-Sun Tzu
"“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”
the supreme art of war is to force your enemy to fight you and strike first
The supreme art of war is not to be a Chinese subhuman
shooting yourself in the foot is the only way to disable your enemy.
-Justin Trudeau
your gook foreskin is longer than your dick, your women prefer white and black dick and prefer having mixed children. The Han Chinese race is done. This is the beginning of the end for China.
But don’t worry though, us westerners know how truly easy it is to make a chicken chow mein
k fag
Confucius say girl who sit in Judge lap, surely gets honorable discharge!
The supreme art of war is to discover gunpowder, be unable to figure out how to make guns and then get invaded by the West and Japan.
- Moot
OP is a faggot.
-Sun Tzu
Mutts law
So makeing entire world want to see you burn is a strategy of Sun Tzu too?
Confucius say, baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk!
Is completely destroying your reputation on the global stage and subsequently causing everyone to pull their manufacturing from your country part of the supreme art of war?
confucius say man who walk through airport door sideways is going to bangkok
>bio-engineer a weapon to fuck your enemy’s civilization
>accidentally your own country instead
“If you kill yourself, you win.”
t. Justin Trudeau, 23rd Canadian Prime Minister
Confucius say, go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly fingers!
Last time I checked the West was buying our masks and covid19 tests. Now do they even work is another question
Funny thing is gun powder was invented by accident by a guy who was trying to develop an elixir for eternal life. Ironically it's what killed him but the Chinese got fireworks out of it.
The supreme art of war is to not fight at all and wait for America and Britain to save us
I thought playing the long game was part of the art of war. Even normies are pissed at China now. What do you think is going to happen once the pandemic is over, Chang?
Lmao, you wish
The supreme art of war is to mass produce stuff that is both broken and stolen
The supreme art of kikery is to fund all wars
Amerimutts will continue the same consoomeristic existance. You can't do anything about it upsidedown retard. China is going to replace America, there is no going back. They want cheap stuff.
like that fat faggot put down the fork long enough to read a book in his life
Do you honestly think Apple and Walmart will build factories in USA? You'll have to make your own revolution and cut some heads if you want to go there. China is safe as long as your corporate overlords keep running your coutries.
What does sunzu say about liberal use of nuclear weapons to disinfect the world from the chinese desease?
Or get two people to fight
This could be a attack from Iran to get the people USA and China to go to war
Iran had big war attacks in 2019
China is getting a second wave of the virus
"The supreme art of war is to obey our Zionist masters and topple stable dictatorships around the world"
>He who has nukes can't be nuked
Asian need to put pressure on the Chinese government
Don’t go after the Asian people go after the Chinese government
Annex Hong Kong
>Destroys his own country to own the Americans.
Kek, China is trash.
>Or get two people to fight
That's a jewish trick.
Apple is already pulling out of China.
>in USA
There are plenty of third world countries to pick from. It's false economy to manufacture in China and is no longer worth the risk.
You'll have to have John McCain and John Kerry arm asian rebels.
there is a difference in that, my friend.
You better kneel down for our medical supplies we will sell you. Or else, you might as well lay down and die so that we can claim your land.
OK you want to move from China to Cambodia. What does it change for you in the end? You're still dependent on third world countries and all the profits go to your corporate overlords.
>Apple is already pulling out of China.
*Apple is only available in China now.
The supreme fart of war is to gas the enemy without brapping
>What does it change for you in the end?
It makes China realise that they got too uppity.
Stores aren't factories.
>Stores aren't factories.
Cambodia cant replace China. Noone can.
Noone has a production chain as complete and vertically integrated as China's.
Numerous companies tried to move out from China, only to either return or having to source 99% of all premade parts from China just to assemble them in Vietnam.
And dont get me started with the infrastructure. You cant move any goods around if your roads are paved with cow-shit.
Pic related
When is the time to shoot anyone disrupting the status quo by even mentioning the fake virus? They dig their own grave then fall in face first. That's how you deal with traitors.
>eats a bat
>it all goes to shit
Good supply chain you have there Chang.
China was India/Cambodia tier only a couple of decades ago. There will be a cost to removing manufacturing in China, but it can easily be done and will ultimately be cheaper in the long run when you take into account the cost of having to deal with China's behavior and its consequences.
Me after reading art of war
Based as fuck. You can tell Mutt officials have ever even heard of the Art of War.
the supreme art of war is pretending you have a 70iq to trick your enemy with 4d chess
Except no.
China's infrastructure was always better than those countries. China was already an industrialized country since after the Great Leap Forward (yes, it didnt just kill people, but actually achieved lots of its original objectives, such as building roads, ports and factories).
The rest of asia was actually opened much earlier than China and developed much earlier as well, but they never achieved the level of vertical integration as China, where you literally can source ANY part to build your iPhone.
Not to mention, you have a vast pool of workers who are at least literate, finished basic education and capable of learning any task. You dont have that in India or elsewhere, where the level of education is still medieval levels of bad.
It wont just take trillions of investment into India and other countries to catch up to China, but it will take them Chinese styled governments to achieve that.
The entire reason why China is successful and chosen by international capitalists is because China is the perfect country for capitalists: Dictatorship + open markets + existing infrastructure + people with basic education standards + unified language that everyone is forced to speak (another reason why India will never get it).
The US Navy makes Chinese trade possible.
It won't be solely India. It will be every other Asian country excluding China, plus bringing some manufacturing back to the US. This will easily replace China and then some. China is over. People were already looking to pull manufacturing before this outbreak and all this has done is accelerate it.
of course nobody knows the virus problem and the whole world love the chinese commie party even more than ever.
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"if you coof on your enemies you win"
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
i guess this is the kind of treatment liberal women want if they keep praising china
Weak faggot can't even knock a woman out. Chinks are garbage tier.