Is He Now the Official Patron Saint of Yas Forums?

A painter recently did a rendition of the death of Saint Simon of Trent that has ruffled more then a few feathers in the Jewish Community...
For those curious about the full story of the Childs death here it is if you have the stomach.
What do you think lads?
Is he /our/ Saint???

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Other urls found in this thread:

guro is degenerate

All artists are degenerate--it comes with the territory. He's not kike tier-baby-raping-eating-human-flesh-sex-with-animals.

Its amazing how many retards are suddenly art experts when they see something they don't like--even though they've clearly never ever been to a gallery of fine art full of such things.

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Nobody cares philistine!

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St Adolf of Austria is our Saint

...If only I could rally my fellow sea faring raiders.. raise them one more time to do the work of god.

Each and every headquarters of the federal reserve would fall--all at once.

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Why would a Judeochristian idol be Yas Forumss "patron saint"?
Judeochristians seriously need to be purged from this board. 6 days in a row trying to get attention from the posters. Nobody thinks you guys are cool.

>Trying to get the attention of posters
Go back to pleabit. This has legs because it is a nearly effortless method to trigger kikes like you.

Everyone murdered by jews is a patron saint of Yas Forums.

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jews cant be sanits

lol you kikes are going to end you destroying your lives being here

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wow pedophilic "fine" art, how new
you sure the artist isn't a jew himself? they like that kind of thing
fuck off and kys, there doesn't need to be a reason for holocoaster 2.0, "we" already have all "we " need

there was never a first holocaust you zionist kike

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Hitler was killed by a Jew since he committed suicide

Well ruffle their feathers till their damn skin falls off. Don’t cow

Hitler wasnt a Jew. There were DNA tests on his relatives which prove that there wasnt a single trace of jewish DNA you kike shill.

No. Our Patron is Michael the Archangel.

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no there isnt lol
you zionist kikes are faggots
go defend the holocaust shill

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That I can get on board with. Iconoclasm and artistic philistinism is for Bolsheviks though.

Yes, and he isn't a Catholic saint, which generally makes it better.

Check this out 5000x5000px

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This was debunked by the catholic church because it is antisemetic which proves it was fake the pope said. As the pope teaches all christians must hold up the Jewish people above all others because as the bible teaches the Jewish People are Gods Chosen People.

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The Holocaust
>hurr durr didn't happen but should have muh wooden doors peepeepoopoo 6 bazillion get over it kike
Unsubstantiated story of one child murdered from hundreds of years ago
>How can they keep getting away with it? Never forget! This is proof the Jews are evil incarnate!

is this peak based and redpilled

ok shizo Hitler wasnt a Jew and the Holocaust didnt happen.

No such thing.
There is Judaism and there is Christianity.
The term "Judeochristian" is a Jewish construction to manipulate Christians into thinking that kikes are their friends and are just like them.

Fuck off nigger kike

There are no saints. Saints are heresy. The only human to esteem is Jesus Christ the Son of God.

okay, im fine with hitler not being a jew, its not true, but its immaterial in a way.
the fact is he was the founder of israel and completed their view of the prophecies for founding israel and ending the age of the gentiles
no hitler no israel, and infact no hitler and the jews would have been assimilated and gone already
do you know who moses hess is?
do you know who the rambam is?
the baal shem tob?
do you know anything that rabbi dennis wise has told you on the subject?

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calling christians kikes is the lowest iq fail the jews have ever had lol
>derrr whats kike mean? jeee idk because my inbred jewbrain no work so goood

Kinda goes both ways dude.
The fact that the Jews shill human soap and masterbation machines unironically but call bullshit on some kid getting eaten by a bunch of hungry starving jews. (Cannabilism wasnt even that unccomon in medival society among starving peasants) kinda shows their own hypocrisy to the same extent.

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Of what race was Jesus? Who wrote the Bible? Of which race were the first Christians? Of which race were the apostols? Of whom comes the salvation,? - see NT word of Jesus. Of which race were the first Popes?

Judeochristian is most accurate.

idk his mothers maiden name was (((polzl))) and his original surname was Heidler (grandfathers name)

yawn, the second pope was roman... guess they dont teach you that at synagogue huh?
roma aeterna kikel faggot

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nope. catholic.the antithesis to judaism

Wrong. Roman citizenship doesn't erase race. That is also judeochristian mental gymnastics. Please answer the questions correctly. I asked race, not nationaloty or citizenship.

Jesus was an Israelite.
Multiple people wrote the bible
Again the first Christians were Israelites
Apostles where Israelites
Salvation come to everyone but jews.

There nothing Jewish about Christianity, Judaism didn't even exist. It was simply the Abrahamic faith unless Christ came .

