What does the alt-right have against sex work?
What does the alt-right have against sex work?
they're so repulsive that not even literal whores will fuck them
The women involved are fucked in the head. I want my society to be not fucked in the head.
I want my fellow man to find a great wife and be happy. It's harder now because a larger percentage of women are fucking whores.
kill yourself shill rat
but they're not black
Pharma has destroyed women.
It’s degenerate and an unfairly easy way to make absurd amounts of money by exploiting weak people
Why do liberal whores that love democrats and big government hate paying taxes? Your ideals are the ones that push for those, why not pay your fair share?
Is that even considered sex work? Legalize prostitution and none of this other gay simp shit. All the simp shit goes away and the price of pussy plummets which it desperately needs to do.
That guy needs to throw himself off a building
Bet op is the orbiter in said pic relate. Lmao user.
"Real" sex workers get the rope
The future is now
hoes mad, bros glad
The best money you can make just should not be the easiest money to make like it is with these e-thots. Even if they are just draining the wallets of the untermensch horde (anyone got that webm of the 2 white blonde girls in India surrounded by the endless field of fish-eyed poos staring and filming like they'd never seen a white girl in the flesh before?)
cringe, i'm sure op can't wait to get this for his switch
>a larger percentage of women are fucking whores
Here's the thing: Women have always been whores. They have been whores since the beginning of time. It is in their nature to be whores. All we have done in Western Civilization is allow their whoredom to be a "right" instead of properly shaming it and controlling it. A man having sex with his wife, when he wants, is called "marital rape" now. Just think of that alone. Women can get gangbanged by 100 men and you cannot shame her for that but you can shame, and even arrest, a husband for fucking his wife.
Women's "rights" were a mistake and fuck all you old fucks involved for allowing it to happen.
>get scammed
>it's the alt-right
kys btw
Based zoomer
t. Oregon Trail millennial, not one of those young faggots that supports this kind of shit
Yes, just because you marry her doesnt mean you own her. That's because she is a person and not an object. All rapists should be put to death.
Yeah that's not true. Maybe you meant there have been whores around. But nothing about males and females entertain the notion of whoredom.
First of all, sperm don't mix. You don't make super-babies by turning your vagina into a milkshake and letting every dude contribute. One knocks you up. Females are attracted to the healthiest male that is most likely to survive.
At the same time, males, men, real men didn't want to raise other people's kids, they wanna raise their own. They want to seed as many healthy women as they can.
So how the hell are women supposed to be whores by default when most of them were not and are not.
The fact that the media pushes whores in front and makes them out to be heroes is another thing. The fact that there were women saying they were proud of their sex diseases, by the number of men they fucked, does not mean women in general are whores.
We live in a very confused period. Don't be fucking stupid and let them confuse you even further with their propaganda.
Marriage is literally consent for sex. "To have and to hold" means cummies on demand for both partners. Rape does not exist within the boundaries of matrimony.
Women are, by their nature, whores. Whores have existed in every culture on Earth, everywhere, at all times. There's a reason why one of the oldest professions on earth is prostitution.
Capitalist, Communist, Fascist, Monarchist, Dictatorial, Imperial, Tribal, doesn't matter the society, whores always emerge. Here's why:
Women have an overwhelming biological urge to achieve pregnancy. She prefers to find a genetically superior mate, but if none can easily be accessed, she will take whatever she can. When this urge cannot be sated, women attempt to achieve pregnancy by any means. If she has a lot of sex, she can sate this subconscious urge by saying "Well, I'm trying my best to become pregnant," even as she consciously takes birth control. Whoredom is a cope for a biological need that cannot be fulfilled.
In the past, our societies limited these natural tendencies. We shamed women who weren't careful with who they fucked for two reasons:
Firstly, accidental pregnancy would devastate a woman's life, and taking such a risk just for some dick is childish and stupid
Secondly, shaming women who spread em for anyone forces women to be choosy when picking a mate. This results in a higher percentage of genetically superior individuals reproducing each generation, as opposed to whoever is in the woman's immediate vicinity.
Women are whores by their nature due to a biological urge that they subconsciously act to sate. When they can't sate this urge (be it from circumstances outside her control, or from her own decisions) women must cope. And the easiest cope is taking as much dick as physically possible.
