Why are southerners so retarded?
Why are southerners so retarded?
Southerners don't believe this coronavirus is real.
Florida isn't southern it's all Jews, retired Yankees, and military now. Only the pan handle is southern and they're too poor to travel anyways.
Every single red neck is a gut beer drinking tobacco chewing meth addict who keeps repeating themselves on this site the virus is a hoax
The next 2 weeks is going go be a field day, the west coast must close the fucking free ways, fuck you ignorant fools die in Dixie like Good ol niggers you're
Looks like niggers will be paying a heavy price.
At the end of this nothing of value will be lost. 20,000,000 less chinks, bunch of dead boomers, fatties and niggers.
Louisiana sure as hell does.
>Why are southerners so retarded?
Are we? If we spread the virus more niggers will get it and eventually die.
You mean why did people go to where they normally vacation during spring break?
It's literally just a map of percent population black
This should tell us a bit about what to expect come late spring to early summer.
I guess blacks and rednecks are a match made in heaven
Lots of niggers in the red area
Eastern Kentuckian here.
Okay, Y*nkee
>NYC isn't red
Keep passing this propaganda that it's just Republicans not listening
>Jewyork isn't blood red
Fuck off and delete yourself golem
>Map of negros
The rural parts are pretty Southern ngl
haha fucking two miles?
I can't buy food fuel or anything else within 2 miles of my home.
Something city retards don't realize is in the south you might have to drive 15 miles to the nearest store. Or we have actual jobs that the coronavirus doesn't stop.
>Why are southerners so retarded?
They listened to Trump.
It’s a map of people not traveling 2 miles, you don’t need to travel half that in big cities to reach hundreds of people. Some of those regions in the south you can travel that and never see a soul.
cuz this shit aint gonna spread worth a fuck once it gets hot and as of yet, it seems to only be a problem for the old and those with health problems. All our faggot cities and carpetbagger communities are acting like the sky is falling, while most natives in suburban/rural areas could give a fuck. This virus can suck my dick, and fuck china for making such a shitty bioweapon, I want a jacked airborne version of rabies or some type of super contagious mad cow disease.
Deo Vindice and Sic Semper Tyrannis
Isn't that where most black people live?
There are NO reliable tests that can accurately test for COVID-19.
Because of that, any tests being done are done for cornaviruses in general, not specifically COVID-19, and then it is being diagnosed officially as COVID-19.
Coronaviruses in general are so common, that most people have them to some degree at any given point in time, even though they are perfectly healthy,
It is not enough to have a virus, it is crucial to know the viral load, because the viral load needs to be high enough for someone to get sick from it. The viral load is NOT BEING TESTED AT ALL.
There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia patients in hospitals all over the world at any given time.
Many patients are "presumed" to have COVID-19, without any test whatsoever.
NOBODY is documenting actual cases of COVID-19.
"... all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn't actually exist."
People are getting the regular annual flu and other Winter illnesses, but these cases are being diagnosed without proof that they are COVID-19.
In reality, COVID-19 does not exist.
This is why it is old people dying (as they do every year).
This is why most people dying have "co-morbidities" (they are dying of something other than COVID-19).
This is why the cases are worst in China, Italy, and Iran ... and now USA. Northern Italy has the largest Chinese population in Europe, and there are a lot of Chinese going between China and Iran, as well. The USA is now "testing" more people than anyone else in the world, and what do you know ... they are finding more people with coronavirus (ANY coronavirus) in their system.
If I drove 2 miles I would be about 1/16 the way to the closest place to get groceries. Fuck you people are retarded. Living in your inner city shitholes breathing every persons shit fumes in your apartments.
its the meast deadly thing, just the jews hyping up nothing as usual and putting out fake numbers
this too, yankee niggers are fucking retarded and this map is bullshit. the rural western states oughta be red as well, those niggers have to drive a lot too.
I’ve been driving over 150 miles every day since the outbreak to make sure you faggots get your daily deliveries of plastic shit. Thanks for staying off the roads so I can bomb around the freeways like it’s 1995 again
Where do you think they travel to beyond the liquor store to grab more beer?
This map is retarded and OP is an enormous fucking faggot.
>be toyota
>build factory in middle of nowhere mississippi because they offer gibs
>people drive more than 2 miles so they dont have to work at a waffle house
theres like no zoning or planning in dixie just drunk good ole boys throwing shit until it sticks
Southerner here. Can speak for many white people I have talked to. We do believe it is real. We just don't give a shit because we know it is just the flu that happens every fucking year around this time faggot. The majority of whites in the south are on the poor side of the economy. We have a family to feed and will keep hustling to do it. Top that with most of our local economies work on cash and "knowing people" and we barely get a shutdown. Sure, the faggot governor can shut down corporate business but most people in rural areas don't even patron them. Right now, I have three contractors working on my house, a local mechanic working on my truck, am going to visit a local farmer to pick up some of his green house veggies, and all this is done with cash. Despite what liberals think, they can't control rural areas. We are self-sufficient. And until all the grandmothers and hair dressers start reporting mass deaths, shit will keep on ticking here.
