact and must be affirmed at all times or else.

>fourth surgery
>to create a minora

Holy fuck Jews aren't even hiding it anymore.

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this cyclical meme is stupid and should be mocked

Do you really think that you'll ever pass?

You look like a 40 yo man in drag, with a balding head, and enough lipstick to have your lips be mistaken for a tomato.

What do you think you'll look like in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years? I can't wait to see you deformed creatures in a retirement home, with fake tits and greying hair. You look like a clown today, but soon, you won't even be funny to laugh at anymore.

You'll be remembered the way we remember those who've undergone lobotomies, sad victims of their times.

holy fucking based

>To create the minora?

Why the fuck is "gender" a thing, when there's biological sex?