Women are also whores because pleasure is addictive. They become addicted to dick, the way people become addicted to food, or weed, or masturbating.
Based, my pussy market margin calls are killing me faster than corona
>thot doesn't want to be a camwhore anymore, for whatever reason (too lazy, trying to convince a chad she's actually a good girl, etc.)
>but has a bunch of orbiters paying her hundreds of dollars each for a "lifetime" snap sub
>knows the betas are so fucking stupid and simpy she can just ghost all of them and they'll blame some 3rd party and not even bother to think critically about what happened
Who is the chicken and who is the egg in this situation?
It's not sex work, it's the tax dodging. Doesn't she realize those taxes are needed for roads and schools?
I don't want my daughter growing up thinking this is a viable, normal career path
Honestly, legalizing prostitution would be the best thing ever. These camwhores would be killing themselves in droves if all you needed to do to get some pussy legally was just pay for it.
All pre marital intercourse must be outlawed.
The definition of SIMP
Alt right doesnt exist. They are beta faggot commies.
kill yourself shill rat
It does if one person says no and the other ignores that. That is rape.
All porn is Jewish subversion.
No. Your duty is to provide for each other. And sex is one of those things.
>1 post by this ID
its immoral and encourages promiscuity and slutiness. that simple
because 99% of the time it isnt work.
most girls just do it cause theyre desperate for an extra 50 bucks and have SEVERE insecurity issues (and thus need validation).
i only know a handful of women who are actually involved in making good content, doing full on cosplays, learning dancing, doing actual photoshoots (NOT OFF A PHONE CAMERA), and putting effort into what they do.
that, to me, is fine. if you wanna make a career out of being a pornstar/lewd or nude photographer, that's fine.
but if you do it for a few months then stop, and use your snapchat camera for everything, just cause youre a desperate dirty whore with no money...
then fuck you.
then dont say "i do"
This is akin to those Ron Pearlman YO LIL DONNIE posts. Where he openly admits something considered shameful (though what isn't shamed these days) and deflects blame to the Alt-Right terrorist group.
Do you realize you are a degenerate?
I have more respect for crackhead whores than I do for ethots
>dont let them confuse you with propoganda
ok then ill use my own senses
yup. women are whores.
Can you submit thot audit tips anonymously?
Marriage is the most retarded social norm to still exist. Hey babe, let's pretend to love each other until death and tell The State about our union!
>What does the alt-right have against crime?
Faggot. Go masturbate to e-thots.
prostitution has existed for thousands of years, friend.
i hate it as much as you, but theres no stopping it. it's really men's fault for allowing there to be a market due to uncontrollable urges.
So I guess what they've been doing is tracking which threads get the most replies with the least useful discussion.
Now they just repost the same fucking threads day after day after day after day.
Fuck off faggot 2 terms
Thank you OP. This just made my day and it’s not even 2am here yet.
I have nothing against sex work. I think it's even noble, in a way - they sacrifice their mental and spiritual health for a human need.
I have everything against that kind of thing. Do not dare to call this crap "sex work". Sex work involves actual sex, not a whore in front of a camera, fooling idiots who are forfeiting phisical contact with a woman to pay huge amounts of money for a literal drug.
To say in parallels: a prostitute is like a vestal;
a camwhore is like a drug dealer.
I unironically don’t want women to have ways to gain wealth and power because they use it to attack men and create an unfair society. That’s the main reason
I concur wildly
You can’t rape your wife you stupid fuck that’s the whole point of marriage
Even if you literally grab her by the neck pin her down and rape her that’s kinda what she signed up for by getting married to you and it makes no difference because she wants you to do that anyway.
No one has any common sense anymore so fuck it
> he fell for the no means no meme
That’s the problem with you dumb fucks, you need everything spelled out in laws because you have no common sense
> a lost women lacking make leadership becoming a professional whore is okay because she gets to tell herself she’s not a whore and the media will agree. Despite this normal people will still see her as a whore
You having fun being 15 over there bud
Why the hell would you buy nudes when pornhub exists?
>lost a good friend
Jesus christ the delusion these people have is unreal. She was never your friend you pathetic faggot.
I mean they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Absolute justice if true.
clearly a fake tweet, but they do exist
That's not how it works Muhammad. If you force your wife to have sex, it's still rape.