Sheeple are waking up

Sheeple are waking up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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waking up to what exactly, retard?

>Steered the train
Journalists were a mistake.

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It’s difficult but possible. Kinda like popping a wheelie.

>when you try to crash your train into a hospital ship but the track that conveniently leads to it is just a hair shorter than you needed
yeah i hate it when that happens

What 'alternate purpose' ?

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There is no way that train could have hit that ship, unless he laid more track, like in a cartoon.

Do not wake up the normies. You dangerous bigots.

Depends on what conspiracy you believe in.

>Steered the train

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>It's difficult, but possible to steer a train
>a fucking leaf
I didn't say you couldn't derail a train.

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Big Colloidal Silver Lobby

Pic related

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What are the current ones on why Mercy is there?

Attached: No_Mercy.jpg (512x512, 68.99K)

>literal apocalypse
>louis still wearing his tie

>Eduardo Moreno

Attached: eduardo-moreno-locomotive-engineer.jpg (634x634, 31.38K)

>NY nigs attacking (((them)))
>LA spics turning into conspiratards
Are the best times just around the corner?

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> literal apocalypse
> zoey still wearing 'not ahaego' facial expressions

forced srs for cis men

Figures, a goddam Dodgers fan.

Do American trains have steering wheels? Seems like a design flaw to me.

Looks huwyte to me.

Shoulda built a ramp at the end of the track.

>Eduardo Moreno

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This is a quality thread

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the only one I'd believe is that the virus is real but an excuse to cover up a recession that was known to be coming/planned.

wheres the train track?

Fake and gay

Derailed trains can't melt ship beams

Also the train was so far away from the ship, they had to zoom in so close so you can't see how far from the ship it was.

There was no way it was ever going to touch that ship

That is fucking amazing

Absolutely based and Project Zyphyr-pilled.

Attached: David_Goldberg_June2019_Project_Zphyr.jpg (1024x762, 324.21K)

hispanics have always been honorary whites.

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And a sick loop too.

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Wtf didn't knew murican posters are spics too

Not if he put rocket boosters on it. I could have easily put spring loaded feet in the bottom equipped with classic Nike Airs.

>scribbled notes
What are these, user?

>train driver

Can't go calling a wrongthinker an engineer now, can we?

You mean a cringy retard was reading too many brainlet "Hoax" threads.

El goblino...

A billion injuns eventually tweets a shakespear

I suppose you could massively torque the wheels on one side and purposefully derail it.

Im mean, if that's what counts as waking up, sure. It's a start, i guess.

Just glad it was a spic so the media doesn't have another white supremacist hand wringing fit, instead look how quickly it will get glossed over.

>I suppose you could massively torque the wheels on one side and purposefully derail it.
I don't think you can individually control power to each side. Trains are pretty goddamned simple.

They realise that they are in control if they want
Fear does not control anyone

He wasn't trying to hit it.
Why is no one listening to what the guy said?
He only wanted publicity, of course he didn't expect the train to actually reach the ship...
So the question should be, what was he trying to get us to notice?

Quite the possible scenario.

Is this China?

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I'm afraid to find out. But tell me

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>the only one I'd believe is that the virus is real but an excuse to cover up a recession that was known to be coming/planned.
The ((())) were going to crash the economy in the 2nd/3rd quarter to make Drumpf lose. Corona-chan gives him total cover on economic shitstormery.

Well that's one way to grab attention and spread a message.

Too bad he didn't mention Pizzagate.

I feel worst for the guy that gets murked by the lamppost. 1 second later and he would've got away

fuck you

>So the question should be, what was he trying to get us to notice?

He has no online presence, and no auto-upload manifesto. Fuck him, I can't guess what he's thinking.

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>Eduardo Moreno


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Multi-track drifting banner of /toy/ is rather funny coincidence on this thread.

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This is so based lol

>So the question should be, what was he trying to get us to notice?
That he was retarded apparently.

Batman could do it

4'11 tree goblin

Rise up !!!

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That gif is horrifying

It was china, it's gone now.

just imagine if the madlad did it

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Keanu could have done it.

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The virgin straight travel vs the chad zig-zagger.


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I could, yeah

a new day

>steered his train towards the U.S. Navy Hospital shipt

fucking low IQ (((journalists)))

what in the actual fuck is wrong with americans?
why would you ruin your life like that?
also how the fuck is this article so fucking shallow and vague? I swear to god America feels more and more fake to me, like a continent wide candid camera for the rest of the world to watch and have a laugh.

this is a BitcoinQ scam

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