It's pretty simple. When you dont live in a city, there's a good chance there's only corn fields for well over 2 miles from your front door. My grocery store is 10 miles away
Dixie Ray loves to suck cock.
I started self-isolation on March 10th
I went to a friend's house on March 12th and to the grocery/liquor store since then but other than that I have not left my apartment
I blame the rest of you
Wow. The black parts took better precautions. I can't believe you retards.
yeah its nigger central
What's the average temperature been down there, Cleetus?
>jew york times
(((They))) look for reasons to shit on the south and when they cant find anything they make up bullshit like this.
>Why are southerners so retarded?
I don't know, I really don't. It's not all southern USA people either, but I talk to people across the world every day and if there's a dimwitted voice, it's nearly always from a southern US state. There's some bit of history or economics I'm missing and I'm willing to admit that.
They try my patience and nearly all act the same. Not bad people either, just fucken dumb.
not really, some of the biggest hubs of blacks in the south aren’t in red.
the Delta areas, Jackson, Atlanta, New Orleans, Birmingham, Huntsville, etc aren’t red. Most of the red areas are in more rural/white areas. Only white/rural areas not in red are where the more wealthy whites in more suburban areas live.
Yall forget that spring break happened most of the infections came from the party hungry youths who couldn't stay home.
that and California
huntsville would be orange county red in a real blue state
Because it was spring break and anyone under 50 with a mortgage doesn't fucking give a shit. Pic related.
It's blacks. They think they're immune.
Ironic that fattoids moved the most for the longest
Bump this map in the thread.
california doesnt have as many blacks that youd think not like in the 90s libruls priced em out and mexicans drove them out
Been back and forth from mid/high 70s one day to down in 50s another. Lots of rain. Wife and I got a small sunburn this past weekend from being out in the garden in sleeveless shirts but yesterday we needed long sleeves or a light jacket. I suspect that is the cause of all this so called "kung flu". Weather changes wreck havoc on old people. And there are alot of old boomers here. I live a block away from the town funeral home and haven't seen an up-tick in any funerals. And yes, they are still open.
Okie user here. I don’t give a shit about the “hoax” angle, on a practical level. The flu sucks, I don’t want it, and I don’t want to spread it, asymptomatic or not. That being said I wear a mask when I go out. A lot of people do. A lot of people also stare at you like you have a butthole on your forehead for wearing a mask. IF-if-if-if-if-if it’s as contagious as it frankly fucking appears to be, we’re doomed.
The answer, as always, is niggers.
fucking hot as balls and humid as fucking shit.
high 80’s to 100+ is pretty common all over, the further south you go, the stickier it gets. Only good thing about the hunidity, is that it prevents it from getting much beyond 105 usually. Id still prefer a dry 110 with adequate water over a super humid 85.
Doing manual labour down here sucks, but will make a man out of you real quick.
it is southern tho, only mud and jew parts are miami, treasure coast, boca etc which make up less than 10% of the state. Over half of fl is dirt roads, woods and pickup trucks
>We are self-sufficient.
yeah, i am sure you can just repair anything on that oversized truck full of chink electronics you rely on to move around. when it breaks down you'll just make some silicone chips in the ol' tool shed and pull yourself up by your boot straps.
the delusion is palpable.
I dig that art.
Most of the red in Lousiana is a bunch of small towns full of people who barely qualify as human. And nothing of value was lost.
>More than 2 miles
>Leaves out that few cities in the south have grocery stores within 2 miles
This is way more likely than the dumb ugly racist shit this thread is spewing.
>the south
>physical movement
why is the south so fucking fat?
Good luck user. All I can say is I know the south is chainsmoking general and that it might be a good time to switch to nicotine patches for a while
could you rephrase that?
>Northern winter
>Cold, no reason to be outside
>Southern spring
>Great out, plus vacationers
Wow must be because they're just Southern retards smdh
>meanwhile NYC and Seattle are getting ravaged
>North east
By what fucking metric
You mean blacks, those areas are black states.
The Chinese Question needs to be answered soon.
based song and tx.
saw it on some pulp art thread on /k/ the other day and had to save it.
most of the libruls in the south would turn into the conservatives they grew up around their whole lives if they lived in a real democrat ran state or be the most degenerate bottom feeder scum thats reliant on state gibs
I've seen so many fucking New York license plates in my small southern town. Northerners spread it everywhere down here.
theyre buying guns
all fl travel is from out of state ppl for spring break and out of state snowbirds
Northern here. Remember your 4 of clubs.
I have to agree with this some. I'm from the south. There are alot of dumb people here. Honestly, I have seen it increase since the early 2000s. I believe it is the influence of new country music. Glorifying ignorant redneck culture. You see that same think in ghettos that glorify gang culture with the music. Now, I am even hearing whites play "dirty south" nigger music in their lifted f-350s. So, it's no surprise when whites are starting to act like redneck niggers.