>Christianity now linked to race
Well that's a new one on me

They were Hebrew. The jews of today follow the evolution of the pharisees with the codification of their oral law and kikery in the talmud. Furthermore, while they were God's chosen people, they rejected the messiah, and that was supposed to be their fall from grace. Those who continued in this vein exhibit the same selfish and dishonest behavior to this day and those who disseminated his teachings did so widely and definitely beyond their kin. A born catholic in Mexico is no less Christian. But a nigger Judaism convert like Sammy Davis is much less jew.

he was a literal roman from an ancient patrician family you literal kike
The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike
>oh nonono
>reeeeeee google is an anti semtic tool of christians reeeeeeeee!!!11 shut it down!!!

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>the pope said
the same pope who has committed 7 acts of heresy since taking power?

Like every one in the middle East they would be some form of Indo European mutt.

Jews aren't a race, they are an ethnicity and nothing more, same as Persians

>the bible teaches the Jewish People are Gods Chosen People.
WERE gods chosen people. they rejected christ, had him killed, and still hate christ to this day.

>Unsubstantiated story
lies. very well documented

Are you going to make this thread every day?

Absolutely based. We are little like the jewish tradition. Christianity is an innocence/guilt based world view. Judaism is an honour/shame based worldview. One believes in right and wrong, and the other in saving face and excuses to preserve 'dignity'. They couldn't be in greater opposition. Truly, I say there is a greater commonality in the Judeo-Islamic tradition. Finger pointing and killing everyone and each other. A cultural match made in heaven.

Your greatest ally
My apologies uncle Shemuel

Please answer the questions. Judeochristian mental gymnastics ara fallacious, and fallacies are lies and dishonesty and that is a grave sin.
Of which lineage was prophecized Jesus coming from? Please answer the questions.

Based and Codreanupilled
Even Luther wasn't against adoration of saints
Jesuits were and are kabbalist crypto-jews

>Jewish people above all others because as the bible teaches the Jewish People are Gods Chosen People.

No it doesn't. Jesus literally nullified the whole "chosen people" thing because of how shit they are. He clearly stated salvation is for everyone and the Jews couldn't handle it so they killed him

They killed the son of God because he told them they weren't chosen

No. They weren't Indo-European. Jews were already a known ethnicity.

Lies. Again another grave sin. In no moment that happened and he state that he came to fulfil that alliance of Jews as chosen people - see NT word of Jesus. That is a blatant corruption of the words of your Jewish god.

>Please answer the questions.
I literally went one by one answering your questions you dishonest rats

Jews aren't a race
Jesus, the apostles snd all the first Christians were Israelites, Judaism didn't exist
>Of which lineage was prophecized Jesus coming from?
Once again, Israelite

You're so fucking dishonest it's sickening

>he was the founder of israel
That was Great Britain.

Do you mean like this?

I generally dont answer questions posed by bad faith discord trannies with plebbit spacing and shilling zionism
>reeeeeee the holocaust happened goyim!
>hitler wasnt a jew and a rothschild actor playing the role of Haman

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No you didn't. You answered fallaciously to the questions with judeochristian mental gymnastics. Please answer the questions.

Is this what religion means to you? Race based analysis is the last thing esteemed in the Christian tradition. The only tradition that cares about race is the Judaic one because it is a race and ethnic pride based supremacy doctrine. Pride is a sin. Judaism is of the synagogue of satan, and left any semblance of worshipping God in the desert. The OT is a warning of what not to be like. The NT of what to be like. This is a close a connection as judaism comes to Christianity. Its literal opposite. The Good News is, Jesus died for jewish people too. He loves all. A glory that all others definitely fall short of.

Luke was not Jewish. Luke is considered the finest author in the NT.

sure it was moshe

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Yes, ethnicity and race aren't the same thing you dumb fucking idiot

Ethnic Jews=Israelites
Modern Jews have next to no connection, most are Ashkenazi
You steal history and you try to steal our religion

>see NT word of Jesus

Look up the Balfour Declaration. Do you also hate Germans?

What a dirty piece of shit kike this guy is
Synogauge of Satan.

so is circumcision the celebration of simon of trent getting murdered or something? Help me connect some dots here

Why are you avoiding answering the questions? What are you ashamed of? Please answer the questions about your faith. Don't you know things about your faith? Don't you know what your god is all about? Did you read the Bible? It looks like you didn't read the Bible...
>Ethnicity and race aren't the same thing

race, nation and ethnicity are all synonyms...
you are playing jewish games, and you will win jewish prizes

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The synagogue of Satan are gentiles you pretend to be Jews. Your god is quite clear on that.

Luther? Why should I believe the opinion of a man as frail and guilty in sin as me? I'll side with the Word of God, that he is jealous, that he wants my love for Him to Himself, to only worship Him, to not make images and icons of others to worship and place faith in before him. Pfft... Luther. You gotta do better than that.

these are both classic german names there is not a single jew in the world named like this you uneducated pathetic low life plastic cheese eating your daughter fucking rootin tootin hillbilly mutt

Jesus said synogauge of Satan
Jesus isn't "our God", he is the son of God

My God sent his Son to try and sort the kikes out,. They know theyre damned so they try and latch onto the true faith to bring it down

Once again you prove to know nothing