I love yankee winter though, sometimes go up to TC michigan to sled and it’s a blast. I could imagine you get tired of it if youve lived through it your whole life though.
Down in middle tn we dont get shit for snow, maybe a couple inches every few years.
Imagine thinking this
Arkansas fag here. No I'll use my hot air station and microscope to repair it. After trouble shooting with an oscilloscope . BTW I drive a 96 7.3 diesel. not many chick electronics.
I asked because of the rumor that the pandemic will die down by summer; that heat will kill the virus.
Hahaa fuck yall.
Was out on my boat last weekend, met some fineass girl.
And they aint stoppin me from takin it out this weekend. Cheap gas and lotsa asss baby.
Fuck u northerners
This. I live in Florida and I know no one that has this virus. Nor do I know anyone who knows anyone who has it. Drove by a hospital yesterday and it was less busy than normal.
Another question that begs an answer, the Yankee Question.
>imaging not understanding how every mass produced car in the last decade was made
Until the gibs run out
>hurrr the next two weeks just you wait and see
Says the increasingly gay faggot for the 8th week in a row
Ding ding ding
American as fuck, good for you, man, I wish we had the same balls here.
Yeah, real good ol boys like Dequantavious and Jamarcus
why isn't NYC marked?
the gibs go mainly to niggers
Honestly most Americans in the south still drive American made, and many of them drive pickups decade old or more.
Imagine thinking every poor, self-sufficient redneck in the south is riding around in a new truck
The south is full of niggers and spics. Whenever you have to ask "why is (x retarded thing) happening in the south", it's because of nigs and beans. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Stopped reading at "hustling".
>the South is stupid
I can't believe that. That's "real America" down there! The best and brightest of us.
amen to that, ive redpilled a few friends by taking them down to Jackson Mississippi. We’d go through the ghetto round midnight and id ask them if they wanted to walk and loved seeing their horrified reaction. Got two girls i was dating to get guns and practice just by going down there and seeing how niggers behave.
Will add, niggers in the delta region like greenwood mississippi and other ag towns where the niggers never their plantation. theyre a hell of a lot nicer to whites than urban nigs. Ive been in Greenwood on a friday night with hundreds of niggers partying in the street, im the only white dude for miles and all the nigs were super friendly. Wouldnt do that shit in Jackson tho.
I live in the south. Where I live most people are considered essential and still have to go to work. Most of those people work more than 2 miles from their home. Small city of around 300,000 with 2 similarly size cities about 20 min away. From what I see things haven't changed that much.
Why are blacks ignoring CDC guidelines and why are they so fucking obese?
>Every single red neck is a gut beer drinking tobacco chewing meth addict
4 weeks ago you didn't even know the word corona. it hasn't even began in the US and NYC is already approaching war zone. have fun denying reality.
Except for the legendary escapades of Florida Man
I live in Oklahoma and no one is taking this seriously at all. Some counties even have restaraunts and bars open. It's going to hit those places hard in a few weeks and they'll be begging for help. Darwin is going to Darwin.
If this is so deadly, where are all the "rekt" and "gore" vids/photos of hospitals piled up? There's like a couple out of China and a few harried looking places in Italy but I'm not seeing the evidence of a disaster in America or much of the rest of the world. Seems like no big deal in South Korea. We got tons of great photos/videos from Hong Kong riots but not much at all for a global pandemic?
It's not Southerners, it's niggers.
The spic-nig cycle strikes again
it probably will, i dont know of many respiratory diseases that do well in hot weather. we’ll know if weather has an effect on it by the end of may though. If it’s still trucking by then, we’ll have a legit problem on our hands.
>people in Florida
>half the state is not red
>Georgia and Alabama are like 99% red.
Faggots always shitting on us every chance they get. It's not Floridians doing that shit, it's dirty subhuman Jew Yorkers and out of state zoomys.
its a literal nothing burger
>Imagine thinking southerners don't know this & specifically buy/maintain non-jewed older vehicles that don't have every bell & whistle that's waiting to break
>noob thinks he can bump his own thread
Northern Floridian here, been seeing lots of Yankees in the next door county.
>posts .net website
>expects credibility
shame because jackson sort of has a modern european skyline to it kinda reminds me of like eindhoven
Everything is spread out in the South. 2 miles barely gets you out of your neighborhood. Fucking retarded spin from the lying fucking media.
How are the deserts of California showing people stopped traveling more than two miles by 3/24? There are no two points of interest within two miles of each other in a lot of that.
I'd trust a kike before a I'd trust a southerner
My town is 99% white, no Yankees and no Jews and we don’t have any problems.
>I can bomb around the freeways like it’s 1995 again
now overlay this map on the one in the OP
>Jew York and Cali shit cities are blue
Okay nigger
Beautiful family.
Where have I seen this map before??
Lol what’s wrong with southern whites?
>full throttle
Unbelievably based my friend